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Behavioral Analysis of a Child


Added on  2023/04/21

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This document provides a behavioral analysis of a child, focusing on aggressive behavior and stubbornness. It includes observations, triggers, and analysis of the child's behavior. The document also discusses the possible reasons behind the child's behavior and suggests strategies for managing it.

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Running head: NURSING
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note

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Assessment 1
Tasks to be submitted:
A completed individual support plan covering all criteria (3 a – g), signed off by your
room leader/workplace supervisor
Background of the child Name: Ethan Age: 3 years old
Date: 17/2/2019 Gender: Male
Ethan lives with his parents. His father works
fulltime and has week off on weekends.
Overview of Ethan’s Barrier Ethan is suffering from oppositional deficient
disorder (ODD). Some of the typical behavior that
is demonstrated by Ethan includes:
Frequent temper tantrums
Easily angered, annoyed as well as
Refused to obey rules
Low frustration threshold as well as self
The above mentioned issues are affecting Ethan’s
ability to participate in the service’s program in the
following ways:
Social withdrawal or isolation
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Enhanced conflict within interpersonal
Academic failure
Expulsion from school
Policies and procedures The educator does not possess the
permission to physically assault the
child in any situation.
Active participation of the parents is
expected if required.
The organization always encourages
parent-child interaction therapy
Individual and family therapy is also
provided in order to enhance the
condition of the child.
The child will also be given cognitive
problem solving training.
Strategies to promote inclusion A few non-negotiable rule can be
enforced. The rules should be simple.
For instance, the educator can set a rule
like” We all will talk in polite way and
not raise voice.” The consequences of
breaking the rule should also be
discussed with Ethan.
The educator must use a calm voice
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while dealing with Ethan. The educator
should explain the issue in a few words
possible and stop discussing about the
issue. To ensure this, Ethan will be
taught simple words too use when he
feels frustrated.
Small success of Ethan needs to be
celebrated. The child should be made
aware of how his extra effort for
cooperation is appreciated.
Changes to the environment A structured environment needs to be
created in order to help Ethan with hi
behavioral issue. It is no secret that
when children are well—rested,
physically first and obtain sufficient
nutrition, they develop better ability to
regulate their emotions.
Regular exercise will be incorporated in
his daily regime.
Materials and resources The educator needs to maintain a
periodic report in order to assess the
changes in the behavior of the child.
Period report after parent teacher

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meeting should also be maintained
Engaging colleagues While planning activities for Ethan, he
educator will need the support from the
Support from the colleagues will also be
needed while creating an effective
environment for Ethan.
Links to the EYLF Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
Children learn to interact in relation to others with
care, empathy and respect
Support children’s secure attachment through
consistent and warm nurturing relationships
Principle: 1-Secure, Respectful and Reciprocal
Documented discussions with colleagues and family regarding the plan
Colleagues Majority of the colleagues agrees to take part in
the activities designed for Ethan. Not only this,
majority of them also agrees to help the educator to
create a ODD friendly environment. In case of any
kind of offensive behavior by the Ethan, colleagues
have been requested to handle such situation in an
appropriate way. However, according to some of
the colleagues, it will get difficult to cooperate if
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Ethan develops abusive behavior and physically
assaulting other educators. However in such cases,
a good number of colleagues have agreed to deal
with Ethan in an effective way and help the
educator who is currently supervising Ethan.
Family Considering the fact that Ethan has only his parents
in his family, the support plan has been discussed
with them. Parents agreed with each of three
activities that has been plan for supporting Ethan.
However, Ethan’s father informs that he will not be
able to observe Ethan due to her daily schedule.
He was informed that he needs to spend at least 1
hour per day with Ethan to develop an effective
bondage with the child. Not only has this, activities
that has been incorporated also needed to be
implemented in the home as well. Both the parents
agreed to follow the instructions given by the
educator. They also agreed to submit a periodic
report to the educator so that the later can access
the change in the behavior of the child effectively
A review of the implementation of your plan covering all criteria (8 a – e).
Analysis The support plan has resulted in improvement in
the behavior of Ethan. Initially, Ethan used t o
disobey his educator. However, with effort from
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both parents and educator along with the child
effort, slow recovery from the ODD can be
evidenced. Along with the parents, effective
support was also gained from the colleagues. The
peers in the workplace has helped the educator to
maintain a peaceful environment and manage Ethan
when he used t behave aggressively.
Barriers One of the chief barriers that were
faced by the educator while
implementing the support plan was the
reluctance of Ethan to follow the
instruction Initially, Ethan used to run
away from the play room. He used to
talk rudely with his classmates and
displayed abusive behavior. It was
highly difficult for the educator to
communicate effectively with Ethan
The second issue faced during the
implementation of the support plan was
the lack o cooperative behavior of few
of the colleagues. For instance, one of
the colleagues got immensely
aggressive when he was insulted by
Ethan. As a result o this, Ethan stopped

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coming to the centre for 2 das and the
educator had to pursue is parent that no
ouch incident will take place in future
to bring back Ethan in the Centre.
In the initial days lack of cooperation
from Ethan’s parents was evident. All
the activities were not implemented at
home. As a result of this, no major
changes in the behavior off the child
was evidenced initially.
Benefits The major benefit of implementing the
plan includes positive change in the
behavior of Ethan after 4 months of
implantation of the plan.
Ethan has started to be more
cooperative while playing with his
Not only this, his anger has also got
diminished to a significant level.
Adjustments In order to ensure that Ethan’s parents
are implementing the activities at home,
the reports need to be collected on a
weekly basis.
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The music strategy can be implemented
in order to ensure a rapid recovery from
Standards, policies and procedures The educator does not possess the
permission to physically assault the child in
any situation.
Active participation of the parents is
expected if required.
The organization always encourages
parent-child interaction therapy
Individual and family therapy is also
provided in order to enhance the condition
of the child.
The child will also be given cognitive
problem solving training.
Room Leader Signature:
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Assessment 2
Completed Child Consent form
Title of the program: Behavioral analysis of a Child
Dear Sir,
My name is Mr. X and I am currently appointed as the educator of your son Max, in the XYZ
organization. Lately, we have observed that Max is suffering from some behavioral issues which
can impose adverse impact on his physiological growth in near future. As an educator, I want to
observe the behavior of Max more minutely and analyze the specific issues he is suffering from.
Therefore, I would like to request an approval from your side for the period of 3 months.
The chief purpose of our organization is to ensure that all the children are experiencing a blissful
childhood that is devoid of any kinds of physiological and physical disorder. In case of Max, we
will first analyze his behavior. The second step will be to note down the observations for
analyzing. After analyzing the behavior, effective interventions to deal with the identified issue
will be taken.
How this will work?
In order to complete the whole process in an effective way, we strongly need your participation
in the program. For instance, we need to conduct periodic interviews in order to assess any kinds
of change in behavior of the child.

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Being the legal guardian of the child, you possess the right to withdraw you child from the
program whenever in case of any kind of inconvenience. However, a written documentation of
the inconvenience faced by you, needs to be submitted.
Signature of any one of the parents
Three (3) observation records as outlined in the instructions
Date Place Records
12/1/19 Outdoor play Max was playing with Anna in a
sandpit. Max was digging a hole
with a spade in the sand and
Anna was collecting the sand in
the bucket. Suddenly, Max
grabbed the bucket and said
“Give it to me. I want it. Anna
refused to give the bucket to Max
and pull the bucket closer to her.
Max, push back Anna and Anna
fell down on the Sand and the
bucket fell from her hand. . She
was hurt and as a result of this
she started crying. Max took the
bucket in his hand and told Anna
“I told you that I want it.”
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20/1/19 Lunch Period Max was sitting on his desk. He
noticed that Tom has brought
Chocolate truffles in his Tiffin.
Max looked at the educator and
said “I want the chocolate
truffles.” Before the educator get
a chance to say something, Max
walk to Tom, push him away and
grabbed his Tiffin box. Tom fell
down from his chair and stated
crying. Max grabbed the Tiffin
box and started eating Tom’s
lunch. Max did not even look at
tom and continued eating Tom’s
Tiffin with a smile in his face.
15/2/19 Free play Max was playing cooking game.
Lena went to Max and asked
Max with a friendly gesture
“What are you doing?”. Max
replied in a rude way “I am
cooking. Go away.” Lena sat at a
distance from Max and started
playing the cooking game by her
own. Max saw Lena using a toy
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oven. He went to Lena and
grabbed the oven saying “ I need
it. “. He tried snatching the toy
from Lena. Lena tried to snatch it
back and held the toy closer to
hr. Max becomes aggressive and
punched Lena. While Lena fell
down and stated crying, Max ran
away with Lena’s toy.
Documented analysis of the child’s behavior, covering all criteria (5a & b)
Observation: ABC Record
Child: Max Age: 3 Years Gender: Male
Date: 20/02/19 Centre: Recorded by:
Considering the fact that Max has
gone through a traumatic
situation during his infant period,
this can be considered as a major
reason behind his aggressiveness.
During his early childhood, he
had evidenced physically abusive
Aggressive behaviour, bitting and
Whenever the educator ask Max
not to hit others, it seems to
stimulate his urge to practice the
act of aggression even more.
Thus the term “ no hitting” act as

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behaviour by his uncle. The
aggressive nature of Max can be
the result of this. It is possible
that Max may have developed the
habit of being aggressive in
nature as a reverse mechanism.
According to Singer 2017, the
most common reason behind
aggressive behaviour of a child is
that he or she has been exposed
to violence.
One of the possible reasons
behind the stubbornness of Max
can be the excessive urge to
longing for freedom. Another
reason behind this can be lack of
discipline in his daily life.
Considering the fact that Max’s
other is expecting a baby, she is
unable to provide max with the
necessary amount of time that is
needed to teach her discipline.
Not only this, both the educator
along with the parents need to
communicate with Max in a
calm, composed yet strong
manner in order to teach him
a trigger to him.
Another trigger that stimulates
the aggressive behaviour of Max
is when his peers plays with a toy
which he finds attractive.
Whenever, Max is forbade to
perform a specific activity he
demonstrate stubbornness. Along
with this, he demonstrates
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stubbornness whenever he is
Documented discussions with the family regarding the observations
According to Max’s parents, the aggressive behavior as well as stubbornness of Max is
increasing with his age. Both of them agreed that one of the most potential reasons behind his
demonstration of aggressive behavior can be the domestic violence evidenced by him. This
phenomenon may have enhanced the feeling of insecurity in Max. Evidencing abusive behavior
has made him feel that in order to protect himself, he needs to demonstrate aggressiveness
(Rosenthal 2015). When it comes to his stubbornness, lack of discipline can be considered as
one of the chief factor to b considered. When Max’s parents were made aware of the behavioral
issues noticed by the educator, both of them agreed that Max needs to be taught to lead a
discipline life in order to prevent adverse effect on his physiological development in future.
In order to change the aggressive behavior of Max, the first step that needs to be taken
includes a parenting counseling. Max’s parents needs to be educated about the necessity of
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providing the child with a safe and violence free environment. Being a child, it is expected that
Max’s behavior will definitely change if he experience a safer environment at home. Secondly, it
is highly crucial for both the parents and educators to include discipline in Max’s life. For this, a
chart can be made by mutual discussion between parent and educator and this disciplinary chart
can be followed both in the centre as well as at home.

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Assessment 3
Tasks need to be submitted
A completed behavior plan comprehensively covering all criteria (2 a – j), signed off by your workplace supervisor
Goals Managing the
Engaging the
Materials and
Links to the
One of the
by Max is
biting and
hitting his
Instead of
biting and
hitting, if Max
polite nature to
her peers, the
educator will
praise him.
Not only this,
Max has to
Long term
goal: To
eradicate the
behavior of
towards his
Short term
goal: to enable
Max so that he
1. Firstly,
Max will
with the
lity to
look after
his peer’s
The educator
will encourage
outdoor games
so that Max
can enjoy
playing in
instead of
Firstly, a
meeting will
be conducted
while his
parents will be
educated about
the negative
impact of
activities for
Max, the
educator will
need the
support from
the colleagues.
Paint box,
paint book and
Children are
connected with
and contribute
to their world
develop a
sense of
belonging to
groups and
and an
of the
rights and
necessary for
Document Page
learn to play
alternative toys
while his peers
are playing
with the his
favorite toys.
more with his
if one of
his peers
is crying,
him to go
and ask
him or her
the issue.
2. Every
time, Max
makes a new
friend and
plays like
cooking, more
games that
growth of
children like
painting will
be encouraged.
violence on the
psychology of
the child.
parents will be
asked to
incorporate a
safe and
violence free
environment at
home so that
in Child’s
behavior can
be detected.
Along with
that, The
Support from
the colleagues
will also be
needed while
creating an
for Max.
Document Page
behavior, he
will be praise
This, in turn
will motivate
him to
towards his
educator will
request the
parents to
submit a
periodic report
that will
contain any
kinds of
change in
behavior The educator
Long term
goals: To
enhance the
Firstly, the
educator needs
to listen to the
The educator
will encourage
quite play
Parents will be
asked to
activities for
Bead games Outcome2:
Children are
connected with
and contribute
to their world

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by Max
will appreciate
and praise
Max if he
listens to his
Off course, it
is the
of the educator
to ask him to
follow the
instruction in
an effective
and polite way
instead of
scolding him.
of obedience
in Max’s
Short term: To
enhance Max’s
n and bonding
with the
will of Max
Secondly, it is
crucial to
connect with
max instead o
forcing him to
obey the
command. For
this the
educator will
spend time
with him while
involving Max
in quite play
sessions. In
games like
bead games in
order to
enhance the
power of Max.
with the child
in a polite way
and listen to
him instead of
of positive
changes should
always be
praised or
rewarded in
order to
motivate Max.
Max, the
educator will
need the
support from
the colleagues.
Support from
the colleagues
will also be
needed while
creating an
for Max.
develop a
sense of
belonging to
groups and
and an
of the
rights and
necessary for
Document Page
order to
develop an
effective bond
with Max, the
educator will
ask him about
his dreams, his
favorite foods.
about his
feelings, like
whether he
feels insecure
while facing
violence or not
will also be
encouraged in
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order to gain
Documented discussions with your workplace supervisor and the child’s family regarding the plan
Name of the Child: Max Date: 20.2. 19 Time: 2 hours
In order to ensure an effective recovery from the behavioral issue, a meeting with Max’s parents has been conducted. Max’s father agreed to
control arguments in front of Max. When it came to implementation of discipline in home, Max’ mother explained her difficulties to pay full
attention to Max since she had to take care of her new born baby.
The educator suggested both the parents to invest a little more time on max and effectively communicate with him. Lack of communication
between Max and his parents is one of the chief reason behind his aggressive and stubborn behavior
A review on the implementation of the plan covering all criteria
What worked Future strategies Reflect on own views
and values
Impacts on behavior Relationship-based
Standards, policies
and procedures

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The reduction in the
occurrence of
domestic violence
has imposed positive
impact on the
aggressiveness of
Max. Now he has
made a few friends.
However, Max the
stubbornness of Max
still needs to be
In order to reduce his
stubbornness, the
educator is planning
to incorporate a one to
one play session with
Max. in the session,
the Educator will try
to create an effective
bond with Max by
communicating with
him .
As an educator, my
sole aim was to
establish an effective
communication with
ax and understand the
specific reasons
behind his behavioral
issues. I find out that,
Max demonstrate
aggressive behavior
mainly s a deference
mechanism. As an
educator, I think, he
needs appropriate
attention form both
of his parents in order
to deal with the issue.
I believe that the three
chief aspects that
impose impact on the
behavior of a child
include stages of
different family
background and needs
of the children.
Children while
growing up that is, in
the age of 3 to 6 years
often demonstrate
aggressive behavior.
According to Lerner,
R.M., Liben and
Mueller 2015, this act
The three relationship
base strategy that can
diminish behavioral
issues amongst
children includes
Friendly behavior,
being open minded and
being Flexible-ready to
accept change. When it
comes to
demonstration of being
open minded, it is
highly crucial to listen
to child instead of
arguing with him
(Nielsen et al. 2017).
Friendly gesture to the
The educator
does not
possess the
permission to
assault the
child in any
of the parents
is expected if
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Along with this,
Being his educator, I
am trying my best to
understand his issue
through regular
communication and
act of kindness.
of aggressiveness, if
not excessive is
normal and will
eventuality get
eradicate when the
child will enter
(Ullsperger, Nigg and
Nikolas 2016).
child is more
appreciable compared
to a guardian like
and family
therapy is
also provided
in order to
enhance the
condition of
the child.
The child will also be
given cognitive
problem solving
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Reference list
Firmansyah, D., 2018. Analysis of Language Skills in Primary School Children (Study
Development of Child Psychology of Language). PrimaryEdu-Journal of Primary
Education, 2(1), pp.35-44.
Nielsen, M., Haun, D., Kärtner, J. and Legare, C.H., 2017. The persistent sampling bias in
developmental psychology: A call to action. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 162,
Rosenthal, F., 2015. Child psychology in Islam. In Man versus Society in Medieval Islam, pp.
Singer, E., 2017. Child-care and the psychology of development. Routledge.. Handbook of child
psychology and developmental science, cognitive processes (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.
Ullsperger, J.M., Nigg, J.T. and Nikolas, M.A., 2016. Does child temperament play a role in the
association between parenting practices and child attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder?. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 44(1), pp.167-178.
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