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Project Management Literature Review


Added on  2020/06/04

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This assignment requires a thorough literature review on contemporary project management research. Students are expected to analyze and synthesize various scholarly articles, highlighting emerging trends, influential studies, and critical perspectives within the field of project management.

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Operations and Project

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Review and critique of implementation for operations management principles...................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
P2 Prepare a improvement plan based on review and critique of operations management........4
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
P3 Stages of PLC for project completion with business case, project plan and work
breakdown structure....................................................................................................................7
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
P4 Review and critique the effectiveness of the PLC by using theories, concept and model.....8
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Operation management is generally concerned with managing various activities such as
designing, producing, controlling and redesigning of entire business operations for the purpose of
creating goods or services of an organisation. Operation management is essential for every firm
as it helps in increasing effectiveness and efficiency in planning process. The main aim of
operational management is to ensure about utilisation of available resources for achieving goals
or objectives of firm (Antonio and Martins, 2012). This report is based on Haier Group
Corporation as it is Chinese multinational consumer electronics company. They deals in several
products such as Fridge and Freezers, Gas and Electric Cookers, washing Machines and many
more. Now they are entering into the Television market. This assignment will conduct review
and critiques for proper implementation and prepare a plan of operation management principles
within an organisation. It define PLC and produce necessary support documentation for project
completion including business case, project plan as well as work breakdown structure. In this
also defined several theories, concepts and models for Project Life Cycle.
P1 Review and critique of implementation for operations management principles
Operation management can be defined as arrangements of entire activities such as
initiating, preparing, implementing, controlling and evaluating of procedures for producing
particular goods or services and attain predetermined goals of an organisation. It is very
beneficial for every business entities because it support in building higher efficiency and create
value in the marketplace (Ramos, 2012). Operation management generally refers to as the
production process in which raw material converts into finished goods. Inputs includes materials,
money, machines, manpower and methods that are converted into outputs for final consumptions
in an effective manner.
It is essential for producing effective goods or services and get higher returns from
limited inputs. Operation management support in utilising resources by managing whole
activities such as designs, controls and production of the business. Manager have responsibility
to allocate available funds among several activities and functions inappropriate manner. It can be
helpful in identifying and analysing modifications within existing products so that better
strategies can be formulate. Haier Group which is a multinational electronic company also
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consider several principles as manager ensure regarding implementation of plans and procedures
for creating good quality of electronic items. Here are some principles of operational
management that will support in making decisions regarding new product development such as;
Operation Management Principles
Reality: Operational management is a helpful tool that helps in identifying problems as it
must be required to focus on issues instead of any techniques because there are no universal
solutions available for particular problems.
Organisation: Operation management is related with manufacturing process so it is
necessary to consider factors that must be predictable so that desired outcomes can be achieved
in an appropriate manner.
Fundamentals: Manufacturing or production process is based on fundamental principles
as it is very beneficial for managing several activities and maintain accurate records, necessary
documents as well as disciplines within the firm (Beringer and Jonas, 2013). It also consider all
available resources so that appropriate goods and services can be constructed.
Accountability: Under this principle, manager focus on setting rule and regulations,
metrics as well as obligations while running business operations. In this, compare the metrics for
the purpose of analyse the actual outcomes to achieve set goals or objective in an appropriate
manner. It focus on analysing effective structures and make better decisions, if needed. Its main
role is future forecasting by managing accounting of firm.
Variance: It is helpful in reducing costs and bringing effectiveness while running
business. Manager ensure about entire activities which are managed in an appropriate manner so
that innovations and creativity can be build within the firm.
Causality: This is another important principles where problems or issues are denoted and
also analyse impacts of major causes so that effective solutions can be made. It is necessary to
resolve such issues for avoiding its occurrence in the future.
Managed passions: In every firm, it is necessary that employees are passionate about
their work and focused towards organisational goals or objectives in an appropriate manner
(Kock, 2013). In the Haier Group, all staff members are motivated and passionate regarding
bringing new innovative ideas or adoption of technologies to achieve set targets or desired

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Humility: Managers should avoid their limitation and move to other opportunities for
acquiring knowledge and learn more. they must be ready to get better ideas or knowledge to take
actions and make decisions through effective learning.
Success: In this principle, manager consider success factors which should be changed as
per time period as well as grab the customers interests for a particular goods or services
(Blomquist, 2010). therefore, it must be necessary to revised all principles according to
Change: There are number of theories available that firm can apply to run effectively.
New theories or concepts also developed for finding better solutions of any problems so,
company have to accept several changes and adopt new technologies within the firm.
Six Sigma:
Six sigma is an essential which are using in improving quality of entire procedures for
better operational management. It generally works to reduce errors or problems, consumption of
time and costs factors so that business can be run in an appropriate manner (Brauers and
Zavadskas, 2010). It is very necessary for Haier Group that to produce good quality of electronic
products so that number of customers can be attracted. Its main purpose is to high to end
manufacturing to maintain quality and efficiency.
Haier Group manager considered Six sigma for resolving any issues related to
management, quality as well as operations. In this included DMAIC tools which explained as
Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control. These are as following; Define: It generally refers to goals, objectives, demand of customers as well as set of
directions for the purpose of attaining particular tasks or objectives in an appropriate
manner. Measure: It describe as a tool for measuring current situations, procedures, several
changes during process and any requirements for future to accomplish predetermined
goals. Analyse: In this find or identify basic problem for making decisions to solve it in an
appropriate manner. Improve: In this determined that what kinds of improvements required for attaining
such targets and also analyse modification if it is necessary.
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Control: It is an important task that must be performed in an effective manner as in this
check whole process and control over the resources for meeting with desired outcomes.
Lean Principle:
This principle is also adopted and followed by Haier Group for the purpose of getting as
well as generating ideas within an organisation (Fernández and Rodríguez, 2010). In this
consider several elements for effectiveness such as define Value, Map value stream, Create flow,
Establish pull and Seek perfection. These phases are very beneficial for providing effective
guidelines to impose lean method. These are as follows;
Value: It is generally concern with particular demand of buyers in the market regarding
products or services like what organisation can manufacture and deliver any good or items with
effective prices.
Map value stream: This is the second stage where values stream are mapped out. In this
included a process to produce appropriate goods or services by converting inputs into outputs
and deliver the final goods to end users.
Create Flow: In this phase, manager create a sequence where products flow and
determine its effectiveness for running smooth of business operations. This is beneficial to
reduce maximum wastages and get more outputs by ensuring products flow.
Establish pull: It is a suitable method that ensure about remaining flow which are
running in an effective manner without any barriers or delay.
Seek Perfection: It also helps in making sure that all flows are working in well manner
without any obstacles and processes has been finished in better ways.
Hence, it is necessary for Haier Group that focus on these principles for making effective
organisation and produce new products to satisfy customers needs or wants by manufacturing 58
inches Television with unique features.
P2 Prepare a improvement plan based on review and critique of operations management
For producing new products and services in any firm, it must be required to formulate
particular plan and strategies as well as improve those plan so that better results can be get
(Fleming, 2016). Haier Group also needs to improve planning process continuously which will
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support in developing effective products. It is facilitates for getting best outcomes as this is
helpful in the company that to apply as well as improve plan with well manner.
Continuous improvement: It is a on going process where improvements are considered
for better quality of goods and services within an organisation. These make efforts for improving
particular goods in a certain time period (Koppelman, 2016). In this defined several tools or
techniques to improve continuously and have a process with some phases such as Plan, Do,
Check and Act which is known as Shewhart cycle or Deming cycle.
Plan: In this defined opportunities and plans as per the changes requirements.
Do: It refers to executions and implementation for changes based on scales.
Check: It provide informations regarding data utilisation and check the outcomes during
changes and analyse any gap or difference between them.
Act: In this actions are to be taken if changes is not suitable and effective as per the
product so it is necessary to start entire process and cycles for getting success.
In the Haier Group, it is required for designing and continuously improving plan to
produce new products which is 58 inches Television such as;
Improvement Current positions Target Time frame
Quality For producing new
product such as 58
inches TV must be in
qualitative manner.
There should be effective
designed as well as
framed so that Haier
company can satisfy
customers needs or
wants. It is necessary to
make decisions regarding
quality and innovation.
Haier Group captured
wide market by serving
its products or services at
global level
(Gunasekaran, 2012).
Customers are preferring
to buy goods from this
firm and in the case of
Television, company is
targeting large size of
population. They are
attracting huge audiences
with help of managing
and maintaining quality
of Television which will
There is required
enough time for
producing product and
re-check it.

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support in meeting
customers expectations.
Designing TV is a best electronic
item that have high
demand in the market
(Ngai, 2012). People are
looking for big size or
screen Television to
fulfil their desires.
Customers are interested
to adopt new
technologies and
purchase featured or
smart TV. Therefore,
company have to design
TV or frame it more
appropriate manner by
determining parameters.
In this consider the
effective design of TV
which must be required
for Haier Group.
Therefore, they can
conduct survey or
research process for
analysing the unique
design for TV.
This may be critical
stage for Haier
company to consider
this while producing
TV as they required at
least 8 to 10 months to
design and frame any
Packaging It is an essential for
company that support in
capturing eye of
consumer so packaging
will support in attracting
number of customers
towards firm. TV must
be packed in more
appropriate ways to
achieve best outcomes.
In this defined that the
target of packaging has
specified therefore, Haier
company always focus
on several attributes and
variable for the purpose
of packaging so that
huge audiences can be
It is the last phase of
project where manager
decide about TV
packaging (Lenfle,
2010). In this requires
at least 6 months for
proper researching or
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There are defined some improvement plan for effectiveness of project because it support in
determine opportunities as well as bring changes as per the requirements (Loch, 2010). These are
very beneficial for the firm and contributes more such as;
increase productivity level.
Focus on quality.
Cost effective.
Provide better satisfaction to employees and motivate them.
Decrease turnover of labour.
P3 Stages of PLC for project completion with business case, project plan and work breakdown
Project life cycle is usually related with new product development in which included
several phases. It is a difficult task for every firm because this must be required to undertake
various stages during the framing of PLC in an appropriate manner (Mir and Pinnington, 2014).
Project life cycle made to accomplish goals or objectives. In this included four stages that Haier
Group have to consider for their new product such as; Initiation or conceptualisation of project: In this defined the beginning point where
project is going to start as per ideas and thoughts. Conceptualisation is very supportive in
analysing the basic requirements and formulate strategies by higher authorities. In such
stage, Haier company needs to identify problems or issues for providing appropriate
solutions. For example, making 58 inches Television, company requires to conduct a
research or survey to find best solution in effective manner. Planning stage: This is next step of Project life cycle as it comes after initiation. In this,
manager consider a plan for the purpose of producing better goods or services in an
effective manner (Pemsel, 2013). Planning is most important stage where company
decide purpose, objectives, missions as well as visions of product development. The executions phase: In this defined the proper implementation as well as executions
of plan in more appropriate manner. It is also known as action phase where plan comes
into action. This step always focus on communication and make control over the project
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for effective implementation so that new products can be developed within the firm.
Entire procedure are monitored on regular basis and also make changes whenever
requires for actual plan (Wiewiora, 2013). In this process all tasks are divided among
team members and they have to performed whole work as well as give progress report to
leader or manager during meetings.
Closing phase: It is the last phase of Project life cycle which describe completion of
particular project. It helps in analysing the final deliverable to the targeted audiences,
maintain and records all necessary documentation of project, utilisation of resources and
use of communication process for providing information regarding project to the
stakeholders. This phase will support in ensuring about project and its effectiveness.
Therefore, project life cycle is most important tool for Haier Group as they can be
develop new TV of 58 inches in effective manner.
Work breakdown structure for new product development:
It is very helpful and beneficial for organisation as they can manage and maintain every
task by dividing among several members so that workload can be minimised. This structure is
related with project management as well as company's system engineering (Ramasesh, 2014). It
arrange entire works by allocating tasks in teamwork so that goals or objectives can be achieved.
Manager use appropriate hierarchical structure for managing activities and tasks within the firm.
Gantt chart: It is defined as the graphical representations as it displays the schedule of
project. This chart defines all necessary work or tasks that must be performed in a limited time
period and vertical axis on horizontal locations.

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P4 Review and critique the effectiveness of the PLC by using theories, concept and model
From the above data, it has been analysed that Project life cycle play an important role in
every firm as it support in formulating an effective plan so that new product can be developed. In
this case, Haier Group is going to produce a new product which is 58 inches Television in the
market as this firm already making several consumer electronic item and selling at global level.
The Project life cycle is beneficial in determining an appropriate structure to provide goods and
services. it allows to entire team members to work on a particular project and define progressing
with considering several activities for product development (Browning, 2014). Project manager
can make synergy with progress and every phases for the purpose of project completions. It also
can be determined in the project life cycle that it is very facilitate to understand as well as
determined about project. This is helpful in identifying several areas which is necessary for
getting attentions at various times or critical circumstances including risks management. Project
manager can analyse and review of entire benefits as well as requirements with help of particular
projects and also predict it accordingly in an effective manner.
Project life cycle is useful tool that helps in managing various kinds of assignment in
more appropriate ways with helps of using necessary facts or figure for an organisation. Apart
from these, here are defined some important benefits or advantages of project life cycle (PLC)
which are as follows;
This is an essential that support in reducing chances of mistakes, losses, errors,
complexities and barriers that can be bond desired outcomes and profits of particular
Provide appropriate directions and guidelines to employees so that they can perform
their task or activities in better manner for achieving set goals or objectives in the
project life cycle (Robichaud and Anantatmula, 2010). It also gets feedbacks from them
and understand their views, opinions, point of views regarding project.
This is very supportive in defining several stages to a management team so that they can
conduct several activities and functions by using necessary facts or figures as well as
data for accomplishing predetermined goals or objectives for particular project.
Therefore, it can be said that Haier Group requires to consider project life cycle and
determine needs for adopting new strategies or technologies for successful project.
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From the above project report, it has been analysed that project management play crucial
role in managing business operations as this is helpful in developing new product. This report is
based on Haier Group which is Chinese multinational consumer electronic company and deals in
Freeze, Gas, cooker and many electronic items in the market. They decided to launch new
product so manager has to considered critique and reviews for implementing operational
management principles and also focus on continuous improvement plan for developing new
products. It also analysed the stages of project life cycle and work breakdown structure to get
success in project. Some theories, concept and model also discussed here.
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Books and Journals
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