
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Effective Teams in Deloitte


Added on  2023-06-12

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisation Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Effective Teams in Deloitte_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team
behaviour and performance..........................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
P2. Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisation...........................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
P3. Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team............................8
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
P4. Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organizational context
and given business situation.......................................................................................................11
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Effective Teams in Deloitte_2

Organizational behaviour is the understanding of interactions between people of an
organization. The behaviour is assessed in order to make business more efficient and effective.
The results of organizational behaviour is used by administration and human resources managers
to understand business culture and its values better. It is the primary concern of human resource
managers. For this project, the selected organisation is Deloitte which is a multinational
professional services network, founded in 1845 and currently operates in 150+ countries
(Deloitte, 2022).
This report studies the influence of culture, politics and power on individuals as well as
on team's behaviour and performance. It evaluates effective achievement of organisational goals
through process theories of motivation and motivational techniques (Birnbaum, Chow and
Gilliland, 2021). It further explains what makes a team effective and the concepts as well as
philosophies of organisational behaviour.
P1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team
behaviour and performance.
Organisational culture is combination of principles, expectations and patterns that
motivate as well as guide the activities of all employees in an organisation. An enhanced culture
represents affirmative traits which helps to improve productivity of employees and performance
of organisation. Within Deloitte, organisational culture impacts all aspects from employee
benefits to their promptness (Cop, Alola and Alola, 2020). Deloitte prioritize its culture to
overcome difficult situations and changes in environment of business. The importance of
organisational culture in an organisation is given by Charles Handy is discussed below in context
of Deloitte:
Power culture- In this culture, only few superiors have the power and all the decisions of
company are made by them. They delegated the responsibilities to junior level and the
subordinates have to follow the given instructions. If Deloitte use power culture it may
results in more involvement, collaboration and high productivity of employees as there
will be no confusion about the responsibilities and job.
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Effective Teams in Deloitte_3

Role culture- It is a culture where roles and responsibilities of every employees are
decided on basis of their specialization and qualifications. If Deloitte adopts this culture it
can increase the efficiency of employees as they can decide they can do best and grab the
opportunities willingly.
Task culture- Companies who create teams to attain certain objectives or to solve crucial
problems are an example of task culture (Cormier, 2018). If Deloitte follows this culture,
this might helps the company to achieve specific targets and handle uncertainties with
team efforts.
Person culture- In person culture, the employees of an organisation feel sense of
importance over company. It is not beneficial for Deloitte if they follows this culture as
the employees work just form them and not for the growth of company.
As per the above analysis, it is best to follow Role culture in Deloitte as it is job-oriented
and every employee of the company knows as well as understand their work. It further provides
stability, predictability and improved performances in organisation.
Organisational politics is the term associated with self interest and plans of a personnel
without thinking what impact it may have on the goals and growth of a company (Landers and
Marin, 2021). This may lead to self promotion, conflicts and factionalism in an organisation. In
term of Deloitte. Organisational politics can be of two types:
Positive- When the employees feels the need to achieve personal goals along with
organisational goals it created positive politics in organisation. In Deloitte positive
politics influence individuals career advancement, improve the power and position of
company and develop the sense of achievement as well as success of teams.
Negative- Negative organisational politics can lead to unhealthy work environment and
chaos in the organisation (Leavitt and Sluss, 2017). It may impact the concentration of
employees and create miscommunication in organisation. Negative politics can affect
Deloitte in terms of growth, performance, job satisfaction and organisational commitment
of individual which will further impact organisational productivity.
Organisational power is the quality of a company to influence the actions of individuals
and team of organisation. It benefits organisation to delegate tasks to subordinates and decides
their role in journey of organisation success (Miner, 2018). The power dynamics given by John
French and Raven in context of Deloitte are explained below:
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Effective Teams in Deloitte_4

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