
Operations Management Principles in Marks & Spencer


Added on  2021-01-02

16 Pages5466 Words193 Views
Operations and Project Management
Operations Management Principles in Marks & Spencer_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3a). discuss about the implementation of operations management principles within Marks andSpencer.........................................................................................................................................3b). Develop a continuous improvement plan on the basis of critical review of operationalmanagement and its principles within Marks and Spencer. .......................................................4c). Discuss about the effectiveness of a continuous improvement plan through appropriateconcepts, theories and models. ....................................................................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7a). Evaluate theories, models and concept and also justified an appropriate strategies useful inthe continuous improvement plan. ..............................................................................................7b). critically review about the implementation of operation management and also related tothe lean principles and Six Sigma. ..............................................................................................8TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10a) Apply the project life cycle in the healthrow terminal 3 integrated baggage facility project,that can produce the necessary documentation that support in the project completions. .........10TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11a) Describe the rationale of project tools, methodologies and leadership applicable in theproject life cycle. .......................................................................................................................11b. Review and Critique the effectiveness of the Project life cycle using different concepts andmodels........................................................................................................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17
Operations Management Principles in Marks & Spencer_2

INTRODUCTIONProject management is a process that iscan used for planning, organizing and executionof operations in the services which includes the demand of forecasting, quality management,production planning and supply chain that collaborate with the process in proper manner. It isalso based on the planning aof particular project in the organization that includes monitoring,initiation and controlling the overall process ofetc. of enterprise's operations. This report willdiscuss about the critical review of implementation through the principles of Operationalmanagement and also a continuous improvement plans for development will be prepared thecontinuous improvement plans for development. Furthermore,.iIt will evaluate the effectivenessof continuous improvement plans with the help of models, theories and concepts. ReviewtheAlso, critical implementation of operation management in relation to the lean principles or sixsigma methodology will be included. Moreover, tThis assignment will describe the steps ofproject life cycle which required for managing the documentation in the completion of project. Italso discuss to review theits effectiveness of Project Life Cycle and their application to theHeathrow terminals 3 integrated baggage facility project with the help of models, theories. TASK 1A). discuss about the implementation of operations management principles within Marks andSpencerOperationsal management is a process in which organizing, planning and supervising theenterprises activities. This is basically defined to as proper administration of practice of companyin way of creating high productivity among employees. It ensures increase in profitability andimprovement in the efficiency of work within manufacturing operations of a company. Theimplementation of operation management in Marks and Spencer will support to reach theirspecific goals and objective (Zhao and et.al., 2018). The strategic goal are meets through theunderstanding the essential principles. There are different type ofThese operations managementprinciples are as follows:-.Reality :It is very much essential for Marks and Spencer that they are focusing onoverall problem which is pertaining within organisation rather than only on techniques.This is due to the fact that no technique or technology alone could be able to present auniversal solution to that problem.
Operations Management Principles in Marks & Spencer_3

Organisation : Within the production facility, everythings has to be connected with eachother because all the element that can used in the business is either consistent orpredictable. Without the proper organisation, the operation will not be able to achieveproper results and outcome of profits. Humility : The trail and error process are the extremely costly that's whyi.e., it isimportant for managers to understand that what are the limitation of enterprises. It help tosave time and mMoney which help in the production for long term.Success : It depends on the process of production facility when how it can befulfilled the need and requirement of consumer. Marks and Spencer is the successfulorganisation in global world because they always try to give more preferences to theirconsumers. If theany company wish to be successful, they have to keep their consumerhappy. Accountability :Being accountable is important for running manufacturing operation inMarks and Spencer. Managers and leaders are expected to be able to set the specific rulesor metrics while checking on frequent basis. It helps to meet the goals and objectives. Collaborating with consumer: In Mmarks and Spencer, Manager is playing animportant role in the organization because they are interacted with the customerstowhileprovidinge the products and servicesat marketplace. This will provide thorough insightthat what company can do better in the product and organize the production families inproper manner. b). Develop a continuous improvement plan on the basis of critical review of operationalmanagement and its principles within Marks and Spencer. Continuous improvement plan which are based on the on- going efforts to increase thebusiness productivity and profitability in marketplace (Heldman, 2018). It is a type on belief thatincremental changes will help in the terms of improvement professionals in organisation. InMarks & Spencer, It has supported the organisation's leadership team to increase the productivityand profitability through skill or knowledge. In this way, require to understand their owncapabilities and abilities by using continuous improvement plan.Continues improvement plan:Skills needed todevelopResourcesrequiredOperation that canbe performed Period ofTtime scale Criteria ofachievement
Operations Management Principles in Marks & Spencer_4

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