
Nursing Case Study: Mr. Hale's Postoperative Care


Added on  2021-04-24

5 Pages991 Words83 Views
Running head: NURSING CASE STUDY 1Nursing Case StudyNameInstitution
Nursing Case Study: Mr. Hale's Postoperative Care_1

NURSING CASE STUDY 2Nursing Case StudyIt is appropriate for Mr. Hale to remove contact lenses. However, any dentures should beremoved and family member to hold personal items. He should be asked to void before surgeryand before anesthesia medications are offered. The bladder should be voided to prevent retentionof urine. A full bladder can prevent surgical view (Hovaguimian, et al., 2017). It is imperative toconsider recording some vital signs before surgery. Preoperative vital signs develop a baselinefor postoperative comparison. When Mr. Hale arrives in the preoperative area, his identification can be confirmedthrough checking his identification bracelet and inquiring his name and date of birth. These arevery crucial and safe ways to confirm his identity. The bracelet should contain the date of birth,full names and assigned identification number. Three procedures would be needed to site markthe surgical area. The left leg above the knee amputation should be marked at the level ofamputation. For the right inguinal hernia repair, the right side of the abdomen should be marked(Hovaguimian, et al., 2017). However, for a cataract removal left eye, the skin area which isadjacent to the left eye should be marked. Versed (midazolam hydrochloride) would performthree tasks. It would promote muscle relaxation by causing depression of CNS.Secondly, itwould reduce the anxiety of Mr. Hale and finally offer amnesia of perioperative events(Mortenson & Moriarty, 2015).In regards to the verbal report received from PACU, it shouldentail the name of the surgical procedure which Mr. Hale had, it should have appropriate historyof Mr. Hale, the fluid status and IV therapy , the information concerning the anesthesia and drugswhich were administered details of any tube or drains and finally it should contain the conditionof the surgical incision of Mr. Hale.
Nursing Case Study: Mr. Hale's Postoperative Care_2

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