
Nursing Assignment: Assessment and Management of Patient Condition


Added on  2023-06-03

13 Pages3726 Words237 Views
Higher EducationDisease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
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Nursing Assignment: Assessment and Management of Patient Condition_1

Part A
After going through the case of study of Mr. Walker, it is important to carry out the
assessment so that patient’s recent health condition, the type of interventions which could be
applied. Further, it will help to obtain an overall timeframe within which the health and
wellbeing of the patient will be improved (Forouzanfar, et al. 2016)
The first assessment which will be carried out with Mr. Walker will be the A to G
assessment within which the A, B, C and D will be the primary assessment on the other hand the
E, F and G will be the secondary assessment(McClave et al. 2016). The A to G assessment is the
bedside assessment to understand the level of deterioration of health using patient’s clinical
symptoms. In this abbreviation, A stands for airway, B for breathing C for circulation and D for
disability. This approach is applied to provide the basic and initial management to the
deteriorated health condition of the patient and the order is determined depending on the priority
of the situation (Hartmann et al. 2013).
Therefore, using the A to G assessment, determination of the health condition of the
patient will be carried out (Brown, Bull and Pendlebury 2013). The airway and breathing of the patient
will be assessed so that using the respiratory rate, the reason for his lowered blood pressure could
be identified as he was on medications of cholesterol as well as he has not eaten anything in last
20 hours (Brondani et al. 2013). Further, by assessing the circulation, the cholesterol level, total
blood sugar and no of platelets could be identified as these are the reason for the dizziness,
abdominal pain and distension related condition could be identified (McClave et al. 2016). Further,
as the patient has a history of suffering from MI, in this assessment an ECG of the patient will be
carried out so that abnormalities, infections present in the circulations could be identified. After
Nursing Assignment: Assessment and Management of Patient Condition_2

that his disability related condition will be assessed so that if he requires any support while the
care process in the facility or after discharge, could be identified. Hence, based on the AG
assessment of Mr. Walker, the following results were obtained
A (airway): It was observed that for airways, there were nil signs of obstruction as seen
from his respiratory count of 24, along with an absence of blue discoloration in the patient. There
were no abnormalities observed in the form of snoring, wheezing, coughing, gargling or stridor.
B (breathing): With respect to breathing, there was nil respiratory discomfort as observed
through the assessment of depth and rhythm in breathing along with presence of respiratory
movement on both sides and assessment of normal respiratory rate of 15 breaths per minute.
C (circulations): For Mr. Walker’s circulation, the assessment revealed that he was
afebrile with a capillary refill of three seconds. There is prevalence of hypertension which may
be associated with his previous history of myocardial infarction. There was even an insertion of
an inferior vena cava filter for the purpose of obtaining blood for routine blood reports.
D (disability): Next, in accordance to the AG Assessment Mr. Walker was assessed for
disability symptoms involving assessment of his levels of wakefulness, response to verbal as
well as painful stimulation along with assessment of the responsiveness of the patient. In
accordance to the Glasgow coma scale, the Mr. Walker was found to be delirious. Hence, the
additional patient assessment records would include asking Mr. Walker regarding his pain to be
rated on the pain scale. There can be further queries concerning his medicinal intake and
polypharmacy along with asking his wife regarding his previous medical history details.
E (exposure): For assessment of his exposure, Mr. Walker was found to be afebrile and
warm to touch, along with adequate tolerance to fluids and absence of issues with swallowing
Nursing Assignment: Assessment and Management of Patient Condition_3

and required encouragement to drink. For further information assessment of his nursing care
goals and monitoring would involving monitoring Mr. Walker Blood Glucose Levels in every
fourth hour since he is being administered nil food by mouth.
F (further assessment clarification): For further assessment clarifications, we can assess
Mr. Walker’s ECG, a waterlow assessment along with evaluation of his respiratory conditions
through usage of diagnostic procedures such as X rays followed by questioning his wife
concerning his past medical history symptoms. There is a further need to assess the possibilities
of assessing dehydration and electrolyte imbalances of Mr. Walker.
G (glucose): Mr. walker did not eat anything from a day before and was preparing for his
bowel testing that dropped his blood glucose level and decreasing his blood pressure. This was
observed in the case of Mr. walker and hence, intervention to provide him glucose will be taken
on a priority basis.
In order to assess the care and treatment goals of Mr. Walker, the nurse can formulate a
physiological monitoring plan and reporting of the findings to the concerned clinical or doctor
(Leung et al. 2016).
Additional assessment for Mr. Walker will require inspecting his visual abilities and
monitoring for awareness along with assessing the risks of falls due to his decreased mobility
associated with old age, and further evaluation of his case history of myocardial infarction.
Besides, as he is 72 year old and hence may be prone to reduced ease in mobility and
sensory perception and resultant confusion, further making him susceptible to falls and hence,
the fall risk assessment will be carried out under this section of disability (Forouzanfar, et al.
2016). As per the assessment tool criteria under (Hartmann et al. 2013) F for fluids, his
Nursing Assignment: Assessment and Management of Patient Condition_4

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