
Organisational Behavior Management


Added on  2023-01-11

7 Pages2441 Words43 Views
Leadership ManagementNutrition and Wellness
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Name of the University
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Organisational Behavior Management_1

Question 1: Who has power?
According to the case scenario, Nathan has the power. He has the power of
completing the provided strategic management assignment, which is supposed to be
deliver to his college. Apart from Nathan, His friend Joel also possess some power of
helping him out with the solution.
What bases of power do they possess?
Nathan has the power of creating a balance between the social and college life;
whereas, his friend possesses the power of providing appropriate solutions related to
the assignments.
Does the power become influence?
Yes, the power might influence. In case of Nathan, the power might influence due to
high bias towards social life and for Joel, pressure of his own study might influence
the decision of helping Nathan.
What power tactic do they use?
Maintaining a necessary social life along with prioritizing the study can help both of
Is there political activity evident? If so, what type of political activity do you think is
Considering the above case scenario, it does not evidence any such political issue.
However, helping Nathan with the assignment might violet his university regulation.
Question 2: Which stage is this in the process and why is this such an important
Considering the given case scenario, it is well-understood that, the process of
counselling the employees can come under the initial that is the unfreezing stage of
the Lewin’s 3 stage model. It is one of the vital stage of the proposed model, as this
particular stage intended to ensure that every single should ready for the change.
What other approaches could management use to lessen the employees fears?
Apart from conducting individual counselling for the employees, the management
can conduct a group training process for discussing the benefits of movement as
well as asking their opinions and fears and provide appropriate suggestions to them.
Question 3:
Psychological consequences of stress:
In case of healthy people, the inside nervous system helps in maintaining a proper
balance between relaxation and stress response. However, there exist some people,
for whom this particular system remains on guard, making them feel uncomfortable
and unable to relax. Furthermore, when this kind of situation become chronic,
several issues such as physical illness along with emotional illness can occur. The
psychological consequences of stress are as follows;
Organisational Behavior Management_2

Personality disorder
Abnormal heart rhythms and heart attack
Skin and hair problems
Activity to manage stress:
The following activities can be carried out in order to manage stress and getting a
healthy life
Taking sufficient sleep
Avoiding higher consumption of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine
Indulge in several physical activity
Trying relaxation techniques
Organizational activity to manage stress:
Now-a-days, most of the organizations are carrying out stress relief activities inside
the organizational workplace in order to manage the employee stress and motivate
them to work productively. In recent, the Australian retail industry Home art
conducted different stress relaxation activity in order to get more productivities from
its employees. Furthermore, different stress relaxation activities inside the
organization can be as follows;
Providing work support to the employees
Providing appropriate training and motivation
Concentrating on employee wages, holidays and safety.
Stress and job performance:
Stress can be name as one of the mental illness that lead a person towards high
depression and other mental diseases, affecting all the day-to-day human activities.
In order to perform effectively, every employee need to stay calm, relaxed and stress
free inside the organizational workplace as well as in their personal life.
Question 4:
The big five personality model can identify five type of the personalities. There
are as follows:
Openness to Experience: The Openness can flash the intellectual curiosity level,
level of creativity as well as the preference that is for the variety and novelty within
one person. This can be also elaborated as one scope to that one individual is
independent or imaginative as well as portrays a preference that is personal for
several activities over the routine that was scheduled.
Conscientiousness: This is the tendency for being steady, standardized, acting
dutifully, self-disciplined, focus on the goals that can be achieved and lastly
Organisational Behavior Management_3

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