
Nursing Practices


Added on  2023-04-21

11 Pages2202 Words481 Views
Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Nursing practices
Nursing Practices_1

Table of Contents
Week 2 (MHD)..........................................................................................................................2
Week 3 (MHD)..........................................................................................................................2
Week 5 (MHD)..........................................................................................................................3
Week 7 (MHD)..........................................................................................................................4
Week 8 (MHD)..........................................................................................................................6
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Week 2 (MHD)
1. Questions to ask
What food has been provided to the infant last night?
What mother has consumed last night?
Is mother has any allergies?
Any infectious food has been eaten by the mother?
Is there any medicine or drug has been taken by the mother or the infant? (Schmit,
Conway, & Allen, 2017).
2. Additional symptoms
The symptoms reported by the mother are fever and diarrhea for many days.
Diarrhea is a common issue among the toddler or infants that occurs due to the improper diet,
but chronic diarrheas or fever is the serious concern that may lead to pneumonia, which is
itself a serious issue (Schmitt, 2016).
3. Differential diagnosis
The top three differential diagnoses in this scenario are;
Staphylococcus aureus infection
Paediatric mal-absorption syndrome (Schiller, Pardi, & Sellin, 2017).
Pediatric urinary tract infection (Zanoria, & Foley, 2016)
Week 3 (MHD)
1. Questions to ask
How many times she has done the pregnancy test?
How many types of pregnancy checker she has been used to ensure the pregnancy?
Nursing Practices_3

What was her weight last month?
What she has consumed last night in the dinner or snacks? (Jacobs, & Kaul, 2018).
2. Assessment and treatment
There some diagnostic test that can be performed to assess the patient such as
ultrasonography radiography and computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
The nursing assessment includes finding the site of the pain, the character of pain, onset, pain
intensity, and the duration of the pain (McKinney, James, Murray, Nelson, & Ashwill, 2017).
The treatment that can be used in this case includes; resting or lying down a while can
relieve the immediate pain, specifically, this occurred due to the Braxton hicks contractions.
Taking a warm water bath might help in relief form the lower stomach pain and cramping.
The doctor may prescribe acetaminophen for the pain (Aggenbach, Zeeman, Cantineau,
Gordijn, & Hofker, 2015).
Week 5 (MHD)
1. Additional questions to ask
Do you have the previous prescription written by the doctors?
Is he regularly doing exercises or not?
How much calorie he has been consuming daily?
2. Top three differential diagnoses
Top three differential diagnoses can be applied in this case are
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; to monitor daily and nocturnal blood
Thyroid tests; to evaluate hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
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