1 NUS MBA ESSAY Post MBA career goal Living in a country like Singapore has allowed me to experience such a verities of knowledge. Being from the engineering background pursuing MBA degree provides a vast knowledge in the banking field which will be helpful to create a long term goal in the financial sector. It will also be helpful to develop the general management and financial analysis skill. My long-term goal is to climb the ladder in the financial sector, working as a senior role and grow up as a successful entrepreneur. Currently being working at Citibank in Singapore with 11 years of experience has provided the knowledge which will be helping in playinga senior rolein the work. Reason of choosing MBA from Singapore as it is one of the developing city where financial sectors are growing and are in huge demand. Singapore has become one of the renowned countryfor the employment in the field of technology and financial sector. There is huge opportunity for the career growth in Singapore. In the short-term building skills, experience and leadership quality is essential which is needed in the finance industry.Working in a mortgage bank will help in learning the market analysis which will be helpful in running a successful banking company. Gaining the technical knowledge which is also necessary to sharpen the technical expertise while exploring some other areas that will enhance the management skills. At this point of the career, it is important for me to explore some other areas which will enhance the skill level. Enrolling with the NUS programme will also help to remove the gap which is required to increase the skill set. Working with NUS with such a brand value will create more opportunities in the financial sector.
2 NUS MBA ESSAY After the completion of MBA, it will create or opens up more opportunities in the financial sectors providing a strong career in the field of finance. With the degree, it will open many other opportunities in the current working place in the Citibank. So, this degree will be helping in achieving all the short-term as well as long-term goals.
3 NUS MBA ESSAY Reference list Jacobs, D.M., Daly, C.J., Tierney, S.E.L., O’Brien, E. and Fiebelkorn, K.D., 2017. Attitudes and PerceptionsofDualPharmD/MBADegreeProgramStudents.Americanjournalof pharmaceutical education,81(4), p.71. Kross, K., 2017.Profession and Purpose: A Resource Guide for MBA Careers in Sustainability. Routledge. Prince, M., Burns, D., Lu, X. and Winsor, R., 2015. Knowledge and skills transfer between MBA and workplace.Journal of workplace learning,27(3), pp.207-225.