
Nursing Case Study


Added on  2023-04-19

7 Pages1848 Words133 Views
Healthcare and Research
Nursing Case Study
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Author Note
Nursing Case Study_1

Question 1
The essay is discussing about the case study of Eleanor Brown, who is a 48 years old woman
and is suffering from the severe ulcerative colitis. The disease was diagnosed at the age of 31
and recently she is complaining about exacerbation of ulcerative colitis from last two weeks.
In this depicted case study it is reported that, the patient had the issue of weight loss, loss of
appetite, diarrhoea with blood. As a result of this appetite loss, the patient even lost her
interests in doing her activity of daily living. Moreover, she also had the problem of bloody
diarrhoea along with pus. She also had the problem of cramp as she had lost a huge amount
of fluid from her body due to the diarrhoea. The patient is experiencing loss of appetite due to
the internal changes in the GI tract. The internal changes include, structural and functional
changes of the GI tract inside the body. Along with this, she also complained that she had
diarrhoea along with pus and blood. A case of weight loss was also reported by the patients in
last two weeks (Almost 9 kg ). The GI tract of the human body, contains an epithelial cell
layer which is guarded by a layer of mucous membrane called mucinous layer. The presence
of this layer provides a physical barrier inside the tract. Therefore, a physical guard is present
in between the host microbial cells and luminal microbes. In the ulcerative colitis (UC)
disease, the tight junctions of the cell layers are disrupted and due to this change the, the UC
occurs. As a result of the disrupted mucous cell layers in the GI tract, the permeability of the
epithelial cells of the intestine is increased and this results in enhanced uptake of luminal
antigens inside the cells (Hindryckx, Jairath & D'haens, 2016). Then, the NF-kB pathway is
activated and produuction of the proinflammatory cytokines eg.- Interleukins 6, 23, 12, 1B
(IL) and TNF-α takes place. After the processing of the cells, they are represented to the
CD4- T cells and promotes the production of IL-4 (Mann et al., 2014). The production of IL-
13 is assumed to be associated with the alteration of the barriers of the epithelial cells of the
GI tract. In the affe4cted area of the GI tract, more mucosal vascular addressin-cell adhesion
Nursing Case Study_2

molecule 1 are produced and binding of integrin-α4β7 occurs to the colonic endothelial cells
(Feng et al., 2014). As part of the functional changes, it can be said that muscular spasm,
cramping of visceral muscles, gastrointestinal bleeding inside the body, uncontrolled spasm
may take place. In addition, the uncontrolled diarrhoea may continue due to lack of water
reabsorption capacity of the colon surface. The lose of colon surface also alter the absorption
of the essential nutrients in the body as well. It can assumed that, due to this change in the
structure of the GI tract, the functionality of the colon is lost and that results in loss of
bodyweight due to less absorption of micronutrients ( Lemberg & Day, 2015).
Question 2
The pain is associated with the visceral pain due to the UC and it may possible that,
the pain is due to the inflammatory lesions of the GI tract. It results in activation of
nociceptors in the pain pathway. The sensation of pain is mainly due to the sensitization of
the local sensory afferent neurons of the system. After the activation the afferent neurons
delivers the signals to CNS and then the CNS amplify and transmits those signals to neurons
of the spinal cord region and from there the signals are transferred to the Central nervous
system or CNS (Zhang et al., 2017). Spinal cord generally transmits the signal through
spinothalamic tract to the thalamus. Then the thalamocortical neurons processes the
information and send it to the cerebral cortex ( Hall, 2015). In this case, it is reported that
morphine is prescribed for managing the pain in the patient. Morphine is a widely used drugs
around the world for managing various pains such as inflammatory pain of UC. The
administration of morphine is responsible for hyperpolarization of cells in the inflamed
region and reduction in presynaptic neurotransmitters takes place. The enhanced efflux of
Potassium ions is associated with the hyperpolarization of the neurons. As a result, pain
Nursing Case Study_3

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