
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance, Motivational Techniques, Effective Team vs Ineffective Team


Added on  2023-06-07

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional Development
Unit 12 –
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance, Motivational Techniques, Effective Team vs Ineffective Team_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
How an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour
and performance..........................................................................................................................3
P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context...........................................5
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team............................6
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organizational
context and given business situation...........................................................................................6
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance, Motivational Techniques, Effective Team vs Ineffective Team_2

The assessment of a corporate organization's stability and progress is provided by organizational
behaviour. Additionally, it aids in the future prediction of the organization and its success. In
order to accomplish the desired goals and aid in the growth and development of the business
organization, this concept essentially serves as a guiding postulate for the betterment of the
organization. Motivation guarantees that the employees are worth and capable of performing
well. In order to foster a good working connection between the company's management and the
employees. It is crucial for the organization to give regular encouragement to the employees
working in a particular business unit(Stewart, Courtright and Manz, 2019). The topic
organizational behaviour will be examined in respect to Morrisons company in this report. It is
the fourth largest supermarket chain in United Kingdom. Its headquarters are situated in
Bradford, England. It was established in the year 1899 by William Morrison. It has 499 stores in
England, Wales and Scotland. There are 110,000 employees are working in the company at
present and they are serving approx 11 million customers per week. This report discusses the
motivational ideas that have an impact on the goals and objectives of the organization.
Additionally, it describes the elements that are necessary to form a successful team. It also
includes information on organizational behaviour ideologies.
How an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and
As the culture of any business organization never stays the same and always evolves with
something new, there are numerous approaches to assess organizational culture in context to
Power culture- this is a culture where the rule of might is upheld. The organization's power and
position are held by a single authority. It makes every possible choice that is required for the
corporate organization. Employees working for this type of organization are unable to participate
in decision making since their ideas and opinions are considered as worthless. These people are
fully and alone responsible for directing the workers to carry out a specific task(Li, et.al, 2019).
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance, Motivational Techniques, Effective Team vs Ineffective Team_3

Task culture- the primary emphasis is placed on completing the allocated tasks within the
allotted time frame in order to achieve the intended organizational goals. To complete the work
at the required pace, different teams are being formed for the same. The team mangers that are in
charge of directing their individual teams are made leader of these teams.
Person culture- these firms encourage employee participation on the company's numerous
events outside of the work environment and permit employees to voice their opinions and ideas.
They are regarded as assets that must have the highest worth. Employees wok in accordance with
this by putting aside their own interests and focusing solely on increasing company profits.
Role culture- in this kind of company that adheres to this particular culture, tasks are assigned in
accordance with the duties of the personnel. Depending on the qualification they possess, the
employees are assigned different kinds of jobs. They use whatever expertise and information
they may have in a given field to complete the duties(Aguinis, Jensen and Kraus, 2021).
The political and external forces of United Kingdom have an impact on Morrison's corporate
culture. By creating particular rules and regulations and organizational culture theories within the
business unit, the effect caused by such elements could be lessened. This would finally assist in
concentrating on these particular models that can regulate the organization's operation so that no
outside political action may have an impact on it.
The adjustments made by Morrison's administration department were made after making careful
consideration of the changes that have occurred in the nation's political system. Introducing
creativity while addressing the objectives of the specific business could help in enhancing the
organizational culture. The cooperation that Morrison's has developed makes them connected
with the customers and with this they can stay in touch with their clients. It also supports
maintaining a positive atmosphere within the company(Weiner, 2018). Politics, culture and all
the previously mentioned elements of power all have impact on the company in some way. It
also affected the business structure that makes various decisions. The primary focus is on
keeping connection between the personnel related to that specific organisation. The elements are
to be blamed for the different transitions made in the organization. For instance, it changes the
working environment of the business unit, ensuring increased productivity and improving the
abilities of the staff to complete any kind of tasks allocated to them. Political environment is an
additional aspect. Abiding by the specific standards and guidelines that are necessary for the
efficient operation of the business significantly helped Morrison to avoid any sort of legal
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance, Motivational Techniques, Effective Team vs Ineffective Team_4

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