


Added on  2023-04-17

6 Pages1341 Words279 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
Running head: NURSING
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Name of the University
Author Note

Answer 1
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory disease that causes formation of sores and
irritation in the inner lining of the large intestine (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases [NIDDK], 2019). The main structural changes occurring during the UC
is inflammation in the mucosal region during the initial stages of the development. This is
followed by the edema and haemorrhage along the leght of the colon. Thus during the initial
stage of the disease develop, the weight loss in Eleanor Brown is not significant. However, as
the during the course of time there occurs distortion in the mucosal glands along with a
subsequent depletion in the goblet cells arising out of the cellular extravasations’ of the
polymorphonuclear leucocyte. This depletion of the goblet and inflammation in the inner
lining of the mucosa hampers the process of absorption of the macronutrients and
macronutrients within the blood stream. This leads to the nutritional deficiency leading to a
drastic weight loss. The inflammation in the inner lining of the colon and the large intestine
leads to the generation of puss formation, shedding of blood from the inner lining of the
mucus. All these hamper the peristalsis movement of the stomach along with generation of
the muscle cramping in lower portion of the stomach. These muscles cramping along with the
hamper in the peristaltic movement of the stomach leads frequent diarrhoea. The diarrhoea is
characterised by frequent vomiting (Conrad, Roggenbuck & Laass, 2014). Vomiting is
associated with loss of fluid and the electrolyte balance in the body along with the loss of
appetite promoting weight loss. In relation to the case study, it can be said that Eleanor
Brown has experienced fourteen episodes of diarrhoea along with willingness to take food
and loss of appetite. Lack of proper intake of food promotes weight-loss (Rogler, 2014).
On the functional aspects it can be said that generalised state of inflammation is
associated with the generation of catabolic state within the body resulting in the breakdown
muscle protein in the body leading to loss in the body mass. Under the functional aspect it

can be state that energy expenditure is increased as the UC gradually progress towards the
more severe state. The increase in the energy expenditure in the body is the reason why
Eleanor Brown is feeling fatigue and is unable to complete her daily living activities. Under
the action of the chronic inflammation, the section of the metabolic hormones like the
adiponectic, leptin and ghrelin is hampered leading is disequilibrium in the catabolism and
anabolism and further promoting weight loss (Seidelin, Coskun & Nielsen, 2013).
Answer 2
There are two types of sensory neurons that help to modulate the sensation of
pain. One is afferent neurons and another one is efferent neurons. Afferent neurons receive
information from sensory organs like eyes and skin and transmit the pain to the spinal dorsal
horn of the central nervous system (CNS). Efferent neurons transmit the pain impulses from
the central nervous system through the spinal dorsal horn to the limbs and other organs
(Kolettas et al., 2015).
Morphine belongs to the category of opium analgesic which it alkaloid in
nature. It is used for the successful management of the conscious perception of pain for a
limited span of time. The action of morphine as a pain killer is executed under the chemical
formulae of morphine-6-glucuronide. It acts as an antagonist of the mu, kappa and delta
receptors. Binding of the morphine to the kappa, delta and mu receptors blocks the
downstream transmission of the signalling pathway of the nociceptive neurotransmitter
through afferent neurons. Thus the potentially damaging pain responses are not transmitted
through brain by dorsa horn sensory projection (Kolettas et al., 2015). This lack of
transmission of the sensory stimulus leads to decrease in the overall conscious perception of
pain. The action of morphine is executed within 6 to 30 minutes after the administration of

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