
Personality Profile Report


Added on  2023-01-03

5 Pages1652 Words28 Views
Module Code: PSY2007
1) Introduction
Theories of Personality are modes to not only define but also to understand different
behaviours and personal traits. Each theory takes it own view of personality and delves into
how and what relevant factors affect one's personality. The earliest of these theories given by
Hippocrates was based in 4 biological fluids called humors and subsequent to that came
Freud's Psychodynamic theory which was based in the intrinsic components of an individual
mind named: Id, Ego and Superego. The same was developed further by others like Jung
adding the dimensions of social environment. Biological theories were classically rooted in
the notion of brain affecting the ultimate nature of one's personality.
Biological theories of personality argue that the inherent different between individuals lie in
the distinction between the inherited predispostions one has. This way they bring the aspects
of heredity along with parallel reference to individual physiological methods. Social
cognitive abilities were given due regard by certain others who argued on the basis of
individual reason and thinking. These would involve behavioural aspects and learning
abilities which are an intrinsic part of a being. One may choose and try to model or remodel
one's approach by learning along with possible suitable changes in behaviour if required.
Traits approach on the other hand targets some fundamental traits of human behaviour and
links it with some aspects of biology. The last part was particularly a peculiar feature of
Eyseneck’s theory. It not only explains the modes of acquiring certain behavioural traits but
also adds the notion of maturity with age explaining why people behave the way they do.
This helps in categorising the individuals on the difference in their behaviour and predicts the
trend. Allport took the idea of certain central traits as a medium to explain behaviour by
categorising them as stable traits as being core to every being. He also devised other
categories like cardinal traits and secondary traits to explain the individual development. This
is the modern trait theory.
His work though didn’t give a medium to categorise individuals and to anticipate future
behaviour. Cattell in is work provides a framework based on inductive reasoning to
categorise individuals based on traits to anticipate future behaviour. It is called the
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Exploratory Factor analysis. The most common way used today is the Principal components
analysis which employs deductive reasoning by the use of questionnaires. It is the basis of
several psychometric tests. There are 5 factors under PCA while Cattell gave a 16F tool using
EFA. Trait theories are sometimes referred to as psychometric trait theories as they tend to
focus on them. These tests are self administered using a questionnaire and aim to determine
the underlying factors which can explain the interaction between several quantitative
variables. Factors are identifiable and labelled. 5 factors under the PCA scheme form 5 factor
Model and feature :
1. Neuroticism : as a measure of sensitivity to stress and balance of emotions
2. Extraversion: It is a factor to understand how one chooses one’s fellows and the
energy levels
3. Openness or Conformity: is the adaptability to the conventions and capability to
adjust as per the requirements
4. Agreeableness: It highlights one’s tendencies to authority and the behaviour to power
and consequent resistance
5. Conscientiousness : This factor is all about details and one’s perception to over look
or look into subtle or detailed aspects
This analysis helps in understanding the future behaviour and thereby a good way to
understand a prospective employee and suitability. Career choices can be suitably advised
based on one’s standards of different factors as they help understand the temperament and
overall tendencies.
2) Table of Personality Scores and Personality Profile
Neuroticism 22 About average The score has been
referred as “About
average” because the
same was interpreted
as being in the bell
curve region : neither
in bottom nor top
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