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Analysis and Designing of System


Added on  2023/05/30

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This report discusses the benefits and issues of Object-oriented Approaches for software development. It explains how object-oriented programming provides solutions for understanding the functional requirements of a system. The report also covers the use of UML diagrams for better understanding of the requirements and the identification of classes through business process modeling. It concludes that OO language is a highly demanded language in present era for software development.

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Analysis and Designing of System 1
Object-oriented Approach...............................................................................................................2
Other approaches.............................................................................................................................4
Brief analysis...................................................................................................................................5
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Analysis and Designing of System 2
Object oriented programming is providing best solutions for the understating hurdles of
functional requirements of a system. Object-oriented (referred as OO) Language is a software
designing language. It provides different diagrams of system requirements given by the
customer. OO is helping tool for understanding the functional requirements of a project. It is a
graphical way to understand project requirement (Bruegge, 2008).
It is highly used in modern software development. It provides usability in software development.
Software development business is broadly increasing at present time. It is highly demanded at
different levels, such as commercial, social. Numerous software projects got failure, because of
improper understanding of requirements of the system. This is not complete in the end of the
software development (Conallen, 2012). OO approaches are used for understanding data flow
and control flow of the project. This report will discuss about the benefits and issues of Object
oriented Approaches.
Object-oriented Approach
This approach is used iterative processing for handling all the process of software development.
Business process modeling is used for graphical representation of objects and classes of business
process. It has few things, such as flow objects, connecting objects, swim lanes, and artifacts
(Gomaa, 2011).
OO is providing solution for software development in different styles, as compare to other
approaches. It provides different notations for understanding flow of and control in the system.
Software development is reached in every field for helping in their work, such as medical filed,
business, education (Powell-Morse, 2017). In present life style all works are require help of
technologies. However, for maintaining all those works, softwares are required, such as
transportation, purchasing, and daily works. Object oriented systems are required few things for
modification in the requirements (Jacobson, 1993).
Software development is a process in which many phases are done at the end of developer, but
first thing is analysis, which is start form customer side. Requirements are needed for software
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Analysis and Designing of System 3
development. Many projects are failed because of lack of requirement understanding (Satzinger,
et al., 2011). Developer also faces some reasons. These are the reasons customer’s needs,
changing requirements, flow of data, and control access. All these are creating inconsistencies in
the customer’s requirements. Few of the problems in requirements can be avoided at designing
time and development time of a system. That is the only reason for development of notation
language such as UML. It provides communication between all the members of software
development process (Larman, 2012).
Object- oriented approach is used for the designing of the system. In object-oriented approach,
objects are instances of classes. It is a way to access the information though an abstract process.
Business processes are a base for analysis of classes in different terms (Van Lamsweerde, 2009).
It is similar like flow charts. In addition, Data flow is clearly seen in those diagrams, which is
helpful for classes designing. It is also helpful for completing requirements of software classes.
Decision-making is also described in those diagrams. It is a graphical representation of data flow
using different tools ( Oliver, 2017).
UML is a standard tool for providing a graphical presentation of requirements given by users. It
is just describes all the requirements from documents to diagrams for better understanding the
requirement. UML is having nine diagrams for explaining the system requirements. All the
process of software life cycle is interlink with the UML diagrams. Analysis of the system
requirement is most important thing for system designing (Liang, 2003).
These are few steps for class’s identification:
Determine each use case goal: every function is converting in a use case in the use case
diagram. It have a goal for a dedicate work. Therefore, it can be converted in a class. It should
have an object for accessing particular work of that use case.
Entity identification using use cases goal: A use case have different entities for achieving the
goal. It is a key role for achieving a goal. Based on entities classes can be created.
Specification of entities features: all entities having their features are used as significant
classes. Attributes of the entities are also used for class diagrams.

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Analysis and Designing of System 4
Referencing between entities in respect of relationship: Entities are present in use cases for
achieving goals. So according to the actor, it may be converted into classes in the class diagrams.
Collaboration: based on the entities and use cases collaboration identification classes may be
created. Entities are having responsibilities and it is identify using collaboration and
Operations: Assigning process is an operation in classes. This is use in collaboration between
use-cases and entities.
Testing: all the processes are going through the testing between the use case diagram and class
diagram. Few steps are used for testing:
Functional requirements of the use cases
Use case entities
Classes on the bases of use case-entity diagram
Other approaches
Iterative process is required more resources then other approaches. It is required constant
management. It uses short planning stages that will create issues with the architecture, and all the
requirements are not fulfill (EXISTEK, 2017). In this approach, risks may not determine at the
end of the project, because of that it required a highly qualified specialist. However, it is not
suitable for the small projects. It is also include different things, which makes it easy for the
designers, such as instance of classes, use cases.
It is concluded from the bases of previous parts of this report that, OO language is a highly
demanded language in present era for software development. It is provide graphical
representation of software requirement specification. It is a visualization of functional
requirement for avoiding the delays and extra cost of project, because of inaccurate requirement
and understanding. It is a way for use requirements and converts them into a software code. It
reduces human efforts for designing the system. Class diagram are converted into a software
code and it will be changed according to need.
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Analysis and Designing of System 5
It is also concluded that risk assessment is also simple after the identification of different classes.
Object oriented classes are helpful for the creating instance of classes.
Brief analysis
According to previous part, Iterative model is a good way for identification classes from use
cases for the object-oriented system. Analysis classes and software classes are identify using
business process approach. There are so many ways for identification of software classes.
Business process model is the best way to finding software classes. Use cases are created for the
particular function in the system.
Based on the concepts given by Jacobson, OO approach is providing solutions for avoiding
delays and unnecessary cost of system because of less understanding of the system requirements.
It is also provide some classes for directly converted into code. Main advantage of OO is better
understanding of the system requirements. In addition, it is highly required for managing object-
oriented approach in a system. Use cases are the first thing for creating classes through the entity
identification. Collaboration and referencing is between entities and use cases are providing
better results.
As per this report, UML is based on the object-oriented approach and it is so beneficial for
software development. It is a process in which coupling of different function is used for classes
creation. It is a reversible process and save time and money of both parties. It is a more
significant way to understand the functional requirements of the system without any mistake. It
provides a best view of all the requirements from documents to diagrams. However, Developer is
not able to meet with the customer so a clear view of requirement is must for designing. Software
classes are easily created from the use case diagram, and vice versa. Therefore, Class diagrams
are showing a feasible solution of the system.
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Analysis and Designing of System 6
Oliver, R., 2017. Why the Software Industry Has a Love-Hate Relationship with UML Diagrams.
Available at:
[Accessed 17 November 2018].
Bruegge, B. a. D. A., 2008. Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns and
Java-(Required) (Vol. 2004).. 4 ed. London: Prentice Hall..
Conallen, J., 2012. Building Web applications with UML.. 6 ed. New York: Addison-Wesley
Longman Publishing Co., Inc...
EXISTEK, 2017. SDLC Models Explained: Agile, Waterfall, V-Shaped, Iterative, Spiral.
Available at:
[Accessed 22 November 2018].
Gomaa, H., 2011. Software modeling and design: UML, use cases, patterns, and software
architectures.. 2 ed. New York: Cambridge University Press..
Jacobson, . I., 1993. Object-oriented software engineering: a use case driven approach.. 2 ed.
New Delhi: Pearson Education India.
Larman, C., 2012. Applying UML and patterns: an introduction to object oriented analysis and
design and interative development.. 5 ed. New York: Pearson Education.
Liang, Y., 2003. From use cases to classes: a way of building object model with UML.
Information and Software technology, 45(2), pp. 83-93.
Powell-Morse, A., 2017. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: What is it and how do you use
it?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 November 2018].

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Analysis and Designing of System 7
Satzinger, . J. W., Jackson, R. B. & Burd, S. D., 2011. Systems analysis and design in a changing
world. 6th ed. New York: Cengage learning..
Van Lamsweerde, A., 2009. Requirements engineering: From system goals to UML models to
software (Vol. 10).. 2 ed. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons..
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