
operation management


Added on  2022-12-01

12 Pages3070 Words4 Views
Business DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Operation Management
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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Identify one operation management practise within better chosen organisation...................3
Critically analyse about how operation management practice impact the organisation in regard
to efficiency............................................................................................................................4
Illustrate how technology could emended in the process or evaluate about how this is already
been accomplished..................................................................................................................6
Discuss about the supporting function which are linked to the operation management through
evaluate assist ensuring organisation success.........................................................................8
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Operation Management is an area of management concerned with designing and
controlling within the process of production and framing of redesigning better business operation
within production of goods and services (Andriani, Siswanto and Suryadi, 2019). The function of
operation management managing process through creation better organising, creating innovative
to manufacture proper company’s good and services. Marketing is essential the window to
customer. It is converting material about labour goods and services as efficiently as possible to
maximise better profit in organisais ation. Operation management teams attempts to balance
costs within revenue to accomplish highest net operative profit possible.
In this report, the organisation is consider Amazon is an American multinational
technology company based in Seattle, Washington which major focus on e-commerce, cloud
computing, digital streaming and Artificial Intelligence. This organisation is majorly deals with
e-commerce activities and provide online delivering product and services to create valuable
brand within to raise customer satisfaction. As per the identify one requirement practice within
chosen organisation, critical analyse the operation management practise to having impact in
regard efficiency (Azizivahed, Zhang and Catalão,., 2019). Technology embedded in the process
or evaluate which has been accomplished. Through better supporting function of operation
management to ensuring organisation success.
Identify one operation management practise within better chosen organisation.
Operation management is refers about administration related to business process to create the
highest level of efficiency possible within the organisation. Operation is enhance to better
management which majorly considered about customising raw material and labour within into
goods and services as efficiently as possible to maximise the profit of organisation. In context of
Amazon company their operation management allows different types of operation practise which
abide through their teams. As there is role of manger within Amazon to handle and seek for
performance lacking due to uncertain activities affect from purchasing, manufacturing, shipping,
packaging, human resources through better company finance related within support to computer
support. As to understand about the job production manager which is required as undnerstand
how function is operation manager within proper productivity. As manage of Amazon is reliable
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for work in conjunction with many aspect of the company, as their skills must reflect both breath
and depth of knowledge from the areas. There is one operational practise which is optimise in
Amazon company is Communication Coordination: It is improved communication within
organisation which directly increase the productivity. When information is sent from one
independent as well as department to another (Bazmohammadi and Guerrer., 2019). The
communication play an important role where manager and employees coordinate at the time of
attempting to work or handling initiate client. During the operation management within Amazon
company which helps to generate positive way outcomes. It increase the flexible peace at which
the company can operate and ensues that all necessary parties to gathered information were they
get to productive effective manner. Client and management to create better coordination for
gaining feedback, suggestion etc . In this effective communication paly vital role in which
employees or manger deals with or communicate with client queries through different work
platform as well as it generate proper understanding to better gain positive way of outcomes.
Somehow Amazon company has their own portal on which customers or client share their e-
shopping experience within positive or negative side. Amazon acquires accurate operation
management process in which they supplies raw material and product within 24 hours. Along
with company enhance their payment process in which they provide Online as well as Cash on
Delivery system to make their product and service in proper manner.
Critically analyse about how operation management practice impact the organisation in regard to
As operation management makes ensure about that effectively manage of various attributes
within manufacturing organisation such as people equipment, valuable information and
advanced level of technology. Within any production facility which provide organisation
that is having crucial to have adequate and advantageous operation management to ensure
about the production runs smoothly work on unexpected situation (Chatterjee and
Chatterjee., 2021). As there are many benefits which came from implementing better
operation management strategies which allows to gain insight into the key areas which need
about improvement. For Amazon company there are certain positive impact of having
presence of operation management within effective manner are as follows:
Product Quality: The quality of product refers to the capability of meeting or having
exceeding towards a better customer expectation. Through better operation
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