
Professionalism in Nursing


Added on  2019-10-08

6 Pages1065 Words177 Views
Running Head: Nursing1NURSING ASSIGNMENT
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Nursing2ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Professionalism in Nursing..............................................................................................................3Characteristics of Professional Nurse..............................................................................................3Appropriate Behaviour....................................................................................................................4Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................5References........................................................................................................................................6
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Nursing3Introduction Professionalism in nursing is important for maintaining competent and safe nursing practices.The nurses require having an understanding of the professionalism to attain the desired level ofperformance (Manojlovich & Ketefian, 2016). The current assignment deals with analysis on theunderstanding of the concept of professionalism in nursing. The assignment also includesdiscussion on the characteristics of professional nurses and the appropriate behaviour from thenurses.Professionalism in NursingProfessionalism in nursing is necessary for obtaining a framework for the development of theclinical competency checklists. The professional standards are also effective for proficiencyevaluation. The professionalism is also important ensuring that the care provided by a nurse iscomplying with the applicable rules and regulations as well as the established organizationalpolicies (Tanaka et al., 2016). Documentation of the patient and care details is an importantaspect of nursing. Professionalism ensures that the appropriate documentation works are beingdone by the nurses. The nurses should provide patient-centred service to achieve the bestoutcomes. The nurses also need to minimize the risk of harm for the patients. Professionalismencourages the nurses to offer quality patient-centred services and reducing the exposure to risksby enhancing the knowledge-base through continuing education and experience. Characteristics of Professional Nurse The characteristics of professional nurse can be described using the Big Five Traits. The fivecharacteristics of professional nurses include openness, conscientiousness, extroversion,agreeableness and neuroticism (Carpenter, 2018). The openness enables the nurses to appreciatethe new thoughts and ideas. High openness among nurses is necessary for not being judgmentalabout the values and lifestyle of the patients. The conscientiousness among nurses is another traitthat helps the professionals to control impulses and promote self-regulation. Theconscientiousness also promotes the planned behaviour among nurses instead of actingspontaneously. High level of conscientiousness ensures that the nursing professionals are
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