
Nursing Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-10-11

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Nursing     Assignment     2022_1

The patient has been suffering from the recent onset of dyspnea who has a history of
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), the man is in his sixties and had started taking
treatment for the disease. The medication includes antibiotics, anticoagulants, bronchodilators,
corticosteroids, decongestants, Beta-adrenergic receptor agonists and diuretics. The patient has
been recently suffering from the side-effects of the medication. The antibiotics provided by the
doctor had affected the liver because of which he is experiencing severe symptoms of diarrhea
such as vomiting, indigestion and loss of appetite. The diuretic is causing severe skin rashes and
problem of increased cholesterol. The anti-anxiety pills provided by doctor to control the
aftermath anxiety has caused the increased pulse rate in the patient ( Dresden, 2018). There are
some mild symptoms which are caused with the high dosage of decongestants to control regular
coughs such as mild anxiety and dizziness. There are many side-effects a person is going through
after he started treatment of dyspnea such side effects are causing inconvenience in his regular
life. The side-effects are stopping the full recovery of the patient. The following essay will be
doing the literature review on evaluating the evidence- based holistic interventions for the patient
side-effects of selected treatment or symptom and will also be discussing the factors responsible
for planning the educational session to the patient about the side effect or symptom of the
disease. The objectives of the essay is to research about the pharmacological and non-
pharmacological interventions to control the symptoms and side-effects of the disease in a
patient and to discuss the important factors responsible for conducting the informative
educational session of the patient.
The symptoms of the patient can be intervened by using various pharmacological and
non-pharmacological therapies. According to the author of the article “Recent Advances in the
Management of Breathlessness” by Katrina breaden , symptoms and side- effects of dyspnea
which include breathlessness can be cured through various non-pharmacological therapies which
include listening to the patient and to avoid telling them to calm down and various kind of
relaxation training can be of help but such should be introduced at the introductory stage of the
disease as in later stages high fatigue will not make it possible for them. Acupuncture can be
essential in treating the symptoms as due to the acupuncture lung function improves thus helping
in the process of breathing. There are other controlled breathing exercises and techniques which
includes pursed lip breathing, upright leaning forward position, chest wall vibration, neuro-
electrical muscle stimulation can control the symptoms to large extent ( Breaden, 2011). In a
Nursing     Assignment     2022_2

journal article by M Woolard who discusses the pharmacological techniques which include the
consumption of opioids which results in the slow release of morphine is beneficial for reducing
the ventilatory demands of a patient (Woollard, 2018). Anxiolytics can be helpful in controlling
the anxiety but the tolerance level of the drug depends on the patient if a patient had a liver
failure then taking anxiolytics is not recommended. One of the major symptoms of dyspnea
includes regular cough, According to the authors of journal article by Bausewein and Simon, the
cough can be cured by drinking plenty of warm fluids and by breathing moist air through
humidifier or steamy shower (Bausewein & Simon, 2013). It can be cured by doing the gargle of
warm salt water and by taking a well-balanced diet if balanced diet is not available then daily
dose of multi-vitamins. In a Journal Article by Pattee and W G thompson cautions to avoid dairy
products as phlegm can be thicken by its consumption and alcohol should also be avoided at any
cost as it could damage the immune system of the body (Pattee & W, 2005). Diarrhea is the side-
effect caused by having high dose of antibiotics due to dyspnea so, in a Journal article by
Marinescu and Rădoi discusses by non- pharmacological ways of treating the diarrhea can be
having the light diet of fruits which have high fibers and sticking one’s diet more to liquids and
also completely avoiding the drinks which include high caffeine or sugar which can exacerbate
the situation of the diarrhea (Marinescu & Rădoi, 2018). One should also avoid consumption of
diary products as they may cause lactose intolerance in an individual. The authors of journal
article “ Managing Acute diarrhea” by Amerine & Keirsey instructs to try BRAT diet which
means bananas, rice, applesauce and toast as it is considered the light diet (Amerine & Keirsey,
2019). It is also advisable to eliminate the food in the diet which is felt that the cause of diarrhea
is a certain food. There are other pharmacological ways of curing it by trying over the counter
medicines which do not require the prescription of the doctor which includes Imodium and
pepto-bismol or kaopectate as they can be used on seldom occasions.
The dyspnea can cause bloating or swollen feet. In an blog by Medline Plus, the non-
pharmacological ways of getting relief or curing is following a low salt diet as it may lessen
swelling and to get relief by it is wearing lose clothing’s or support stockings which are available
at nearby drug stores (Sinha, Edmonds, Newton‐Bishop, Gore, Larkin, & Fearfield, 2012).
Another way is doing a certain type of leg exercise to cure the swelling on legs. Sometimes, the
patient suffers from the anxiety due to the disease so doctor recommends the patient with anti-
anxiety pills to control the anxiety, the side effect causes the increased pulse rate which can be
Nursing     Assignment     2022_3

cured through non-pharmacological ways. In a journal article by Pal and Radavelli-Bagatini, they
discusses that the pulse rate of the patient can be controlled through non-pharmacological ways
which includes doing deep guided breathing, performing stretching exercise such as yoga and
doing exercise daily in morning, other tips which can be followed are keeping the body hydrated
with fluids which causes less pressure on heart to control the blood flow in the body (Pal &
Radavelli-Bagatini, 2013).
One should avoid taking stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine as it causes dehydration
thus increasing workload of heart. The authors Fernández-Solá and Junqué claim that the cause
of dehydration in the body is high-intake of alcohol as it is toxin and must be avoided at all cost.
Eating healthy balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phenols and tannic, vitamin A and C,
dietary fiber is responsible for lowering the blood pressure (Fernández-Solá & Junqué, 2010).
Other ways the person can achieve the targeted heart rate according to the age is by getting
enough sleep, maintaining a healthy body weight as excessive weight results in unhealthy bodily
functions, depressed mind is also the cause for increased heart rate so which can be cured by
seeking the psychological services and counseling. In the journal article by authors Eppley and
Abrams relaxation techniques can also be practiced such as doing visualization and meditation
which helps in reducing stress and even the getting involved in outdoor activities could make a
person happier thus reducing stress (Eppley & Abrams, 2010). In a journal article authors Jatoi,
Rowland and Sloan suggest some of the pharmacological ways of treating skin rashes are using
corticosteroids in the form of foams, lotions, ointments and creams. Using non-steroidal
ointment also help in the treatment of the skin rashes (Jatoi, Rowland, Sloan, & A., 2008).
In a Journal article by Sinha, Edmonds, Newton‐Bishop, Gore, Larkin, and Fearfield, the
skin rashes can be cured by using anti-itch cream which contains one percent hydrocortisone thus
making it to be effective there are other antihistamines like diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine to
control the itching, various moisturizing lotions can be of importance in treating the problem of
rashes (Sinha, Edmonds, Newton‐Bishop, Gore, Larkin, & Fearfield, 2012). Some of the
medicines consumed for the treatment of dyspnea cause the problem of increased cholesterol in a
patient. In a Journal report by author mahmood writes about the foods which can lower the
cholesterol in a person which include almond and nuts as consumption of almonds improves the
blood lipid profiles in a patient by lowering- down TC levels, LDL levels and the ratio of LDL to
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