
Object Modelling


Added on  2023-01-17

10 Pages1219 Words86 Views
Object Modelling
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author’s Note
Object Modelling_1

Table of Contents
Functional and Non-Functional Requirement............................................................................2
Use Case diagram.......................................................................................................................5
Domain Model Class Diagram...................................................................................................6
Event-Partitioned System models..............................................................................................7
Object Modelling_2

The report is prepared for national university that has the requirement of developing
an University Enrolment system for facilitating the University administration department and
the students. The system is developed for the management of the university enrolment
throughout the academic year and help the administrator to gather student details from the
information system. The details of the students is needed to be inputted in the information
system like name, address, mobile number, personal details, email address, student id for
opening new account and they need to select their major subject. A verification is needed to
be done for the correct selection made by the student and show the available course in the
term for allowing the student to select the course and the class timing. The information
system helps in reducing the complexity of management and can close the enrolment request
once it reaches the limit. It also helps in automating the payment allows necessary changes to
be made in the information system for increasing the flexibility of operation.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirement
The functional requirement identified for the development of university enrolment system are
listed below:
Registration Component – It is needed for recording the student details and creating a
login account for the student with recording the details of the student such as name, address,
mobile number, personal email address and student id. The details of the student are validated
for the management of authentication and allowing the student to enrol for new courses and
Student component – It is key requirement where the student can select subjects
available in the course module and they can also preview the selection, semester and other
functionality of the profile.
Object Modelling_3

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