
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance


Added on  2023-06-07

14 Pages5012 Words421 Views
Leadership ManagementEntrepreneurshipProfessional DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance_1

Table of Contents
P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and
team behaviour and performance.......................................................................................4
P2: Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals in an organisation context.........................................7
P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team...............10
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an
organisational context and given business situation........................................................12
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Organisational behaviour is the kind of study in which group of individuals interaction is studies
with one another and the primary principles are applied to make sure about the business
operation working effectively. The term organisational behaviour includes the areas like
increasing job satisfaction, encouraging leadership and promoting innovation and also to lead to
the foundation of human resources in corporate (Cross and Carbery, 2022). This method helps to
improve the performance of their firm’s workers and also increasing their company’s profit
margin and sales. This report is about the firm Deloitte, this organisation is a multinational
services network. This company was founded by William Welch Deloitte in the year 1845 and
their headquarters are in London, England. This firm provides services to more then 150
territories and countries worldwide (Hagel and Wooll, 2019). The company can be se considered
as the biggest company and also ranked on fourth number and Deloitte has one of the largest
networks of the professional services worldwide by number of revenue and professional. This
report will explain about the power, culture and politics how influence the performance of
individuals and will also cover the theories of motivational techniques and how chosen firm get
motivation and, in this report, there is a discussion about the effective and ineffective team
difference and in the last, the different types of concepts and philosophies are discussed of the
firm behaviour in the relation to the Deloitte corporation.
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P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team
behaviour and performance.
Organisational behaviour is the basic term which can be explained as the application of
knowledge and also to examine the human behaviour which has direct relation to the different
elements of the organisation. This analysis and also measures the role of management for the
firm’s employees in the premises of the enterprise (Miao, Herbert and et,al., 2020). There are
different types of external and internal factors that has various affects on different happenings of
the firm as per the individual or also this must include power, politics and culture. The culture
factor of management can be explained as the knowledge, content and value inside the
management system. Power factor simply can be explained as the leading actions of activities
that are gradually controlled by the above higher authorities of the organisation to manage the
workers of the firm. Politics factor of management is basically the term which includes the
environment of the firm that can be very much affected by the negative person or who do not
have any way to perform there working task in a proper way. The Deloitte has the biggest
vocation service network worldwide and in relation to the firm chosen, the analysing of culture,
politics and power has been discussed beneath:
Power- In this there is an analysis of strength of the individual that can be controlled and
managed from the various group of people. As the power which is represented by the firm
includes all the different types of duties and responsibilities inside the management and this can
be followed via all the team members. In firm Deloitte, the members of staff and the managers of
the enterprise are nearly responsible for all the performance during the task of the company in
very effective way. This gradually helps the firm to achieve all the goals and objectives properly
within the time limit which is set by the company (Besley and Persson, 2022). The superior
authorities and upper executives of the firm Deloitte has developed some duties and obligation
which controls all the members of the team which results in improving the working efficiency of
the employees. A controller uses various types of form which are discussed underneath:
Legitimate Power- This power can be seen basically the formal authority which is given
to the individual inside the premises of company although this comes with better position
and better job. This power is also referred as the positional power which is generally
handled via a particular position within the firm by the person.
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4
P1. Organisation's culture, power and politics influence individual and team behaviour and
M1. Critically analyse how organisation's culture, politics and power influences individual
and team performance and behaviour.........................................................................................6
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
P2. Content and process motivational theories and techniques enables accomplishment of
organisational goals in an effective way.....................................................................................7
M2. Critically evaluate how to influence individual and team behaviour through the effective
application of theories, concepts and models of motivation.....................................................11
D1. Critically evaluate the relationship between organisational culture, power, politics and
motivation with justified recommendations.............................................................................12
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12
P3. Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.........................12
M3. Analyse relevant team and team development theories....................................................14
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14
P4. Application of concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour.............................14
M4. Evaluate how organisational behaviour concepts and philosophies influences behaviour
in both positive and negative manner.......................................................................................15
D2. Critically analyse the relevancy of team development theories in the context of OB
concepts and theories that influences the behaviour.................................................................16
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................16
Books and Journals:..................................................................................................................17
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Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance_3

Organizational Behavior or OB can be defined as a study of human behaviour or the
interface between human behaviour and the organisation. The principles of the study of OB are
mainly applied to run the business in a smooth way (Adeoye, 2019). The concepts of OB
contains the areas of research dedicated to increasing job satisfaction, enhancing job
performance, encouraging leadership, promoting innovation and also a foundation of
organisational human resources. It determines the progress and stability of an organization. The
report is based on the Sainsbury Plc which is famous as the second largest supermarket chain in
UK. It has 16% shares of the supermarket sector. In 1869, the company was established by the
John James Sainsbury. It has three divisions, Sainsbury's supermarket Ltd., Argos and Banks
(Balwant and Et.al., 2019). The following report includes topics such as organisation's culture,
power and politics influence individual and team members, motivational theories that enables
achievement of organisational objectives. It also describes how effective team is differ from
ineffective team. It is also discussed with organisational behaviour concepts and philosophies.
P1. Organisation's culture, power and politics influence individual and team behaviour and
Organisational behaviour influences individual and team behaviour as well as their
performance are affected directly by the workplace' culture, power and politics. Organisational
culture is a discipline of collective principles and beliefs that helps to form the behavioural
patterns of workers within the organisation. Workplace culture may also be explained as an
initiative that differs the efforts and contribution of the structural members and delivers a
common acknowledgement of how and what is to be attained, how objectives are inter-
connected and how every employee might accomplish aims (Berraies and Rejeb, 2019). If
workplace culture suits with the dynamic factors of environment then it can leads to higher
Classification of organisational culture:
Charles Handy divided the workplace culture into various sections that have a direct
influence on the Sainsbury's Plc:
Organisational Behaviour: Influence on Individual and Team Performance_4

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