
Significant Issues within the Online Community College Proposal


Added on  2023-06-04

6 Pages1413 Words404 Views
Running head: ENGLISH ESSAY
English Essay
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Significant Issues within the Online Community College Proposal_1

The following essay is aimed to discuss upon the significant issues within the spheres of
the online community college proposal. The purpose of the essay lies at the fact that the
education levels of the students in many sections of the USA are just high school or the
graduation degree (Allen, Elaine and Jeff 234). In this aspect the education levels of the
different ethnic groups will be assessed as well. These issues will have to be resolved on the
basis of the given data. The various issues will have to be argued based on the various aspects of
the issue from the community college proposal and the response letter.
The analysis of the context
As per the case study, it can be argued that there are around 2.5 million people living in
California whose age is between 25 and 34. Their average education level is between the high
school and college degrees. It can be said that around 80% of the people are into the employment
as they do not belong to the educationally and economically prosperous class. Out of this section
of the working people (Kuo et al. 16). it can be assumed that 49% of the people are Hispanic
people. This is why they have not gone for the higher education facilities within California. The
argument in this context by the author that it has taken quite a lot of time to recover from the
Great Recession or inflation that has made the job scenario quite complex indeed. This is why
the people who possess the associate degrees have done better than those who only have the high
school and college degrees. In this case it can be said that the education level has been one of the
most effective things for them to succeed in this whirlwind of job scarcity around the world (Kuo
et al. 16).
Significant Issues within the Online Community College Proposal_2

On the other hand, it can also be said that the societal issues and the ethnic issues also
have contributed to this matter largely as well. The author has argued over the fact that the
workforce in the modern days is needed by the skilled-services industries for the people without
the bachelor’s degree. It can be said in this context that the need for the workforce for the blue-
collar industries has lowered down for those people with just school degrees. It has been much
prevalent that they should have some postgraduate training to get qualified for these jobs. It has
been seen in the situation that the organizations will need the employees with much service skill
and digital skill in order to be successful in the different industries. The growing unemployment
suggests that the young people will need to get the higher education more than ever. It would
surely increase the availability of the jobs for them. The debt went up so high that the impact of
the job losses were felt despite the high-quality of education among the Californians (Oliff 1).
On keeping this purpose in mind, the importance of creating the online community
colleges was being felt. This could provide the students with the proper opportunities in the
employment scenario of California (Adams, Maurianne and Lee 341). The chances could be
created properly since the online community colleges will surely go on to analyze the need of
workforce according to the job specifications. If the students take part in the courses provided by
these online community colleges it will definitely be very helpful for them as well. As described
in the response letter, it can be quoted that “While FACCC supports a state buy-down of student
fees, it does not agree with the provision in AB 19 that restricts these funds to colleges that
participate in Guided Pathways” (Johnson 773). There is the importance of these sorts of
colleges in the entire working arena of the organizations. The Governor of California might have
stated about some funding options for the people within that age limit, it can be stated that the
Significant Issues within the Online Community College Proposal_3

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