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Fostering Musical Creativity in Early Childhood


Added on  2020/07/22

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This assignment focuses on creating an environment that promotes children's engagement in developmentally appropriate music and movement activities. It explores strategies to nurture a five-year-old's interest in piano playing, encouraging improvisation with instruments, and designing inclusive programs responding to children's spontaneous interests. The task also involves modeling appropriate attitudes to foster children's input and participation, evaluating their reactions to planned experiences, and understanding the use of evaluations for educators.

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Nurture creativity in

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Formative Assessments
Activity 1
1. Make a list of at least six natural and found materials not mentioned in the text that could
be made available to children to create works of art.
There are many natural and found materials that can be used in making art by children as
described below -
Flower petals
Pine-cones Wooden sticks
2. Describe an activity that would allow children to use natural or found materials to be
creative. Be specific. In 150 words describe what you would do and what children need to do
step-by-step. Identify any materials that would be needed. You cannot use examples provided
in the text.
There are the playing ideas of paint blob animals
They need:
They need of plastic tablecloth or some old papers
They require one large sheet or paper
They require a paintbox.
1. First they need to cover the table from tablecloth or a newspaper. Along with that they
need fold the sheet of parer in half then it to fold. They get my child into blobs of paint
on one half paper. Then fold it to another half paper then after they get wet then smooth it
over the paint.
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2. Another Process is to cover the table or floor with the table clothe or newspaper. Then
encourage the child to fill the rest information related to that picture for example spots,
antennae, legs, hats,
3. then get ready the child for the make up a name for winged animal then help them to
write the name on the paper.
Activity 2
Identify three different materials that could be used by children to express themselves
creatively. Suggest an activity that would allow them to do this for each of the materials you
have chosen (that is, there should be three separate activities).
Three material and activities used by children to show creativity are as follows -
Stone – there are various activities for the children to make creative activities one of them
is stone, make children try to paint upper case and lower case letters with an acrylic
paints on small flat beach stone, which looks more attractive. After the paint was dry then
ask children to quick coat of spray and varnish to weather proof them. Younger children
may explore the letters through play on the other side older children can form sight words
with them.
Leaves - Making a fall collage with finds from the garden and garden is a wonderful way
for toddlers and preschoolers to explore fall leaves and flowers. Not to mention, it’s a lot
of fun prep-ping for this fall art project because it starts with a nature walk. An activity
like this can fill the better part of a fall morning – the walk, sorting your treasures,
creating the backdrop for your collage (it’s a really fun paint process) and then gluing all
the items on to make gorgeous piece of autumn art.
Flower Petals - Younger children are more likely to paint and making project they
pretend to be a flower growing in the sunshine. For that they need to cut out some centre
of dinner paper plates. This must be the large enough for the child face, invite children to
glue the flowers then they need to cut the paper all around the rim of the plate. Then for
support provide one wooden crafty stick and use of heavy black tape to the back of the
plate. Then they make their own facing of flowers and pretend them itself as flowers.
Encourage them to move the body as per the sunshine rays. They also can sing the song
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and do dance on the tune of “ A Hunting we will go” a pink tulip there, yellow daffodil,
Activity 3
1. Choose one type of music and complete the following activities.
a. Describe the type of music.
b. Provide three examples of this type of music.
c. Explain how you would introduce children to this type of music. Provide at least five
1. a. Classical Music: Classical music is a kind of old form of musical art. It shows the
importance of traditional culture and its values. It requires both classical music and Baroque
music to use orchestras to produce their typical sounds. But in classical music it has different
uses of different styles.
b. Examples of Classical music - “I loved all of it. It was wicked!”, “Amazing! That’s All I Can
Say.”, Music That’s Out Of This World.
c. How to introduce children to music
Talking with the kids about sounds and rhymes to generate some music skills. Make them
understand the beats and sounds knowledge. This increases the curiosity among children.
Let them try to invent their own music by using tables and drums and give them stick
and tell them to make different sounds from them. Classical music is the precious thing in music, it is very necessary for the children to get
knowledge of this to enhance their knowledge area. It helps children to get more aware
about his own culture and importance of classical music.
2. Choose one type of dance and complete the following activities.
a. Describe the type of dance.b. Provide three examples of music this dance might be performed to.c. Explain how you would introduce children to this type of music. Provide at least three
2. a. Hip Hop Dance Hip Hop dance is the other dance form of music which is very famous
and most wanted. Some English singers make wonderful appearance of hip hop and provide

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attractive music albums such as Jennifer Lopez, Nelly. This dance style also very famous as a
street grooves. Teenagers are the most curious and excited for hip hop dance.
b. Examples of Hip hop music – Fight the Power, Funky Drummer, Me Myself and I
c. Introduce children to this type of music -
Play music throughout the day. Many people use TVs as a way of calming down or
entertaining a child, but you can use music for the same purpose instead.[2] Whether
you're at home or in the car, chances are you have access to music. Simply let it play in
the background while you two go about your daily business and your child will be
automatically immersed.
Go to children's concerts. Although concerts for adults are not generally recommendable
for toddlers, there has in recent years been a rise in what are known as children's concerts.
Give them musical instruments and musical toys. Certain books and toys will play music
at the touch of a button or a squeeze. This can be a stimulating option for very young
children. Although we usually think of musical instruments as being expensive, too
fragile, or too complicated for toddlers, there are definitely cheaper, easy options for
youngsters that will let them experiment with creating their own music.
Activity 4
1. Children at a childhood education and care service often use clay and associated
equipment. At the end of an activity an educator tells the children to put the clay away. How
effective is this in instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility for equipment and
materials? What would you suggest the educator do? (100–150 words)
Learning environment enhance the ownership and foster the learning skills. This reflects
the respect and the importance of recent trends. Learning opportunities for students are very
much important and effective towards the task. For that they need to adopt some new learning
skills and approach to make student more knowledge and understandable towards the
opportunities. It is the integral part of the curriculum or leisure based programmes. New
learning environment may reach the new learning skills and growth, and educator needs to adopt
new skills and to make session more interactive.
Steps the Educator should follow -
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Modelling Behaviour - We model the behaviour we expect to see, as children pick up
even the smallest cues. If you walk around and step over things rather than picking things
up/resetting, the children will copy the behaviour. We are role models and it is important
to teach children how to take care of things.
Providing positive reinforcement - Providing positive reinforcement builds on a child’s
confidence. As Educators and Teachers, we avoid phrases that begin with the word
“don’t” such as “don’t throw that”, and instead try saying “let’s pick it up”, and ask
questions such as “where does this go? Can we put it back together?” We aim to create a
positive culture where children want to look after their learning environment. Provide Visual Examples - At Explorers, we display visual examples of how each space
should look. The children are able to refer to these images to help them reset the learning
environment to its original state once they have finished using it. We also display
encouraging statements in each learning space to help our Educators prompt the children
as to how they could use the space.
2. A child engaged in an art activity places foreign objects into a glue bottle (eg glitter, scraps
of paper, pencil shavings). They have done this before and have been warned against doing it
in the future. What should the educator do to teach the child a sense of responsibility for
equipment and materials? Provide a detailed response. (100–150 words)
There are various ways an educator can teach children a sense of responsibility for equipment
which are as follows -
Helps children to make them feel a sense of possession of their own things.
Enhance the role of open ended, promote the use of natural materials and make them
available for the children use.
Make attractive things and equipments and try to encourage towards creative expressions
and make them accessible to children.
Make role model of the children by creating improvising with material and equipments.
Activity 5
1. Define improvisation as it pertains to creativity. (75–100 words)
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Improvisation is the alternation or improvement in something, it is the positive sign of
performing something tremendous good and effective. Improvisation is the art of getting things
in effective manner. It makes new ideas and creativity in working. It is the result of without
specific or scripted preparation. These skills of betterment may use by the artist, physical,
cognitive, academic, and non academic disciplines. It is the process in which execution is done
without any preparation.
2. You have been asked to role model creativity by showing children what you would create
from a paper plate. What would you make? Provide a list of steps that you would follow when
making your creation and provide details of any other resources that would be needed. (75–
100 words)
I will create a Bunny Mask from the paper plate. The steps I will follow to make this art will be
as follows -
To make bunny, first it requires painting back side of the paper plate and leave it for dry.
Then cut out for two eye holes.
Make pieces of pipe cleaner into three twist together in the centre.
Then stick glue in the centre of face.
Then cut a nose from oink card and then glue it of the centre of the pipe cleaners.
Then in next process cut out two ears from the card and glue it to the top pipe of the head.
Then in last stage draw on mouth with black pen. Then make two holes and then tie it
from elastic threat and then here is your bunny mask is ready.
Activity 6
1. A child creates a picture of their house. In the picture the child has included a picture
of their garden. The flowers in the garden are almost the same size as the house. The
educator tells the child that the flowers are much too big. The child responds that they
really like flowers and they wish the flowers in their garden were that big. The educator
tells the child that they should redraw the picture with the flowers being portrayed
realistically. Write a paragraph of approx. 100 words in which you comment on
whether the educator is allowing the child to communicate their own original ideas,
interpretations and expressions.

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The educator is not allowing the children to portray or communicate their own ideas,
expressions or interpretations. This can be proved by observing that the educator ask them to
redraw the picture of the house saying that the flowers are too big. This shows that educ tor
want the children to draw smaller flowers. But the children likes big flowers which shows
they wanted to draw big flowers according to their ideas and expressions.2. An educator tells children that they are going to make their own imaginary animal or
creature. They tell children that they should make their animal as crazy and weird as
possible. The educator has supplied a large range of materials and equipment for the
children to use and tells them to spread out around the room so they have enough
space to make their creatures. They also tell children to take their time. Write a
paragraph of approx. 100 words in which you comment on whether the educator is
allowing the children to communicate their own original ideas, interpretations and
In this case the educator really wants children to communicate their own ideas and
expressions by making their own imaginary animal or creature. The educator allowed
children to make animals according to their choices and imagination without asking them to
make a specific or particular animal or creature. He also provided suitable items and space to
children for making the animals which clearly shows he wants children to use their
imagination and ideas in creating the art.
Activity 7
1. Across the road, building work is being carried out. A child points to a bulldozer and
says, ‘What’s that?’ The educator replies, ‘That’s a bulldozer.’ The child asks, ‘What
does it do?’ How would you recommend the educator help the child to find their own
answer? (100–150 words)
The Educator should explain the child that the bulldozers is the powerful machine which
helps to move heavy parts and machines from one place two another. Besides, they help to
move heavy rocks, debris, etc. bulldozers is the kind of job in road building companies.
Generally in construction, demolition and farming. Its design according to their work large
steel blades to carry heavy and large equipments. It drives by the powerful diesel designs. He
should also tell the child that bulldozers are very useful to carry large machines or rocks, or
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its is the short transportation of material. It also helps to dumped from lorry or rough grading,
removing trees , stumps etc. this machine is very much helpful for construction companies.2. A child is playing with a toy cash register. They are trying to get the drawer of the cash
register to open but have not succeeded. The child asks the educator, ‘How open?’
How would you recommend the educator help the child to find their own answer?
(100–150 words)
The educator should first improvise the method to open the cash register and let the
children see how he did it. He used let them see how to make use of the keys for opening the
drawer of the cash register. Improvising the use of key for opening drawer will help children
to learn and attain the idea of how the drawer get opened with the use keys.
Activity 8
1. Create a conversation an educator might have with a group of four-year-old children
that encourages children to talk about their creations, shares enthusiasm for creative
work and encourages children to respect and appreciate the creative work of peers.
(150–200 words)
Child care professionals has responsible to take care of children by give them all
necessary services and care. They have responsible for developing creativity in children
growth. Along with that they need to arouse their curiosity power in them make its thinking
challenging. Along with that they need to make planning and growth for the development of
children interaction. The Educator can ask various questions to the children to make creative
interaction with their trainer. They need to encourage children for their new skills and
determine their skills and interest area. -
Tell me about yourself..?
What makes you happy...?
What makes you sad...?
what will happen next ?
How can you solve it.?
What do you think, its work or not.?
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Can you find another alternative.?
How do you know that.?
I wonder why.?
What makes you sad.?
What is your hobbies.?
How do you say that.?
Show me how.?
Why did you.?
Activity 9
1. A colleague tells you that they believe in strict timetables and if children cannot
complete an activity in the time allocated, that is too bad. They say that children will
soon learn to hurry up. What would you tell them about the need to allow time for
children to be creative over days or weeks and why educators should adopt a creative
approach to routines? (100–150 words)
The Educators should effectively make colleague understand that children needs time to
analyse and adopt various things such as the timetable. Forcing them to adopt a strict
timetable is not at good for the children as it will negatively affect and harm a child's
comfort. The educator should ask the colleague to use a creative approach to routines. The
educator should tell their colleague that routines are important because they give children a
sense of security and control over their environment. Children learn what to expect at various
times in the day and as they begin to participate in these routines, they will experience a
sense of control and satisfaction at being able to perform part of or all of the tasks associated
with the routine. Routine activities are the most important for the children to make new
things and innovative activities. Overall it makes new changes and make new ways to adopt
new learning and proves children learn so many things in day to day activities, like new
learning and get new knowledge, When children get into the various routine activities they
going to learn sense of control and satisfaction at being able to perform part of all the tasks
which relates to the routine activities.

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2. Provide a list of at least 10 creative tasks that might extend over days or even weeks.
Creative activities that can be extended are as follows -
1. Aspire to Be an Architect
2. Invent a Superhero Identity
3. Fill Up on the Funnies
4. Form a Family Book Club
5. Send a Flat Stanley
6. Plan a Political Platform
7. Launch a Family Blog
8. Keep the Camera Rolling
9. Learn a Second Language
10.Explore Other Galaxies
Activity 10
Identify two techniques you could teach children using different materials and equipment.
You cannot use examples provided in the text.
The two techniques that I will use to teach children how to use materials and equipments
are as follows -
Physical organization of the learning area - you need to make physical learning environment.
And place material to implement the best children learning process. You need to take care of
some points which is mention below:
The equipment and materials are very much needed that are mostly requires in the inside
and outside play areas.
There should be proper balance between the races of open and closed spaces and
The boundaries should be the different areas
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Ways must be all together which material will be grouped.
The ways in which children interact must be placed material should be on perfect place.
The ways in which placement of material will allow reflective. The way should be robust and physically exploration of materials.
2.Explain the steps that you would follow when teaching the technique and provide details of
any other materials and equipment that would be needed.
Demonstrating to children – demonstrate means to show something. It helps to determine the
children capabilities to the learners so that accordingly they learner acquire skills by imitating
other people. Through this process children get feel the movement and learning process is
accelerated. Extensions of the demonstration process helps children practises and express the
method while adults ask to express the experience to other children.
Helps to use unclear and verbal instruction to support the demonstration process.
Break task into smaller parts, it is very important when your demonstrate the complex
process or techniques.
Try to keep short and small demonstration for the children to attend short attention
To get familiar with the steps involved in the skills or techniques so that children will
not get confuse.
Review the children what they have learned till or if additional demonstration plan is
require or not.
Use visual graphics to understand in better manner.
Provide demonstration to enhance children opportunities or practises.
Activity 11
Provide two examples of creative activities that might be planned and implemented to provide
opportunities for children to collaborate with each other. Provide a detailed description of
each activity.
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There are various activities that can be used for encouraging collaboration among children as
follows -
Bouncing Balls and Boxes – We can create this amazing maze in large box for the children. To
explore the creativity of the children. This makes explore the relationship of the children with
each other. The main aim is to get car move up and down.
Large Group Maze - the main aim of this activity is to try to roll the ball around to get it into
the centre in the middle of the box. Togetherness of working keep box tilt the box and hold it.
Activity 12
1. A child has encountered a real problem. They want to play pretend restaurants but some
other children are using the costumes and props needed for this game. How would you help
them through the problem-solving process? Provide at least three examples.
A child has encountered a real problem. They want to play pretend restaurants but some other
children are using the costumes and props needed for this game. How would you help them
through the problem-solving process? Provide at least three examples.
I would do the following things to solve the problem -
I will suggest them to ask the children to join them.
They can use other props
I will suggest them to join the other children in their game or activity
2. Make a list of five open questions you could ask a child to help them critically reflect on a
puppet they have made.
How did you do that?
Why did you do that?
Tell me about it?

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What will happen next?
What else can you do?
Activity 13
1. Children have coloured pictures of fish. How would you display this work in a
meaningful way? (75–100 words)
I will create a collage of all the pictures and post it on a wall or board to showcase the art of the
2. Children have created three-dimensional angels and baubles made from polystyrene
balls for Christmas. How would you display this work in a meaningful way? (75–100
I will decorate the Christmas tree with the balls and angels, to show their art work.
Activity 14
1. You have been reading a picture book to children. During free play you notice a small
group of children pretending to be the characters from the book. How would you
respond to children’s interests in this case? (100–150 words)
Imaginary and role play both involves verbal communication, When children participate
in drama they perform dramatic types of play. They learn the script and implement it into the
character. Moreover, this process helps to enhance language skills and vocabulary power. Along
with that children going to learn that if they perform any character they need to listen and feel the
character by itself.
2. How would you respond if one group of children demonstrated an interest in dancing
and another group of children demonstrated an interest in making music? (75–100
I will try to crate an activity combining both the children having interest in music and dance. It
will help them to learn about both the interest areas and together they can learn and develop
various skills.
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Activity 15
1. Suggest at least three ways that creativity in the form of movement can be nurtured. You
cannot use examples provided in the text.
1. Ways in which creativity can be nurtured
Use a “resource” with the helps of any resources like pipe cleaners and pop sticks then you see
that outoff waste resources' child can come up with what creativity.
Provide a “mystery box” when using of play dough or blocks or paintings children needs to
keep some natural items in it such as shelves, pearl, bits, flowers, leaves to keep them all safe
and secure. In mystery box is perfect to keep small items inside.
When drawing or painting, it requires new different thoughts and creativity to enhance the
actual drawing and thoughts.
2. Suggest at least three ways that creativity in the form of dramatic play can be nurtured.
You cannot use examples provided in the text.
Ways in which creativity can be developed through dramatic play
Children learn about themselves and the world. Dramatic play gives experiences to
the children to make feel its own like and dislikes their capabilities and drawbacks.
Children work out confusing, scary, or new life issues. Children are very excited and
curious to explore new things and materials whichever they seen around us. Like if they
go to the doctor for check-up they start explore the things and finds something,
sometimes it becomes scary and sometimes they get new experience
Children develop important complex social and higher order thinking skills.
Pretended play is more tough as compare to simple play activities. It requires advanced
strategies and communication process and social skills.
Activity 16
Provide five examples of opportunities that might be provided for children to practise their
developing music and movement skills.
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1. Five examples of opportunities that might be provided for children to practise their developing
music and movement skills.
Movement games using a parachute. With the help of parachute we can create different
activities and play to get new experiences.
Dance with ribbon rings. Buggy and buggy is the kind of the simplest tutorials which
guides ribbon and ring dance.
Play a harmonica. Children makes their own harmonium by using craft sticks and
rubber bands with their own creativity.
Work on jumping skills. Tree house inspired different games for the children such as
humping animals.
Focus on following directions to music. By using the song of Nancy Kopman children
get more happy and active and moving bouncing, swaying on the beats.
2. In approx. 100 words for each describe a play area, both indoors and outdoors, which
provides children with opportunities to enjoy dramatic and imaginative play.
a. Outdoors.
b. Indoors.
Indoor play area – indoor playgrounds is also known as indoor centres which is mostly located in
the interior premises. This is the special kind of interior which is specially made for the children
to play and get good experience. This play acquirements are very much safe and secure in order
to concern child safety.
Outdoor play area - outdoor play are is wide area for playing and running. This is located in
outside the environment. It helps children to get fresh air and having space for exercise. This
outdoor activity enable children to get physically feet and also helps to climbing acquirements
and swings.
Activity 17

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Conduct research to identify some criteria that could be used to evaluate children’s learning
reactions to implemented music and movement experiences for a group of two to four year
olds. (100–150 words)
Different criteria to evaluate children reaction are as follows -
Did the children start recognising the music implemented?
What are the developments and improvements?
Did the children enjoying the music or not?
Activity 18
Describe a modification you might make to a music/ movement curriculum to stimulate
interest and involvement in music and movement experiences, based on evaluation
information that indicates that some children are not participating when singing and
movement activities are structured and taught. (120–150 words)
if all the children are singing songs during group time and not all children are interested maybe I
could give the children musical instruments to play while they were singing. This may help them
to show interest in the activity and can start enjoying it.
Summative Assessment 1
1. Who do the national laws and regulations that make up the legislative framework of the
NQF apply to? How were the national regulations developed? (100–150 words)
The National Law and National Regulations outline the legal obligations of approved providers,
nominated supervisors, and educators and explain the powers and functions of the state. Below
the Domestic Law and Regulations, administrations are required to construct their instructive
system in light of an endorsed learning structure.
The Domestic Law was developed cooperatively by the Australian Government and
states and territories direct the operation of domestic practical Laws.
2. What are the seven quality areas that are included in the NQS?
The NQS unites the 7 key quality zones that are vital to results for youngsters.
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c. Instructive program and practice.
d. Kids' well-being and security.
e. Physical condition.
f. Staffing courses of action.
g. Associations with kids.
h. Shared associations with families and groups.
i. Authority and administration.
3. How does the EYLF affect educators’ roles? (100–150 words)
The EYLF is a guide which comprises of Principles, Practices and 5 fundamental
Learning Outcomes alongside each of their sub results, in light of personality, group, prosperity,
learning and conveying. The Learning Outcomes are to be utilized to consider kids' learning and
spotlight on what a kid can accomplish as opposed to what they can't. The Early Years Learning
Framework empowers childcare experts, instructors and early youth educators inside an early
youth setting to expand and advance kids' learning, give chances to youngsters to build up an
establishment for learning and for kids to wind up noticeably fruitful
4. Describe how children’s drawing skills develop over time. (100–150 words)
This stage is typical of children between 18 months and 3 years.
Scrawls are irregular. Youngsters are investigating craftsmanship materials energetically.
Scrawls move from uncontrolled to logically more controlled.
This stage enables youngsters to figure out how to hold a pencil and in addition to decide
if they are left or right-gave. While you may not see it, a few scrawls are named. The youngster will point to a
question found in the scrawl.
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5. What is dramatic play and how can you encourage children to engage in dramatic play?
Provide at least three examples.
Emotional play is a magnificent path for kids to build up their creative energy and
inventiveness. Youngsters additionally have the flexibility to express their sentiments through
emotional play. Kid mind suppliers can help advance sensational play by giving toys, props and
outfits for youngsters to utilize.
Routes for urge kids to take part in emotional play -
1. Bread kitchen - Children can prepare and offer treats at their own one of a kind Cookie Shop.
The most loved piece of this inside is a basic bookshelf that they change into a twofold broiler.
2. Frozen yogurt Parlour - Chocolate and mint dessert with fruits to finish everything coming
straight up! Preschoolers love to scoop and offer this mid year treat to their companions.
3. Healing facility - This exemplary emotional play focus is another of our top picks. We get a
kick out of the chance to set up a clinic with a triage bunk, specialist outfits and bunches of
props. No clarification is required! This is one of the focuses (like the supermarket and the
eatery) that the youngsters are generally exceptionally acquainted with. They cherish it when we
call them "Specialist".
6. How can children be encouraged to implement their own ideas when creating? Provide at
least four examples.
Ideas to Encourage Children’s Creativity
Giving the kids supplies and materials you find around the house. Fight the temptation to
purchase create units
Take nature strolls and see what a youngster sees; you'll be stunned at his forces of
Grow a garden with your kid. Indeed, even a windowsill garden can be enjoyable. Hurl out an issue and ask them how they would tackle it; don't restrain the issues to those
you figure they could unravel. They may shock you.
7. What is curiosity? What can children learn as a result of their curiosity? How can children
learn about things that they are interested in? (100–150 words)

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Curiosity is having a strong desire to learn or know something. Folks who are curious often don't
"need" the information they inquire about. They seek answers to their questions for the sake of
gaining knowledge. Those who are curious may also actively seek out challenges and new
experiences to broaden their horizons.
Curiosity is a key element of learning. It prompts learning yet in addition to the capacity
to make associations among different snippets of data. For parents of curious kids, it's less
important to have the "right" answers and more important to create an environment where
questioning -- and learning -- can occur.
It’s a high complement to the hard skill set.
It cultivates an active mind.
It encourages self-sufficiency.
It counteracts self-absorption
It sets kids up for long-term success.
How Kids and adolescents learn
Kids and adolescents learn by watching, tuning in, investigating, testing and making
inquiries. Being intrigued, propelled and occupied with learning is essential for youngsters once
they begin school. It can likewise help in the event that they comprehend why they're getting the
hang of something. Also, as your tyke gets more seasoned, he'll appreciate assuming greater
liability for his learning, and getting more associated with settling on choices about learning and
sorting out exercises.
8. Summarise Quality Area 5—Relationships with children—of the NQS including
regulations and schedules. What policy does it require service providers to have in place?
(100–150 words)
Quality Area 5: Standards and elements
Standard 5.1 Respectful and equitable relationships are
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developed and maintained with each child.
Element 5.1.1 Associations with every tyke are warm and
responsive and manufacture confiding seeing
Element 5.1.2 Each youngster can connect with teachers in
important, open cooperation that help the
securing of aptitudes forever and learning.
Element 5.1.3 Every kid is bolstered to feel secure, sure and
Standard 5.2
Element 5.2.1 Associations with every tyke are warm and
responsive and manufacture confiding seeing
Element 5.2.2 Each youngster can connect with teachers in
important, open cooperation that help the
securing of aptitudes forever and learning.
Element 5.2.3 Every kid is bolstered to feel secure, sure and
Quality Area 5: Related sections of the National Law and National Regulations
Standard/element National Law (section) and National
Regulations (regulation)
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5.2 Section 166 Offensive to utilisation improper
5.1, 5.2 rule 155 Action with Kids.
5.2 rule 156 Relation in groups
Related requirements
5.1, 5.2 Rule 73 Learning system.
5.1, 5.2 Rule 74 Act of kid measure or evaluate for
bringing of learning system
5.1, 5.2 rule 162(2)(j)
Plan of action and activity are needed in
condition to action with children, exclude the
issues fixed out in order 155 and 156
Summative assessment 2
Project 1
1. Identify and select a range of developmentally appropriate visual, musical and other
sensory stimuli to provide children with experiences of art and beauty.
Range of developmentally appropriate visual, musical and other sensory stimuli to provide
children with experiences of art and beauty.
Exhibit play regions both inside and outside that give youngsters chances to appreciate
emotional and creative play
Play zones should be socially rich and mirror the decent variety of families utilizing the
Plan/outline formatively proper, welcoming, invigorating and safe encounters to animate
kids' inclusion, premium and love of learning

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Give encounters to singular kids and little gatherings of kids associated with imitative,
emotional and creative play and give grown-up help to encourage and expand it.
2. Describe appropriate materials that children might use to create visual art pieces.
Materials that children might use to create visual art pieces.1. Utilize a vacant cardboard box to make a house, a robot, a truck, a creature – whatever
your kid is enthusiastic about. they could cut up the container, stick things onto it or paint
it.2. Paste strips and portions of material onto paper or cardboard.
3. Old daily paper, paste and water are all they requirement for paper mâché, in spite of the
fact that they youngster will require help with this.4. Utilize purge can rolls or little plastic juice containers to make a family. Draw on faces,
stick on paper garments, and utilize cotton fleece for hair. Your youngster could utilize
these new toys to make up stories.5. Make utilization of found and characteristic material. For instance, in harvest time gather
fallen leaves for drawing, gluing onto paper or plunging into paint.6. Utilize little plastic covers, patty skillet cases and other 'spreadable' to make gems.7. Keep a 'bustling box' with things like string and shaded paper, discharge sustenance
holders and plastic mugs.
3. You notice a child showing interest in new colours as they spontaneously mix three colours
while painting. Explain how you might respond to the child’s interest.
I would encourage the child in learning new things related to his interest, mixing new colour
shows that the child has an artistic and creative mind. I will support the child by motivating and
appreciating his art. I would encourage him to use new colours in his art or painting.
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4. Provide an example of an inviting, stimulating and safe experience for individual children
or small groups of children that will involve them in visual art that incorporates the use of
natural materials.
Kids' taking in encounters originate from their collaboration and engagement with their
condition and the encompassing individuals. Youngsters require warm and confiding seeing
someone in unsurprising, protected, invigorating and supporting situations. Your condition, your
set up and utilization of room, your decision of gear, materials and assets all add to kids' learning
results and engagement with your educational modules. Your administration has a novel domain
that incorporates the manufactured condition (the building and settled structures), the indigenous
habitat (the outside, your atmosphere), your gear, furniture and decorations, and in addition the
materials and assets that you utilize and give.
3. Giving a domain that backings youngsters' well-being and security is foremost.
4. The reasoning behind your condition – how is it intelligent of your theory (qualities and
convictions). Consider the key messages you need to pass on through your condition.
5. The lay out of your condition will influence how youngsters play and learn. Little spaces
take into account tranquil, little gathering play and individual play. Expansive, open
spaces support vast muscle, boisterous play.
6. How you pick and show assets will characterize how the kids play with and utilize them.
Pick assets that are adaptable and permit open - finished encounters for kids.
7. Utilize what you have - Think about your present assets, materials and gear and
endeavour to utilize them in new and diverse ways.
8. Be reasonable - Your fabricated condition (the size and state of your rooms and outside
play zones), area and atmosphere will define a few limits on what you can accomplish. A
decent domain makes the best utilization of your accessible space and assets.
9. Connect with your families - Think about assets or materials that might be accessible
from your families. Their dynamic cooperation in giving normal or reused. Materials will
build their inclusion in your administration.
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5. Children are colouring in a picture of a dragon. One of the children presses down so hard
on their pencil that the picture rips. A colleague snaps at the child and tells them that they are
silly for making this mistake. Comment on their behaviour and the effect it might have on the
Demotivating a child has a very negative impact in his growth, development and learning. The
child should not be accused or insulted for making mistake instead of this I would suggest my
colleague to help children in using the pencil in a right way.
6. You want children to create a picture or a model of a fantasy house they would like to live in
(eg it might have a soccer field, be all pink or have rooms filled with lollies). You want them to
be as creative as possible. What will you need to supply so that children are able to use their
own original ideas?
Materials I will supply to children for preparing a House model.
Baltic Birch Vs Medium Density Fiberboard
Luan/Lauan Plywood
Gatorfoam / Gator Board
Gatorfoam / Gator Board
Sheet Styrene
Creative PaperClay
Adhesive or gum
7. Provide an example of a conversation you might have with children when encouraging
them to talk about their creations, asking open questions and encouraging children to respect
and appreciate the creative work of their peers.
Various questions I can ask for encouraging the children are as follows -
How well your peers perform?
Do you helps your peers?

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What you learn from your peers?
What you can do for helping your peers.? What you like about your peer's work?
8. Children have made masks of the animals they have been learning about. Why is it
important to display their masks and other creations?
Displaying your youngster's work demonstrates to them their imaginative endeavours are
esteemed, it assembles their certainty and, just, can be a statement of your affection for them.
9. One of the masks made by a child is not particularly skilful or attractive. What would you do
with regard to displaying it? Explain.
I would display the mask made by child, in order to encourage the child as it is important
to appreciate the art of a child at his learning stage. This would help him to get motivated and
improve his skills.
Dramatic and imaginative play
1. Describe play areas, both indoors and outdoors, which provide children with opportunities
to enjoy dramatic and imaginative play.
Indoor play area - Indoor play areas, otherwise called indoor play focuses, are play areas situated
in inside condition. They are particularly intended for children to play in and have a ton of fun
with. The delicate contained structure and play gear are wrapped in delicate froth to ingest the
effect when kids fall or skip around.
Outdoor play area - Open air play empowers the irresistible specialists to spread out and be
disseminated; it additionally empowers youngsters to get natural air and practice and be less
compelled than they. As a rule, physical play ought to be energized by climbing hardware and
swings (likewise in the little child territory), tricycle ways, and vast regions of grass and slopes
2. Identify appropriate experiences to stimulate children’s involvement in dramatic and
imaginative activities.
1. Innovative Drama – Planting a Garden : My young ladies invested hours planting, re-
planting, weeding, sprinkling seeds and watering their inventive play plant.
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2. Inventive Play Felt Pizza: Make over a probability for your child to return on the part as a
pizza pie cook and show make over as they unbelievable make different pizza pie
exploitation felt pizza pie highest and other help.
3. Inventive Play Wet Washing: Imaginative play washing line is so easy to assemble yet so
powerful for children to imagine, connect with and understand their reality.
3. Provide an example of an inviting, stimulating and safe experience for individual children
or small groups of children that will involve them in imitative, dramatic and imaginative play.
1. Utilisation a “resourcefulness” for instance instrument of punishment, or tube dry
cleaners and perceive how some beginning your child can come ahead with this one
2. Give a "puzzle box" when utilizing play batter, squares or painting. A riddle box is a
crate containing a wide range of odds and ends to motivate manifestations. You may
incorporate regular things, for example, shells, blossoms, leaves or pick man made
materials. Little puppets, parts of toy accumulations, lace, little bits of texture and smaller
than expected things are ideal for this
3. When drawing or painting, give distinctive sorts of canvases to move new thoughts.
For instance, cut out some hued entryway shapes, secure them (one edge just so they can
be opened) to the paper.
4. A group of children are engaged in imaginative play where they are pretending to be
firefighters. You are standing near the children. One of the children keeps asking a lot of
questions, such as: ‘Why do firefighters wear helmets?’ ‘Why are fire engines red?’ ‘Why do
fire engines have sirens?’ You are becoming tired of all the questions they are asking. What
should you do?
I will try to answer sometimes to the children such as helmets are for safety, red colour is for
danger or warning, sirens are for making people aware of fire. The other step I will take is
writing notes on the materials and equipments.
5. Why is role playing an important technique to learn? How would you teach children this
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Pretend invigorates their creative ability and "improve their social advancement, energize
kinship through collaboration, tuning in and turn taking". In this manner, pretend is an extremely
key action for our youngsters. It is nothing unexpected that kid specialists utilize play treatment
to enable youngsters to process and adapt to troublesome circumstances and encounters.
Music and movement
1. Explain how you might set up the environment in a way that encourages children’s
participation in developmentally appropriate music and movement experiences.
I will listen music and sing a song in the teaching environment, I would also conduct activities of
singing and dancing so that children develops interest in music. 2. A five-year-old is showing great potential spontaneously playing the old piano in the
corner. Explain how you might formulate strategies to encourage the development of
this child’s individual music potential/ to encourage them to practise.
I would buy him a new piano and make him learn it properly, so that he can get encouraged and
motivated for learning new skills.
Explain how you might encourage improvisation with instruments.
Utilize procedures to display proper states of mind and communication to empower kids' info
and cooperation in music and development encounters. You might use drums, tapping sticks,
chime bars or a glockenspiel here and so explore RHYTHM, DYNAMICS and PITCH.
Provide an example of a situation where a program is designed to respond to
children’s interests that arise spontaneously as they participate in music and
movement experiences.
A school program in which kids are performing on a music, by watching the kids dancing on a
music can encourage children to arise interest for participating in music and movement.
Describe appropriate attitudes and interaction that you should model to encourage
children’s input and participation in music and movement experiences.
I would listen to music, sung a song and dance on tunes which can make a child take interest in
music and movement. I will try to make child familiar with music and encourage him to move by

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Identify stimulating, developmentally appropriate and inclusive music and movement
experiences for children aged one and two years of age.
Birthday parties, school programs and various celebrations at home can provide a good
experience about music and movement to the children.
Choose a musical instrument that children might use and explain how you would get
them to take ownership and responsibility for that instrument.
Children can easily use a small piano as they are not so heavy or harmful for small children and
they can manage to handle and own them
Describe a method you might use to evaluate a child’s participation in and reactions to
planned music and movement experiences.
I will play a music he likes and try to watch his reactions, playing a familiar music can
encourage a child to move and enjoy.
Explain what educators use the evaluations for.
The evaluation is for making educators aware of a child learning and development at a early age.
The evaluation can help educator to provide learning environment to children and help them to
grow as well as develop various skills.
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