
Nursing Care in Mental Health


Added on  2019-09-30

3 Pages1590 Words77 Views
Nursing care in mental health1.0.IntroductionDespite of ongoing lectures and tutorials before and after the sessions, I understood that thereexists a difference in the learnings and knowledge that I had on mental health. Across theworld, the mental health services (Prince et al., 2007), progress towards meeting thechallenge and needs have been slow in middle- and low-income countries (Saraceno et al.,2007). My thought process on mental health was different before and after attending thetutorials and lessons. The patients with mental disorders show diverse symptoms andbehavior it is required to handle the patients carefully to avoid violent behavior andaggression. The learning’s are described in the present paper pertaining to the understandingsand nursing care for mental health.2.0.Mental healthThe term ‘mental health’ is defined as a state of an emotion that inculcates our passionate,mental, and social prosperity. Diverse barriers influence the mental health including, publichealth priorities, resistance to decentralization, challenges to the delivery of mental healthservices in primary health care settings, low numbers of trained professionals, and the lack ofeffective leadership. I had an opportunity to handle a male patient (age, 35 years) with majordepression. The patient was with ‘moody’ behavior and not speaking frequently with peers,family members and friends. He appears to be with ‘alone’ kind of feeling. He neitherresponding to questions nor to general conversation. Therefore, as a nurse, I should knowhandling the patient’s behavior prior to initiation of treatment and should be able to handlethe patient. I should conduct a thorough study on how the public from the vicinity of societyis behaving. The extent to which the patient is following the instructions should be evaluated.However, the extent to which the patient obeys the compliance can be influenced by thepoverty and socioeconomic status. In addition, the cultural background and religious beliefsetc also play a role in following the instructions. The migration of people from one region toother can contribute for the diversified cultural development too. For instance, the migrationmay fall into family and economic-class (Higginbottom et al., 2011). It is therefore axiomaticthat nurses in these nations care for diverse ethno-cultural groups and that this may presentchallenges in respect of nursing care delivery.3.0.Cultural safety in nursingAs a nurse, I would involve in taking care for mental health from south India, the culture,religious beliefs are relatively vulnerable as the population is from diverse races (Anderson &Kowal, 2012). The culture of rural and urban public is entirely different. Most of theindividuals are emotional and some are cardial despite of their educational background. Thepatient on whom I started the investigation is belonging to a minority group. I should respectthe ethical and spiritual aspects of patient indicating the case sensitive. Therefore, the typicalattitudes force me to learn and undergo for training. For instance, the personal values aredifferent and directly influenced by social values. Some of the individuals are emotional intaking decisions and some are with inferiority complex. I notice that certain encouragement isrequired to prioritize the tasks, reduce the phobia and improve the decision-making capacity.1
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