
Research Proposal on Obesity in Australian Adults


Added on  2023-05-30

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Research Proposal on Obesity in Australian Adults_1

The spot light of this research is to ensure effective research on the public health problem in
Australia. The purpose is to find the states, which has the highest prevalence of obesity, For this
research, the selected states of Australia are, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.
This project’s aim refers to explore the relationship of increasing obesity in the Australian adults
and increase the awareness, cost and prevention of obesity. The research work makes sure to
compare and examine the obesity levels in adults of different genders, different age, in
association to various sociodemographic data such as race/ethnicity, education & economical
background, body image, etc. that are recorded in the International, Australian Government and
State, /territory reports. Subsequently, the research determines the direct relation of increasing
obesity in the Australian adults and the difference in the rates of obesity among men & women.
Additionally, the loopholes of previous research are highlighted and the identified gaps are filled.
Obesity, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland
Research Proposal on Obesity in Australian Adults_2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Aim of the Research............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Scope of the problem........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research Questions............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Objective............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Literature Review..................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Search Strategies................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Inclusion Criteria................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Sociodemographic characteristics and obesity.....................................................................................................4
2.3.1 Race /Ethnicity........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Age............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3.3 Sex/Gender................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3.4 Body image................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.5 Economic................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Obesity in Australia............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4.1 Response Rate............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4.2 Prevalence of recent obesity among adults..................................................................................................7
2.4.3 Prevalence of recent obesity among children...............................................................................................8
2.5 Gap in the Literature Review.............................................................................................................................. 8
3. Research design, methodology and methods..............................................................................................................9
4. A description of the type of data being gathered and from which sources...................................................................9
5. Research Analysis..................................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................................. 17
References-total 30 to 40-APA (20).................................................................................................................................. 17
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1. Introduction
For each individual, health plays a major role to overcome medical complications.
Especially, overweight and obesity has major risk for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, psychological issues, musculoskeletal conditions and certain cancers.
With the increase of weight, the risk of developing these medical conditions increases. It can
even slow down the capacity of an individual to control the chronic conditions. The excess body
weight is denoted as overweight and obesity, who are likely to have higher rates of death. The
Body Mass Index scale (BMI) is used for measuring the weight of an individual. If an individual
is obese then, his/her BMI will be at 30 or more.
In Australia, the rates of overweight and obesity are continuing to surge, thus it is crucial
to gather associated information, to manage the related health issues. This research ensures to
discuss the public health problems in Australia, where obesity is the main consideration. For this
research, the selected states of Australia are, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.
The purpose is to find the Australian states, which has the highest prevalence of obesity. The
research work requires comparison and examining the obesity levels in adults of different
genders, different age, in association to various sociodemographic data such as race/ethnicity,
education & economical background, body image, etc. The recorded data from the International,
Australian Government and State, /territory reports are utilized for carrying out this research.
Simultaneously, the research must determines the direct relation of increasing obesity in the
Australian adults and the difference in the rates of obesity among men & women.
In two decades the obesity level in Australia has doubled, according to the statistics of
2007 from the World Health Organization (WHO), and have be assumed too face health crisis.
The main reason for the increase in obesity is attributed to the poor eating habits which are
associated with the availability of fast food, sedentary lifestyles and decrease in the labour
The reports of Obesity Society Australia state that, in the next few decades, if the rates of
obesity continue to grow at this current rate, then due to obesity, the health and economic cost
will surely increase to a high level. This can have a greater impact on the job productivity and
other related quality of living costs.
Thus, the health risk factors can be decreased by modifying the eating habits.
Research Proposal on Obesity in Australian Adults_4

1.1 Aim of the Research
This project aims to explore the relationship of increasing obesity in the Australian adults
and increase the awareness, cost and prevention of obesity.
1.2 Scope of the problem
The major problems of this project includes, the increasing obesity rate can increase the
medical complications, because of weight. The other factors that are prevailing in the Australian
mob is, the overweight and obese children and adult are more likely to have health complains
and suffer from anxiety, depression, bullying, enuresis, headaches and musculoskeletal pain.
1.3 Research Questions
The research questions are listed below:
1) Among three states (NSW, SA, QLD) which state has the highest prevalence of
obesity among Australian adults?
2) Is determinants of obesity directly related to increase prevalence of obesity in
Australian adults?
3) Is there any difference within the rates of obesity among men & women?
1.4 Objective
The objective of this research is to find the Australian states, which has the highest
prevalence of obesity. The research will compare and examine the obesity levels in adults of
different genders, different age, in association to various sociodemographic data such as
race/ethnicity, education & economical background, body image, etc. that are recorded in the
International, Australian Government and State, /territory reports. Subsequently, the research will
determine the direct relation of increasing obesity in the Australian adults and the difference in
the rates of obesity among men & women. Moreover, the loopholes of previous research will be
highlighted and how the identified gaps can be filled will be outlined.
2. Literature Review
Obesity is a state in which an excess amount of fat arises from a sustained energy
imbalance, accumulated in the body (WHO, 2016a). This imbalance often induces by disparities
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between energy gain through eating and drinking, and energy expended through physical activity
(AIHW, 2016a) (McLean et. al., 2016). Term ‘Obesity’, however, became a key area of research
all around the globe with 21st century’s introduction, in Australia, it became field of study since
introduction of nationally representative overweight data in 1980. In Australia, obesity is defined
by BMI, and person with BMI of 30kg/m2 or more can be considered as obese (AIHW, 2016).
Even after such strong efforts in defining term ‘obese’, a lack of comparability amongst survey
methodology and populations, has made it difficult to conclude for global and Australian obesity
prevalence. In Australia, such struggle became evident by poor systematic health monitoring of
populations belonging to distinct age groups and territories, as well as our impaired
comprehensive skills in recognizing parameters creating it (Huse et. al., 2018). Even though
aforementioned baseline idea of overall shifts in prevalence, there is a strong consensus that
regular, comprehensive, comparable and accurate monitoring is critical to priorities obesity
prevention and management strategies and to confidently identify changes over time (Huse, et.
al., 2018).
In following review, we synthesize the data defining prevalence of obesity among
genders of different age bracket, in association to various sociodemographic data such as
race/ethnicity, education & economical background, body image, etc. recorded in International,
Australian Government and State, /territory reports. Along with that, we try to highlight the
loopholes of previous research and outline the need to fill up such identified gap.
2.1 Search Strategies
Assessing obesity among male and female genders of different age group requires
detailed database review, which in this literature review accomplished by applying
comprehensive, systemic and computerized search. To conduct such, distinct medical resources
are explored, which includes Torrens university database, PubMed, (including Medline),
Embase, BIOSIS Preview and Google scholar for the period of 1990 to current. Along with
these, Australian government & state government websites of NSW, QLD & SA are also being
referenced. In this paper, to examine socio demographic characteristics of obesity, distinct search
strategies involving key words and medical terminologies has been opted. The terms that applied
during search are as follow: Obesity, overweight, Body Mass Index, Calorie intake, waist-hip
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