
Observing HTTP in Action


Added on  2024-04-12

4 Pages773 Words230 Views
Part 1: HTTP
“Fields” or “words” of a request line’s purpose in each case
The division of request line is made in 3 parts:
Method request target HTTP-version:
This method is used for indication of the request for the performance on the resource target.
Use of the GET method can be done in case the user wants retrieval of any information from
the server.
The Request target’s purpose is allowing the server, the identification of the target resource
on which the application of request is done. It can have the form of absolute form or origin
The HTTP version can be 1.0 or 1.1 and its purpose is an indication of the version of HTTP
protocol that is used by the client (Reschke, 2017).
Describe the procedure of bundling the CGI GET parameters into the request URL.
The CGI GET parameters request is bundled under the string query URL. The string of the
query is contained with the values of a parameter that is followed by “=” and further it is
followed by the value of the parameter. Example param2= 200. Use of “&” is made for
separating the multiple parameter bundles from each other. Example
Describe percent encoding.
Use of percent-encoding is done to the conversion of request-target URL into the ASCII
supported format. Hence, the URL that has characters which are not supported in the URL is
converted to “%” which is further followed by two hexadecimal digits. Example, a character
space converts to %20 while percent encoding.
Each “words” or “fields” purpose of a response line.
The division of the response line is done in 3 parts again:
HTTP version status-code reason-phrase
Explain the Content-Type header. What is the difference between "text/HTML" and
It specifies the resource’s media type. It explains to the client that what is the actual type of
the content which is sending to them. The "application/html" needs processing and
"text/html" doesn’t need extra processing to give the respond of content.
Observing HTTP in Action_1

Part-1: Observing HTTP in action
The operations which are the part of the HTML process of downloading, but now we use
Telnet command for those operations to perform. This is supposed to be a series of GET
To start the process and establishing a connection, instead of its default port 23, it uses
port 80 of the website.
We use command for terminal-> $ telnet example.com 80
Then we enter this request with the use of host reader-
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Download the file “wontBeThere.html” from http://bology.com.au. By using Telnet.
Then we use this command to enter in terminal:
$ telnet bology.com.au 80
Then enter the request with use of host reader-
GET /wontBeThere.html HTTP/1.1
Host: bology.com.au
(Fielding, and Reschke, 2014).
There is a command to build and to test the netsrvdemo-
Go to the terminal window.
Search the folder where netSrvDemo.c exists.
Then to compile the server enter below command-
$ make
Then we use this command to run the server-
$ ./netSrvDemo
To connect with a specific server in other terminal window, we use this command:
$ telnet localhost 9991
- Then enter any text for ex.- “hey there?”
Observing HTTP in Action_2

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