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Organisational Behaviour: Impact of Culture, Politics, and Power on Individual and Team Behaviour and Performance


Added on  2023/06/15

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This report discusses the impact of culture, politics, and power on individual and team behaviour and performance in the context of Marks and Spencer. It also covers various theories of motivation and effective team working models and concepts.

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Organisation Behaviour

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The organisation behaviour has importance that offers guidance to an organisation. The
study of OB leads in knowing and forecasting corporate activity. It is related to dealing with
human behaviour which defines to study and application of knowledge in respect to its human
behaviour that is associated with other factors of company such as technology, social system,
structure etc. the motivation is significant in workplace which leads to improving work
performance of employees by motivating them to work efficiently (Berraies, S. and Rejeb, W.B.,
2019). The report is based on Marks and Spencer introduced in 1884 by Michael Marks and
Thomas Spencer. This is an multinational retail of clothing, food and home products located in
London, England UK. The report is been in two parts. The part 1 covers the impact of politics,
culture and power on individual behaviour along with several theories of motivation. The part 2
covers numerous models and concepts which supports on effective team working. This report too
helps in understanding contribution of leaders in respect to accomplishing goals of organisation.
P1 Effect of culture, politics and power of organisation on individual and team behaviour
and performance.
The power, politics and culture is linked with organisation management and leadership
which influences behaviour and performance of team and individual. The organisation cultures
is related to values, practices which helps in guiding organisation members actions. This is
developed on the basis of beliefs and attitude. In the context to Marks and Spencer the Handy's
model is use based on organisation culture which involves experience and other philosophies.
Power culture- In this culture the power lies within high authority that owner of
organisation which is authorised to make decision. The employees have no freedom for
expressing its thought, ideas and required to follow the instructions of their superiors.
There is delegation of responsibility to other employees (Bishop, J. and Bechkoum, K.,
Task culture- The teams are developed for attaining targets and critical problem is
solved. The team is developed with the common interest and specialization. The equal
contribution of the team members completes task in innovative way.
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Person culture- The employees are made feel important as the part of an organisation. In
such culture the person is more concerned with his own self and decision in favour od
organisation is not taken. In this culture, power rests with the employees as they are the
centring and have the opportunity to develop their careers and skills.
Role culture- To the employees roles and responsibilities is delegated in accordant to
specialization, education qualification and their interest. Each employee is accountable
for something. They take responsibility for the assigned work, and in such a work culture,
power comes with responsibility (Carvalho, A.M and, 2019).
The task and role culture is followed by Marks and Spencer for making staff feel valued.
In such the organisation objectives are achieved by assigning roles and responsibilities.
The organisation power defines the capability of individual which influence the another
person behaviour. The opportunities are offered for expressing employers opinions and decision
is taken. In the organisation it is an social motivating force. In context to Marks and Spencer the
types of powers are as below-
Legitimate power- This power is held by the manager and leading official in accordance
to its position which comes with its roles. The informal rules are conducted. The
workforce in context to Marks and Spencer obey orders of senior.
Coercive power- It is the formal power and ability of managers to compel employees to
obey instructions by threatening them with punishment if workers fail to obey. Marks and
Spencer has effectively used coercion at the time of severe crises to complete its service
on time and correctly (Chen, J and, 2019).
Reward power- This gives the manager the ability to reward employees with
promotions, money, and other privileges. The supervisors reward the worker by giving
them incentives when they do their job effectively. In context to Marks and Spencer they
use this power with the aim of urging subordinates and employees on to combat
productivity and effectiveness.
For influencing the workers organisation uses Legitimate power to have effective
working. This helps in enhancing productivity of work in positive way.
Organisation politics is a effective tool which helps in achieving goals of organisation. It
is understanding of other work for influencing them. It impacts on team and employees in
negative way which can reduce work productivity. The organisation and personal interest is

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improved by influencing tactics. The politics is related to process and behaviour which includes
power and authority. The main reason for the policy is the disagreement among different
members and groups with the different motives and viewpoints in the organization. The scarcity
and interest also lead to a scarcity of organizational policy, as resources can lead to competition
between two members or groups that leads to politics within the organization. The other factor in
organizational politics is interest, as the interests of different members and groups collide,
creating conflict and leading to politics (Kim, H and, 2020).
M1 Critical evaluation of organisation power, culture, politics that influences individual and
team behaviour and performance.
In context to Marks and Spencer the power, culture and politics affects in both positive
and negative ways which influence the behaviour and performance. The competent use of power
helps in contributing and accomplishing goals of organisation. The organisation politics
concentrates on the authority and interest of individuals (Koskela, L., 2020). It is seen that
politics have conflicted responses according to different people views. The strong corporate
culture in Marks and Spencer stated that individual actions are always optimistic. The working of
manager and workers is appropriate leading to success.
P2 Discussion of theories of motivation which implies effect on the achievement of
organisational goals.
The motivation defines to needs of hierarchy by involving all the factors which motivates
for achieving the tasks and roles efficiently of organisation. Motivation is the process that guides,
initiates and maintains goal-oriented behaviour. In order to achieve the goals, people's actions are
stimulated. In order to make the maximum contribution of the efforts, the employees in the
organization are motivated. There are two types of motivation:
Intrinsic motivation- The intrinsic motivation helps to perform better and the individual
ability for the given task is improved. It arises in the individual for personal satisfaction, which is
connected with self-realization and occurs at the time of task fulfilment. It includes the non-
financial rewards such as participation, responsibility, etc.
Extrinsic motivation- It arises from the individual made up of rewards, money, fringe
benefits and profit sharing that is financial in nature and influenced by external factors.
The motivation theories is classified on basis of content and process-
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Content theories- This centres on what motivates human behaviour which have large
impact on policy and practices of management. It is also known as need theory which identifies
needs and those needs are fulfilled. It covers the theories of Maslow's need hierarchy theory and
Herberg's Theory.
Maslow's need hierarchy theory- In 1943 this model was suggested by Abraham
Maslow that without the satisfaction of basic needs a person cannot attain the level of self-
nationalization. This model says that employees are motivated by the satisfaction of basic needs
and work with a positive attitude (Kumar, R and, 2019).
Psychological needs- These needs are essential to human survival which consider
biological requirements, including food, shelter, sleep and water. It is a basic need which
needs to be satisfied. The functioning of human being is affected it this needs are not
Safety needs- It becomes important after satisfaction of psychological needs. This need
is related to emotional and financial security, social stability. The society and family
fulfils this needs and predictability is experienced by people.
Love and belongingness needs – It is also known by the name of social needs which is
related to emotional need of human to be an portion of group and for interpersonal
relationship. This belongs to friendship, trust etc.
Esteem needs- It includes self-worth, achievement and respect, which are divided into
parts: i) self-esteem, which includes domination, dignity, independence and ii) respect
from others such as status, prestige (Paull, M and, 2020).
Self-actualization needs- It mention to the potential realization of the person who seeks
personal growth and experience, self-actualization
Herzberg's Theory- This is known as two factor theory which helps in employee
motivation and work performance is improved. This involves two factors which are as follow-
Hygiene factors- In such a factor, the employee is offered the short-term satisfaction that
the presence of this factor requires. If these factors are missing, the employees are
demotivated (Qodriah, S.L and, 2019). Hygiene factors include the work
environment, working conditions, safety and security, which make individuals unhappy
because they are low-level and unsuitable in the workplace. With such factors, the high
concentration of managers leads to a high level of job satisfaction among employees.
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Motivating factors- The existence of this factor is crucial from the employee's point of
view, which leads to an betterment in the employee's work and performance. Employees
have job satisfaction through motivating factors such as performance, recognition,
responsibility, advancement. Motivation is based on personal growth of individual needs.
Process theories- It focus on how motivation process is influenced and individual
behaviour is motivated. This theory represent individual behaviour and psychological process for
attaining the organisational goals and objectives. The needs of an individual is examined which
cam affect behaviour for accomplishing goals. It considers the theory of Skinner's Reinforcement
theory and Vroom's theory.
Skinner's reinforcement theory- This theory was supported by B.F. Skinner, who
represented the managers behaviour and nature towards employees. It is chiefly about the inner
values of the employees. The external environment of the organization must be designed
effectively and positively in order to motivate employees (Raptis, G.E and, 2018). The
behaviour of the employee is controlled by positive, negative reinforcement, punishment and
Positive reinforcement- The behaviour or the reaction is reinforced by reward and leads
to the repetition of the desired behaviour.
Negative reinforcement- It is a cessation of the unpleasant state, it is considered
negative because the adverse stimulus is removed.
Punishment- It is the opposite of reinforcement in that it is designed to eliminate any
response rather than reinforce it. This is an dislike event that diminishes behaviour that
Extinction- A manager uses this element to stop someone's learned behaviour as it
implies a decrease in the profitability of the undesirable.
Vroom's theory- On the basis of individual factor employee performance is based which
involves the skills, knowledge, experience and abilities. The positive correlation among efforts
and performance helps in motivating individuals different set of goals (Scholz, C. and Rennig, A.
eds., 2019). Ultimate satisfaction in performance leads to favorable performance with desirable
rewards. The most important factors of motivation are: Valence- Employees are motivated by extrinsic rewards, which consider promotions, free
time, money, and so on. This also applies to emotional orientations. Intrinsic rewards

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include happiness and status. Management discovers what employees value and what
needs they have. Expectancy- The employees have different expectations and levels of confidence in their
skills in Marks and Spencer. In order to identify the expectations, manager communicates
with employees and to make them feel motivated, training courses are offered to improve
job performance.
Instrumentality- The employees are being made aware of their promises and rewards. In
the organisation the system of rewarding needs to be clear to employees. The employee
perception definers to desire what actually they want and they are getting.
M2 Critically evaluating how to influence the other behaviour through effective application of
theories, concepts of motivation.
In achieving the organisation goals the motivation has important role as it supports the
accomplishment of targets with the help of collective efforts of employees who make use of their
knowledge, skills, experience etc. for creating value. It consider the theory of content and
process in context to Marks and Spencer. It consider the theory of Maslow as it helps in fulfilling
needs of individuals and good salary is offered which provides satisfaction. With this Skinner's
reinforcement theory is adopted which helps in minimization of employees turnover and
productivity is improved by positive reinforcement in workplace. This model is effective in
modifying employees behaviour.
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.
For every successful organization, the effective team is a foundation that works together
as a team and increases productivity. To make an effective team, members need to unite the
vision. The effective team helps in the successful completion of the assigned tasks by improving
its quality efficiently and effectively. In the effective team, the task of the goal is clearly
understood and accepted by all members (Semerci, A.B., 2019). The communication takes place
in two directions, whereby both the ideas and the feelings of the employees are expressed openly
and precisely. A team consists of two or more members who work together to achieve a common
goal. In the Marks and Spencer organization, multiple teams are formed to get the job done in an
appropriate manner, and there is optimal use of the resources that bring talent and skill to each
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team. There is an open discussion and influencing of the group. With a logical argument, the
members are convinced to make a decision. Communication is clear and shows leadership that
motivates team members.
Ineffective team refers to the emergence of conflicts full of distrust, unfocused, and
negative competition. The ineffective team members do not put in the many efforts that add
workload and pressure to successfully achieve goals. Trust collapses in the team. It creates the
difficulty in understanding the group task and goals (Toni, M and, 2018). The peoples do
not listen to each other and ignore the ideas. To have an effective team there needs to be mutual
collaboration, individual development, balanced role, good communication, support and trust,
etc. Tuckmans' team development model explains how a team is developed. It comprises the
five phases which are as follows-
Forming- This is an first stage where employees are unknown to each other. The
orientation is provided to make the familiar members with each other and being polite
with everyone. It discusses about skills, background and individual role in such stage
which is evaluated by Marks and Spencer. The high authority pre defines task so that
relationship can be developed by forming roles and responsibilities.
Storming- This is an critical stage between the team members as the conflicts and
clashes emerges which leads to decline in performance and results in failure. To enhance
the sales efficiently the Marks and Spencer discuss objectives with its employees for
evaluating creative ideas (Van Cleven, A and,2018).
Norming- In such stage the people start resolving differences, appreciates others
strengths and authority is respected. The conflicts are resolved and teams agreed upon
rules and figures for attaining goals by having together working. In Marks and Spencer
the employees work in unity and harmony by following rules to have efficient
Performing- The goals are achieved efficiently of the organisation as team members
works with full potential. In order to have effectiveness in working stable atmosphere is
maintained by team members with structured process which also helps in
accomplishment of objectives (Waddell, D and, 2019).
Adjourning- This is an last stage where team goals are achieved and project comes to an
end. This stage is also known by name of Mourning stage. The workload is reduced and
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new task are delegated to team members. The positive achievement is celebrated by team
members and improves performance efficiently.
Difference between effective and ineffective team
Basis Effective teams Ineffective teams
Underlying goals All the team members make an
understanding of objective and
It becomes hard for team
members to have an
understanding of goals or
any group task.
Conflict resolution In this team members are
comfortable with each other which
helps in avoiding conflicts and
disagreements (Weber and et. al.,
In the workplace situation of
conflict arises and no one
agrees with each other ideas
leading in low performance.
Working environment The atmosphere for the team
members is very relaxed, pleasant
and informal.
For group members working
atmosphere is bored, tense
and indifferent.
M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of
collaboration in effective teams
In context to the Marks and Spencer the theory of Tuckman is followed which helped in
development of latest technology. From the several divisions the entire team was well organised
which strengthened the team job. The employee show management ability and new strategies
were implemented. The effective teams contribute to an accessible contact that encourages
constructive and optimistic behaviour by employees in the company, when an inefficient team
allows employees to be pessimistic about the efforts made to achieve their goals.
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational
context and given business situation.
The concept and philosophies of organisational behaviour is based on the two key
elements which are discussed as under-
Nature of people

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Nature of organisation
Nature of people- Nature signifies the characteristics one individual can have regarding their
different beliefs.
Individual difference- Every person carries distinct attitude,beliefs and individual
perceptions. Integrating different attitudes into a single loop so this is the responsibility of
a manager to integrate the different attitudes of individuals and treat them equally.
Criteria for their evaluation should be their job performance
Motivated behaviour- Guiding or mentoring the behaviour of an employee is necessary
so as to take out the best of its potential. Motivation can be either positive or negative
only difference between the two is that positive will encourage whereas negative
forcefully changes the behaviour.
Nature of organisation- It simply refers to the type of services or products a particular
organisation is rendering or manufacturing (Yamin, M.A.Y., 2019)s.
Social system- In an organisation there are mainly two types of organisation either
formal or informal. Formal organisation follows a systematic hierarchy whereas informal
organisation does not follow chain of rules which is created out of any personal need.
Ethics- Ethics are those code of conduct which are required to be followed by the
organisation. By fulfilling ethics one can smoothly conduct a particular enterprise.
The theories are-
Path goal theory of leadership- This theory explains the different styles of leadership.
These styles are helpful in understanding the complete framework of an organisation. The
path goal theory or model is based on the premise that the behaviour of a manager
influences the motivation, performance and satisfaction of employees. It shows that a
leadership style should be motivated and able to improve the team's performance. It
contains the following leadership styles.
Directive- A manager expects their team members to cooperate by providing
guidelines. The tenant initiates a task and delegates role or responsibility to team
members while they focus on their own opinion and experience. Marks and Spencer
gives direct guidance to its employees in the implementation of guidelines and
controls the behaviour of employees in order to meet the standard of performance.
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Supportive- It is people-centered leadership where a leader personally cares about
the well-being, well-being, and needs of their subordinates. Leaders show empathy
for enemies in need of support. Marks and Spencer treated all employees equally and
also helped them achieve their business goals efficiently.
Participative- It is a democratic leadership because it gives the members orientation
and also allows input from the team members. It makes the employees feel that they
are very important to the organization. Marks and Spencer consults with its staff
during the important discussion, taking into account their ideas and suggestions
regarding the tasks
M4 Evaluating how concepts and Philosophies of OB influences behaviour in given business
The motivation is an integral facet of teamwork and have significant role in Path-goal
theory. The path-gaol theory helps leaders to inspire their workers by praising them. The
direction is provided which helps in accomplishing goals by holding and advising managers on
correct path. In context to Marks and Spencer leaders can focus on several forms of behaviour. It
also suggests that leaders are agile and willing to change its leadership style in path-goal
principle which influences environment, work and employee characteristics. This theory helps
increasing employee motivation and empowerment.
From this it was concluded that organizational behaviour is the study of individual
behaviour within the organization. The culture of the organization influences the behaviour of
the organization. In the workplace, managers develop the motivation to create a positive
environment by motivating employees. The work performance of the employee is positively and
negatively influenced by culture, power and politics. The Marks and Spencer organization uses
motivational theory to help achieve the goals and objectives. In addition, the different concepts
and philosophies of organizational behaviour are applied to the organization. The effective team
is designed to complete the assigned task in the most efficient manner. The company requires
management for development and sustainability by combining human and non-human inputs.
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Books and Journals
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