
Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model for Lifestyle Modification Programs


Added on  2022-11-10

9 Pages2351 Words242 Views
Nutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Running head: NURSING
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Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model for Lifestyle Modification Programs_1

The transtheoretical stages of change (TTM SOC) model are a useful intervention
approach in lifestyle modification programs and changing unhealthy behavior of patients. It is a
theoretical framework that describes the five stages of change that an individual go through when
shifting from an unhealthy or negative behavior to that of a healthy or positive behavior
(Mastellos et al., 2014). The main purpose of this essay is to apply the TTM model to assess
unhealthy behavior in the case study of Harry, a 58 year old client with obesity and understand
the significance of using the model to support the client to achieve weight loss, improve dietary
habit and achieve healthy behavioral change. The essay demonstrates the utility of motivational
interviewing techniques in overcoming conflict during the change process and motivating client
to adapt new and desired behavior.
The essay deals with the case scenario of Harry, who has been admitted to the surgical
ward for a hip replacement surgery. He is due to have a hip replacement and his current weight is
165 kg. Obesity is a significant contributing factor that has deteriorated bone health of Harry and
made it necessary for him to have a hip replacement. Barrett et al. (2018) supports that obesity is
a condition that is greatly associated with the need for hip replacement or total hip arthroplasties.
Hence, achieving weight loss is crucial for long-term health and recovery of such patients.
Considering his current condition, it is important for Harry to focus on weight loss and change
his current dietary habits. However, review of Harry’s statement reveals that he has been
overweight for years and he expresses ‘That’s just how I am. I love food ... I am all around food
all day long. His statement suggests that despite knowing that obesity is influencing his health,
Harry has no intention to change his behavior. To change perception of Harry regarding risk of
weight on his health and prepare him to change his eating habits, use of TTM model is important
to motivate him towards the change process. This will be combined with motivational
Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model for Lifestyle Modification Programs_2

interviewing technique to predict client’s readiness to change and develop his intrinsic
motivation to help him to make difficult changes in his life (Flinn & Jones, 2011). Considering
he is a chef, it is evident that this change will be very difficult for him.
The key assumption of TMM model is that behavior change is a gradual and sequential
process and people transition through defines stages in the process of altering their problemativ
behavioral patterns. The key stages involved in TMM model of change includes the stages of
pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination. For this
essay, the stages of change cycle to maintenance will be covered to understand how to support
Harry in adapting healthy behaviors. The first stage of the model (pre-contemplation stage) is the
phase in which no problem is acknowledge by the client and they do not give any thought
towards change (Prochaska, Redding & Evers, 2015). Harry is currently in pre-contemplation
stage of change because he has acknowledged no problem with his obesity and regards it as
normal. Similar to the change process in contemplation stage, Harry has no plans to change his
behavior (eating habits) too.
The key risk identified for Harry is that unless he changes his eating habits and reduce his
weight, he cannot achieve full recovery post surgery. His weight issues may interfere with
surgical outcomes and increase risk of other ailments for him too. Hence, the first goal in the
process of behavioral change is to support Harry to move to the contemplation stage.
Contemplation is the second stage of the TMM model where a problem is acknowledged and
serious thought is give to change in the future (Tseng et al., 2017). While proceeding with this
process, the first challenge that can be encountered is that client may not agree to move from his
status quo and may find the change unnecessary. Hence, to ensure that client develops the
motivation to change his behavior without developing feelings of resistance and negative thought
Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model for Lifestyle Modification Programs_3

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