
Evaluation of Obesity Control Campaign in Australia


Added on  2023-06-11

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Evaluation of Obesity Control Campaign in Australia_1

Executive Summary
Social campaigns have a determining role to play in creating responses to obesity. In this
report, a current obesity control campaign held in Australia have been evaluated. Particularly
the implication of fear, risk, disgust or stigma along with personal responsibility in
prevention of obesity have been considered in the course of the campaign. Broader
implications of such campaigns have been evaluated in this report. In this report, this
campaign have been evaluated against a standard of social control which portrays certain
body images along with problematizing body types other than that. The intended as well as
the unintended consequences of the campaigns have been considered and how the application
of alternative models might be helpful have been recommended.
Evaluation of Obesity Control Campaign in Australia_2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................5
2. Determinants of Obesity and related HR interventions.....................................................................5
2.1 HR fame work followed by the Healthway (Western Australia)..................................................7
Eating healthier.............................................................................................................................8
Targeted Interventions..................................................................................................................9
2.2 Comparison of the HP interventions of the LiveLighter with the Social determinants of Health
The data on the rising risk of mental illnesses in Australia shows that mental health would prove to
be an alarming issue in the 21st century. A large number of the Australian people would suffer from
dementia. The list of social determinants of WHO also provides that stress factors causing Dementia
would be an alarming issue for the World. In people aged from 16 to 65. This might prove to be the
reason behind various disorders like mood swings, anxiety and so on. This leads people to crave for
more fast food (Knox et al. 2017). The Live Lighter campaign addresses this problem and includes
messages that might make people aware of the necessity to change their regular food habits.
Familied person must remember that such poor habits might result in illness that would incur
medical costs and future risks. Besides children growing up in these circumstances would not be able
to learn healthy food habits. The factor of social exclusion is also brought into the limelight in the
social determinants of the WHO, 2008. The same cause is being addressed in the Live Lighter with
the example of “Grabbable gut”. People with untoned body posture would lose social recognition.
The exponents of the campaign supposes that the illustrative representation of the internal organs
of the body containing toxic fat would give rise to fear and disgust in the minds of the Australians.
Another issue highlighted in the Social determinants of WHO is addiction (Lupton, 2013). Major
percentage of the Australian people are addicted to poor food habits. They prefer crispy fried snacks
and fast foods. In order to make the people aware of the disadvantages of these habits, the Live
Lighter campaign have included a series of television commercials. These would portray several
social circumstances and try to establish the importance of pertaining to good food habits. One of
the advertisements show a middle aged man advancing towards the refrigerator to take out a slice
of pizza. Midway he suddenly notice his “grabbable gut” and immediately looks at his children
playing in the lounge. He decides to leave his idea. He realises that if he falls ill owing to these odd
food habits, his children would have to suffer the consequences.........................................................9
3. Congruency with TWO of Kickbusch‘s (2012) five key determinants of health for 21st Century.....10
The epidemiological developments of the 21st century shows that overweight would be a common
trait of the people with about 57% of the overweight being obese (Martin, 2015). In such a state,
people are more prone to being attacked by various diseases of which diabetes is the most
threatening. Kickbusch also confirms that the people born in the 21st century would have lower
life expectancy rate in comparison to the previous generation members. The Live Lighter
campaign have addressed this issue and created illustrative television commercials for
encouraging social awareness.........................................................................................................10
3.1 The utilisation of Fear................................................................................................................11
3.2 Identification and discussion of systems thinking approaches (Stigma, Exclusion and Disgust) 12
3.3 Risk factors and Personal sense of responsibility.......................................................................13
Evaluation of Obesity Control Campaign in Australia_3

3.4 Assessment of if and how the HP intervention promotes health equity and/or Action on
environmental sustainability...........................................................................................................14
3.5 Widespread Control Measures..................................................................................................15
4. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................16
Reference List......................................................................................................................................17
Evaluation of Obesity Control Campaign in Australia_4

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