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Effect of Culture, Politics & Power on Behavior in Organizations


Added on  2023/01/12

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This report examines the effect of culture, politics, and power on the behavior of individuals and teams in organizations. It explores the impact of these factors on performance and motivation.

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TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1
Ascertain the effect of Culture, politics & power on behaviour of both individuals and Teams1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
Determine how content and process theory that accomplish objective as well as goal of
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................7
Team Effectiveness.....................................................................................................................7
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
Apply different concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour in reference of
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................12
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Organisation behaviour is considered as the process in which user interface took place
among the groups of members and personnel that are currently present within business
environment. It is in used for examine the level of performance for individuals as well as their
group members that are working within an organisation(Alleyne, 2016). It further comprises
different elements such as job performance and its structure, motivation, communication and
many more. After analysing the behaviour it lead to positive environment in order to enhance
high opportunities in an efficient and better way. In the current report, John Lewis is a selected
business organisation which is a high brand department stores in London, UK. It was created by
Spedan Lewis and founded by John Lewis in 1929. This company deals in the clothing,
cosmetics, and household items and so on. This report includes impact of politics, power as well
as culture on behaviour in reference to company. In addition to this, it also involves motivational
theories which are considered as the content as well as process theory. Further, this report covers
differentiate amongst ineffective team and effective team and numerous models that lead to
evolvement of members of team. It also includes several beliefs and their notions of
organisational behaviour.
Ascertain the effect of Culture, politics & power on behaviour of both individuals and Teams
The study and analysis of personnel and members of a team who are working presently is
well-defined as behaviour of organisation (Balwant, 2018). The main goal is to increase the
perception and their performance of staffs. In addition to this, this could help company to
cognise the needs and requirement of individuals that lead to meet them. It further aid an
organisation to carry the members of a team for longer time as well as then avoid the cost of
recruitment for the new workers. Moreover, the management examine a company for doing well
within the market environment according to its competitors. For controlling the same uniformity,
the culture, power as well as politics plays a large role in an organisation. Therefore, the manager
of this company could understand and maintain the same modifications in the policies and
procedures for accomplish desired results. A personnel or members of the staff lead to influence
on the power, culture and politics within an organisation which is going to be mentioned below:

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Culture: It comprises norms, values as well as beliefs of personnel which effect on the
behaviour that are performed in an organisation. The culture of a company effect favourably and
adversely within the behaviour of staffs and individual person. In addition to this, the good
culture of an organisation involved job opportunities that motivates their employees and increase
the level of presentation. There are numerous methods of culture that are already within an
organisation that is going to be described below:
Person Culture: This culture indicates that members of a team and employees provides
equal importance to themselves of an organisation)(Barzoki, and Rezaei, 2017). The main aim
and obsessed of working environment that lead to achieve their goals other than enterprise. The
elementary motive of individuals is to increase additional money which lead to sustain within a
given period of time. Therefore, the effect of profitability of a firm and personnel dedicate
almost their time in attaining their personal goals. This results in suffer eagerness for achieving
the predefined targets and goals.
Role Culture: It includes obligations a well as responsibilities of personnel which is
allocated to them which supports an entity to assess business actions in an efficient as well as
effective way. Every organisation has great authority on the actions whether if this type of
culture is predated. The employees also provide some powers and roles which are kept in a
company. This signifies that the responsibility which is given to every individual has to accept to
act upon the actions. In assistance to this, this lead to decrease arguments during allocating of
work as well as their duties which are not yet allocate to each and every individuals. This all
depends upon the conditions of low decisions taken and low risks element consists of low culture
in an organisation.
John Lewis precedes role culture which indicates duties and responsibilities within each
individual that is already decided according to their abilities and talents in order to attain
organisational goals.
Power: It is principally includes the skills and abilities of a staffs which determines the
entire team member that are presently working in a market environment (Cherry, 2017). In
perspective to John Lewis, the power of decision is taken by the higher authority of the business
organisation. There are several types of power which is defined as below:
Reward Power: It refers to the power which involves rewards as well as various paybacks
according to their good performance in an organisation. This indicates the manual instructions
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for the team member to attain its goals and objectives. Furthermore, it assist an individual to
motivate them for workforce in a best way. A company could alos provides inspiration or
monetary terms benefits according to the work which they have performed. This all depends
upon the team spirit in order to enhance their productivity and profitability of a particular
Coercive Power: It is primarily based on the power of higher authority that provides
guidelines to their individuals. It is considered as the power which carried down the spirit of
employees. This power evolves the unsupportive mind-set of individuals which involves the low
performance that results to effect in profitability of a company.
John Lewis has making of its strategies, policies and rules for the individuals and
providing the needs and requirement of members of a team into circumstances it regulates
reward power. It also offers cash money and various paybacks for influencing its individuals on
allocated goals .
Politics: It refers to the actions which are performed within the interconnection between
employees in a working environment(Chinomona, and Dhurup, 2016). This lead to good
environment which results in disputes and outcomes that effect the environment unfavourable.
There are several forms of politics which are discussed as below:
Positive politics: It is defined as the situations that create members of a team which
increases exertion in order to attain desirable outcomes. This lead to motivate each and every
employee for keeping performed actions within works in the approval of a company. This
involves various benefits of politics like favourable outcomes, high productivity and so on.
Negative politics: It is defined as negative impact on the organisation which lead to
effect within the working environment. It affects their respective employees in an unfavourable
way to a wider level. This lead to decrease the relationships with employees that brought faith
between all over the individuals. Further, it also low down productivity that enhances disputes.
John Lewis offers equivalent significance to favourable politics for transmission results at
the period of assigning the predefined tasks. This could be accomplishing by achieving the trust
of staffs which assist to motivating for a longer time period.
Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory: It indicates the regulation of Green Hofstede
that shows the impact of culture on employees values of a staffs (Davies, 2016). Further, is could
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understand by various cultures of an organisation. Hofstede's theory considered as sic cultural
conception that are discussed as follows:
Individualism vs Collectivism: It signifies the level of community that are included in
groups or teams to create common relationships in a specific society. This individualism
is preceded by UK country. Hence, John Lewis Company also follows the same
Uncertainty Avoidance: It indicates the stage of expression and uncertainty which is
endured (Dunphy, 2016). It includes uncertainties and unpredicted outcomes and many
more. John Lewis also consists of achievable conditions that occur in future to repel from
monetary on the business entity.
Femininity vs Masculinity: It signifies “Tough vs Tender” and comprises tastes and
preference of communal regarding attitude as well as behaviour. Also, UK is a masculine
ascendant country whether there is women is a business firm which delivers at better
positions. Hence, John Lewis is consists of specific jobs which is appropriate for males
Determine how content and process theory that accomplish objective as well as goal of company
Motivation of employees is considered as a level of proficiency, capability, strategy as well
as many more that must hold in staffs of the company. It is vital for supervisor to inspire
assistants to perform well within workplace (Eloquin, 2016). The supervisor of John Lewis
emphases on motivating subordinates for attaining goal as well as objective within
marketplace in less time period. John Lewis is well- established business firm located in
UK that deal in different products as well as services like jewellery, clothes, housewares,
watches and so on. The management team of company emphasised on motivating
subordinates that helps them in satisfying the need of customer according to their need and
wants. There are a lot of scholar as well as scientists who give motivational theory. In
assistance of this, it is vital to analyse the requirement and need of subordinates for
increasing their satisfaction as well as motivational level. There is two kind of motivation
like intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation. The various benefits of these motivations that
helps in maintaining healthy environment which is going to be discussed below:

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Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation is described as a process
in which motivation arise from the inner
requirement of an individual person. Here, the
employees do not put some additional efforts.
This kind of motivation is specific and unique
thus it is advantageous for the company.
Whereas, Extrinsic Motivation arise from
different external forces which encourage
employees to perform well. Therefore, the
employees need various source of motivations
like rewards, success, power and many more.
Motivational Theories: There are diverse philosophies which is examined for employees
encouragement and motivation (Hyypiä, Oikarinen, and Parjanen, 2016). It is vital for
subordinates to have a favourable attitude and behaviour to perform work well. The favourable
attitude of staff member helps company in examining the capability of employees to do work. In
addition to this, there are number of philosopher and scientist who develop theories of
motivation that helps in determining the behaviour as well as attitude of individual person. There
are several theories of motivational used by John Lewis that is going to be deliberated below:
Maslow's Hierarchy Theory: This is a suitable theory which was founded by Abraham
philosopher in year of 1950. In this model, there are five level involved in this theory. The
manager of company emphasised on satisfy the basic need of an individual. In addition to this,
The top management of John Lewis stimulate employees by fulfilling needs at every level. The
primitive objective of manager of company is to make assistants perform their work in
appropriate manner for achieving objective in less time period. There are diverse stages that
involved in Maslow's theory which is discussed below:
Physiological needs: This is the foremost stage of Maslow need theory. In this level, the
manager of company emphasised on fulfilling the basic need of employees. It is necessary for
manager to fulfil the basic need of employees if they want to work well in the business
organisation. The basic need involves food, water and clothes that must be satisfied for achieving
organisation goal as well as objectives. The top management of John Lewis satisfy all the basic
need of individual for increasing the performance level of employees.
Safety and security needs: Furthermore, the next level of this theory involves security as
well as safety need (Jacobs, and Manzi, 2019). After satisfying the primal need it is necessary for
manager to protect employees form any damage in relation to safety as well security. Both
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monetary as well non-monetary requirement of individual must be fulfilled. The high authority
of John Lewis emphasised on offering various benefits to its staffs such as medical benefit, job
security, and old age pension and so on. These benefits motivate employees to work toward
betterment of business organisation.
Social need: After fulfilling basic and security need, the following level comprises
satisfying their social need. As per this stage, the individual needs to satisfy their social need and
wants. In context of John Lewis, the supervisor emphases on providing social recognition and
belongingness need of the staff member. This will helps in maintaining good brand image as well
as reputation of the company.
Esteem Needs: According to this stage, the individual person must fulfil his or her self-
esteem need and wants during the particular period of time. The subordinate of company
motivates if they possess high esteem need (James, 2017). This need arise when all above
mentioned need of an individual is satisfied. It includes self-respect, status and prestige which
motivates individual person to work well within workplace. The manager of John Lewis
provided rewards as well as benefits to its employees for increasing their motivation and
satisfaction level.
Self-Actualization needs: In this level, all needs as well as requirements of individual
person must be satisfied. The higher authority of John Lewis stressed on employees to work
appropriately to satisfy all above declared needs. After this process, the self-actualisation need is
Vroom's Expectancy Theory: This motivational theory was founded by Victor Vroom
in the year 1964. There are three factors which are involved in this model:
Expectancy: In this theory, it is necessary for employees to place additional efforts in
improving superiority of work. The working environment of company is affected if subordinates
are not able in doing their work and tasks in suitable manner. Therefore, it is compulsory for
subordinates to execute high quality work.
Instrumentality: The individual person is motivated when they are involved for the
working of business organisation (Kitchin, 2017). The manager of John Lewis gives chances to
workers to take part in decision making of the company
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Valence: According to this factor, every person possesses diverse experience. The
subordinates of John Lewis are encouraged by identifying their needs and requirements. They
also offer prizes, incentive and paybacks to staffs according to their performance.
In context of John Lewis, the supervisor makes effective strategy, policy as well as
procedure for the success of business organisation. Also they offer various benefits and rewards
to workers for satisfy them. Along with this, there are diverse issues as well as challenges faced
by manager of company thus it adopted motivational theories for encourage employees towards
work. The company introduced A level program for improving the employees career
development. Beside from this, they also started S level program for stimulating and motivating
worker of young age. This all activities helps organisation to accelerate productivity and
profitability of business organisation.
The Maslow hierarchy theory and valence theory help the John levels to have motivated
employees that help in increasing productivity and performance level within business
organisation. The satisfactory employees always help in a completion of goal in given period of
time. It helps in performing their work in well-defined manner and also it is necessary for
company to motivate its employees for completion goal in stipulated period of time
Team Effectiveness
Difference among Group and Team
Basis Effective Team Ineffective Team
Mutuality It consists of members which
have positive mind-set for its
targets(Knights,and Willmott,
eds., 2016)
It indicates decrease in
mutuality that lead to non-
achiever of goals.
Motive Manager determines the goals
in a clear-cut way that restrict
the range of doubtfulness.
There is already lack of
clearness in achieving goals.
Communicating Members of a team predate
two mode of communication
One mode of communication
is followed.

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that assist to brought open.
Decision-making process Members of staff took part in
decision-making process
which convey their opinions
and ideas that aid to bring
Lehtimäki, and Pučėtaitė,
Decisions are always taken by
top authority which transfers
Kinds of organisational teams
The team members which are working together to attain goals is defined as team. There
are various kinds of teams which carry commercial actions in an appropriate way. These are
deliberated as follows:
Functional Team: It is the bunch of people which has skill fullness and work for
accomplish goals and objectives. In context of John Lewis, contribution of functional teams that
aid assistance business organisation to perform stated tasks in a predefined manner and complete
within a given time period.
Problem Solving Team: This team indicates the transitory in nature and underscore a
specific difficulty. In reference of John Lewis, this team aid assistance to the business
organisation to get up with any situations that resolve in an effective and efficient manner.
Project team: The team member jointly works together and conveys their strategies and
objectives. It is constituted in a suitable erection and allocated with their obligations as well as
duties within a time frame (McShane, and et. al., 2018).
Virtual Team: It involves individuals who works better in a various areas. This is
completely depend on communications modes like WhatsApp, video and audio conferencing that
evaluate tasks in a predefined way. John Lewis '.;';lkokioki
Tuckmen Team Development Team Model: This model was projected by Bruce
Tuckman in year of 1965. It also accent on the level of performance of staffs for specified work
from the given time. It further involves the evolvement of team member that lead to maintain a
better relationship among the managers and employees. In reference of John Lewis, this could
aids business organisation to collaborate their team in an effective and efficient way.
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Forming: It is a primary stage which involves team spirit through which the members of
a team which is accumulated within executed task in proper way. In context to John Lewis, it is
vital to assign tasks within the team member for maintaining healthy environment within a
Storming: It involves relationship which is evolved between the members of a team so
that they share their opinions and ideas (Pereira, Malik and Froese, 2017). In relation of John
Lewis, it is essential for managers to deliberate ideas of all the staffs that no dispute raises.
Norming: In context to John Lewis this helps the organisation to raise higher growth as
well as achieve organisational objectives in less period. A team hold the duties, policies as well
as procedures of the business organisation. The decisions which are taken by the understanding
of all the members of a group which decreases disputes between the staff members.
Performing: With reference to John Lewis it provides a manager to gave authority to all
the members of a team while taking decisions that motivate efficiently. A team should focus on
specified tasks which is performed by a manger and a leader in an effective and efficient manner.
Further, they evaluate specified tasks of a team which is allocated by a manager of a team.
Adjourning: This involves top authority which assures the relationship between
members of a team that stay after the wind-up of a project which assist to control good culture
within an organisation. The project which is completed with all the members of a team that is
Apply different concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour in reference of
Organisational behaviour is the interaction between business organisation and its
employees (Wood, and 2016). It is the procedure in which it assesses attitude as well as
behaviour of employees towards work. It comprises diverse features like value, custom, belief as
well as tradition. There are diverse concepts which help in motivating employees toward their
work. In reference of John Lewis, the management team focuses on accomplishing goal as well
as objective in less time period. In addition to this, the manager of this company adopts some
theories and concepts which are given below:
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Business Condition: In reference of John Lewis, the current scenario of business
organisation is not too good. Therefore, there is absence of communication between the
employees which enforces direct impression on the performance of business organisation in
suitable manner. Thus it generates issues and conflict within workplace and it enforces direct
influence on goal and objective of organisation. The chief of company focuses on resolving the
issues and conflicts that arise within workplace for achieving goal in less time period. To deal
with all situation as well as circumstances in an effective manner, the manager use Path Goal
Theory that is mentioned below:
Path Goal Theory
Path goal theory stressed on adopting various leadership style for achieving goal as well
as objective of business organisation (Wood, and et. al. 2016). In assistance of this, the behaviour
of leader change as per various situation as well as condition. In relation of John Lewis, the
management team emphasised on improving productivity by satisfying employees. The main
objective of the business organisation is to motivate employees that assist in growing future
growth of business organisation. The path Goal Theory is classified into different characteristics
which are going to be discussed below:
Categorisation of Path Goal Theory
Employee Characteristics: In this category, the supervisor of firm assesses need as well
as obligation of staffs on regular basis for motivating them. In assistance of this, the supervisor
make effective strategies and policies for satisfying employees in appropriate manner(Wood, and, 2016). It helps in developing positive environment within business organisation. The
satisfied employees build positive behaviour and attitude within workplace in order to influence
subordinates to work towards achieving goal and objective of company. In addition to this, it has
been inspected the different need as well as requirement of individual person that helps in
boosting their satisfaction and motivation level. Apart from this, the need of employees is
analysed in order to satisfy them in better way.
Directive: A manager gives directions to its respective employees in respect to evaluate
business actions that could execute in a appropriate manner. In context to John Lewis, the
management team of a company handle all the members of a team to achieve objectives.

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Achievement: A leader would motivate their associate to attain goals and objectives of a
company. With reference to John Lewis, team directs on giving challenges to employees that
could carry through to attain goals within an organisation.
Participative: A leader provides job opportunities to its employees while decisions are
taken in an organisation. In relation to John Lewis, the top authority suggests the employees in
decision making that lead to positive environment in an organisation.
Supportive: This signifies a leader which lead to satisfy the needs and demands of the
employees(chan 2018). With reference to John Lewis, a team of management could helps a
company to meet its specified task performed which motivates and satisfies their employees in
an organisation.
Philosophies of organisational behaviour
There are several viewpoints of Organisational behaviour which is described as follows:
Custodial: It indicates that it is important to provide training as well as development
programmes to the employees before allocating them tasks which assist a John Lewis to assess
business actions in an efficient and effective way.
Collegial: This philosophy involves members of a team that took part in their work in
better cooperation so that they could attain specific tasks(chan and man 2018). In reference of
John Lewis, this assist a company to motivate their employees which lead to gain productivity
and level of performance within the workplace that enhances profitability of a company.
Autocratic: The top authority of John Lewis has the power for decisions which are
undertaken according to their goals of a company. They provide guidance to all members of the
staff which is performed in an appropriate way.
On the basis of above discussed report, it can be decided as the organisational behaviour
which plays an important role in future success of an organisation. This comprises three elements
that effect on the behaviour of teams and personnel which are currently working in an
organisation are culture, power as well as politics. A leader plays a significant role that motivates
them for controlling effective and efficient relationship which includes the entire team member
that assist a company to attain objectives within a given time frame. A manager follow several
theories like Maslow's and Adam's Equity theory so that they influence employees and gain their
level of efficiency. Tuckman team development model aid a company to execute the performed
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task from first complete the work of their team in effective and efficient way. In assistance to
this, getting of Path-goal theory in an establishment aid a leader to attain predefined goals as well
as objectives in an suitable way.
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