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Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power on Organizational Behavior


Added on  2023/01/16

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This report analyzes the influence of culture, politics, and power on individual and team behavior in an organization, using Sainsbury PLC as a case study. It discusses the different types of organizational culture, the impact of politics on employee motivation, and the role of power in assigning roles and responsibilities. The report also assesses the process theory and content theory for achieving organizational goals and objectives, and discusses the characteristics of effective and ineffective teams.

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
P1 Analyse how culture, politics & power can influence individual & performance and team
TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................5
P2 Assess how process theory & content theory for attainment of goals and objectives of the
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
P3 Discuss effective an ineffective teams...................................................................................8
TASK 4 ...........................................................................................................................................9
P4 Apply various philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour in context of
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................12
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Organisational behaviour can be defined as the study and application which is related
with behaviour of individuals in a given workplace. There are many activities which are part of
OB and those are predicting, planning and controlling. This is a field which is related with
individuals and teams in a organisation (Wan and Wan, 2016). This concept is applied to
Sainsbury PLC in this report to understand how organisation is being managed in such
organisations. This is a British multinational organisation which is having presence in UK.
Different aspects are discussed in this report which includes political, culture and effect of power
on a organisation. There are theories and models which are applied on this organisation. These
all together play a very effective role in understanding behaviour of organisation
P1 Analyse how culture, politics & power can influence individual & performance and team
Organisational behaviour can be regarded as study which is related to individual
performance which is related with factors such as power, politics 7 culture. Organisational
culture consists of attitude, values as well as belief which are associated with the organisation.
Every business entity have their own way of doing functions at the marketplace. For this, they
adopt different strategies and policies so that goals and objectives of the company will be
accomplished in an effective manner (Cherry, 2017) . Different leaders and managers have their
methods in order to encourage staff members and enhance their level of satisfaction. Staff
members working within an organisation highly affected by power, politics and culture
incorporated at the workplace. In the present context of Sainsbury it is required by the
management team to provide positive working environment so that they can attain their
organisational goals effectively. Concept of organisational culture, power as well as politics are
going to be discussed as follows:
This is the environment or culture of a workplace which might create both positive as
well as negative impact on the performance of employees working in the company. If employees
of the company treat in equal manner then it will create positive impact and leads to enhance
satisfaction and loyalty among staff members. It is very important for the managers to develop
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positive culture so that they can perform their activities in an effective manner by involving them
in the decision making process. There are various types of culture which are adopted by the
management team of the company which are as follows: Power culture – According to this, there are very few rules which are adopted and
followed by the staff members. Some of the employees have power to take decisions and
they are being judged on the base of whatever they accomplished. In the present context
of Sainsbury, in order to take quick decision this is the culture adopted by the
management team. Task Culture - This is the culture adopted by management team of Sainsbury where
team members of the company need to accomplish some specific goals and projects. This
will assist in performing all the functions in an effective manner so they can maximize
their profits. Person culture – In some case, individuals are the person who mainly considered as
unique as well as superior to an organization (Taştan, and Davoudi, 2017). Therefore, it is
required by the management team of the company that they must develop positive
environment for the staff member.
Role culture - This is the culture which is based on some regulations and rules. With the
help of this type of culture, managers will be able to allot work to the staff members
according to their skills and knowledge.
It is essential for the management team of Sainsbury to develop positive culture to the
staff members so that their performance and effectiveness will be increased.
This is one of the most essential and crucial element within an organisation. Their main
motive is to gain attention and distract hard working employees. In an organization large
number of individuals are associated with the process of politics which might influence the
behaviour and attitude of employees in both positive and negative manner. Politics of a company
is divided into four kinds which includes weeds, high grounds, rocks and woods. Weeds consist
of personal influence as well as informal networks (Jain, 2015). It is the type of politics which
develops dynamically & increases naturally at the workplace. Whereas, high grounds are the
amalgamation of formal authority within organisational systems. It includes rules, structure,
procedures as well as guidelines. In addition to this, rocks are the interaction of individual person

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whereas Woods refers to the formal process and guidelines. All these politics types creates both
positive as well as negative impact on the performance of employees.
Demotivation of staff members– Sometimes staff members who are associated in order
to conduct any kind of nuisance acts are apprised by the leaders and manager of the
company. This might demotivate the staff members who perform their work in positive
manner and is not rewarded by the company (Whelan, 2016).
In the present context of Sainsbury, management team of the company ensures that such
kind of functions are not conducted within the workplace. In order to avoid such kind of
politics managers need to provide job satisfaction so that positive outcome will be produced
by them.
Power is known as capability of a person in order to make other individual work as per
their instructions. Managers and leaders of Sainsbury have various roles and responsibilities
which they allot to the employees according to their skills and capabilities. All these roles and
responsibilities assist in accomplishing goals and objectives of the company in an effective
manner (Brough, Chataway and Biggs, , 2016). In this context, Head of the managers have
ability to influence other staff members and accomplish organisational goals and objectives.
Some of the powers are discussed as follows:- Legitimate power – According to this power, managers do have position which they use
in order to control, manage as well as command their staff members. Reward Power – This is the power which is hold by the management team in order to
appreciate staff members for their work as per their performance within the organization.
Expert Power – This is the kind of power which occurs when a person have in-depth
knowledge about a field or area. This will help them in order to motivate others in order
to perform their task effectively.
P2 Assess how process theory & content theory for attainment of goals and objectives of the
Employee motivation can be regarded as level of energy, strategy and creativity which si
present amongst employees of the organisation. It is very important for every organisation that
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mangers are motivating these employees so that productivity and efficiency can be enhanced.
Sainsbury has a management which is having concern about motivating their employees so that
organisational objectives can be achieved in a more effective manner. Sainsbury is one of largest
retailers in UK and it is very important for this company that they have to motivate their
employees so that their laid objectives can be achieved (Mafabi, Munene and Ahiauzu, 2015).
Many great personalities have developed many theories which are helping organisations in
motivating their employees. Such theories are very helpful in understanding needs of employees
and increase their level of satisfaction. There are two motivation theories which are applied by
basically all organisations to understand extrinsic & intrinsic needs of employees and at same
time how to provide a healthy environment for working of employees in the organization.
Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation
It can be defined as a type of motivation which
is helping employees to get motivated
internally and this will help organisations in
making less effort for motivating them. This is
a type of motivation which is very difficult to
be found in employees. This is rarely found in
employees in organisation.
On the other side, extrinsic motivation can be
considered as a motivation which is related
with various external factors in the
organization. Individual has different sources
from where motivation can be acquired which
are related to power, position, money and so
on. These factors also help a employee i getting
motivated towards increasing their overall level
of motivation
Motivational Theories: There are some theories which are related with employee
motivation. Having a positive attitude towards work is very important for identification of a
potential a individual has for their work. This is very helpful in developing effective theories and
the using the to examine attitude and behaviour of various individuals (Su, Baird,and Schoch,
2015). Such different theories of motivation are used by mangers in Sainsbury as given below:
Maslow's Hierarchy Theory: This is one f very effective theories which were proposed by
American philosopher who was famous as Abraham Maslow. This theory was developed in the
year 1950. This has five stages. These all stages are used in order to understand various stages of
employee motivation in a organisation. Managers in Sainsbury are using this to motivate their
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employees so that they can attain organisational objectives. Various stages which are part of
Maslow’s theory are explained below:
Physiological needs: This is first stage of Maslow in which basic requirements of a
human being have to be understood. There are various necessities which have to be compulsorily
fulfilled by individual so that they are able to satisfy their basic requirement such as clothes,
food, water, shelter etc. Such type of needs are very necessary for motivating employees in a
positive manner for attainment of various organisational goals
Safety & security Needs: this model includes security and safety needs with every
individual and that has to be satisfied so that each person can have a secure life. This si related
with safe and secure life (Chan and Lai, 2017). This also includes security in financial terms.
This means that a individual must be paid enough so that they can fulfil their needs. In Sainsbury
this s related with medical benefits, health insurance, medical benefits so that they can work in a
better manner for the organisation. the next step of this model includes safety and security needs
and according to this, each and every individual needs secure and safe life. This includes
financial security. This means person should get enough paid that he can protect himself or
herself from any harm related to security and safety (Dedahanov, Rheeand Yoon, 2017). Both
financial as well as non financial security must be fulfilled for employees working in Sainsbury.
This company provides some benefits to it's employees such as job security, health insurance,
medical benefits, health insurance to it's employees so that they can work in a better way for
Social Needs: when a individual ahs social & psychological needs to be fulfilled. This is
the stage which is related with social needs. A person can demand for a emotional needs such as
peace of mind,. This is related to Sainsbury as employees must have a good reputation and
position in society.
Self-Actualization Needs: in this stage, person has to make efforts so that al their
requirements are fulfilled. In Sainsbury managers will ensure that they are working effectively so
that all their needs are achieved.
Vroom's Expectancy Theory: This motivational theory was proposed by Victor Vroom
in1964. There are three elements in this model -
Expectancy: According to this very employee has to improve quality of their work. If
employee will not be capable then they will not be abl to perform their task in a better manner.

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For high quality of performance it is necessary that employees are having high quality of
performance at Sainsbury
Instrumentality: Individual can be motivated if they are having attachment towards
company. Sainsbury makes efforts that they have a potential workforce which can help in
decision making of the company.
Valency: In this element each individual ahs a particular experience which is completely
different from every individual. In Sainsbury, employees are motivated by examination of their
requirements. Rewards are provided on this basis only.
In Sainsbury there is a workforce of 44000,employees who are making contribution
towards planning of stratifies, human resource etc. They provide attention to their employees so
that effective workforce can be maintained. This company faces various issues which are solved
by adoption of various theories of motivation. They have started many programs for increasing
the motivation level of their employees.
P3 Discuss effective an ineffective teams
Teams are regarded as groups of individuals who come together for accomplishment of a
specific purpose. Organisation can improve their profitability percentage if there are effective
teams present in a organisation. In Sainsbury, it can be observed that mangers make efforts to
make teams which are competent enough so that they are able to achieve their objectives in a
more effective manner.
Ineffective teams do not posses any specific objective which they have to achieve in a
defined time period. Individuals who are part of a ineffective team do not posses any clarity
about what are their organisational objectives. More chances of conflicts are there in such teams.
In Sainsbury if there are such teams then it will lead to occurrence of conflicts and objectives
will not be achieved in specified time period (Harvey, Bolinoand Kelemen, 2018). On other part
Effective teams are those which are having a clear objectives and they posses specific targets
which have to be competed by them with time specified. Individuals who are part of this teams
posses clarity about their objectives which helps such teams in ensuring effectiveness in
organisation as a whole.
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Tuckman Theory of team development:
This is a theory which was developed by Tuckman in 1965. team management model
which states that teams must posses expertise in special field. There are five stages which are
part of this team development as given below:
Forming: This is a first stage of a team development theory. In this each team is given a
task and they have activisms which they have to perform. Such activities are part of this stage
which is related with planning, information and bonding.
Storming: In this stage team has been formed and they start doing their task and then
start sharing their ideas with each other.
Norming- Each team member has to work on values so that operation can be started
according to the set objectives.
Performing- This is a stage at which there is requirements of knowledge, independence
and motivation for employees so that they are able to effectively make individual contribution
towards achievement of objectives.
Adjourning- This is the last stage in which team is developed so that the laid objectives
in the first stage is being achieved in a optimum manner.
Management of teams is very important in every organisation so that overall objectives
can be achieved in the specified time frame (Khan, Khanand Gul, 2019). In Sainsbury managers
have to ensure that efforts are made so that expertise can be achieved by team members and
conflicts can be reduced. This will help in ensuring adequate effectiveness in the organisation as
a whole.
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P4 Apply various philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour in context of
Organisation behaviour is regarded as a process which is used to examine behaviour of
individuals who are working in organisation. This includes some factors such as beliefs, values,
tradition and customs. This is very important for the manager so that objectives can be achieved
and motivate employees. In Sainsbury manager has to ensure that some concepts and theories are
applied which are discussed below:
Path Goal Theory
Path goal theory which is having focus on various styles of leadership and has a objective
to achieve the objectives of organisation. In sainsbury the company is willing to motivate their
employees so that there satisfaction level can be increased and which can have a positive impact
on overall productivity of organisation.
Categorization of Path Goal Theory
Employee Characteristics: In sainsbury there is high level of authority which is related
with wants and needs of employees which is helping them to achieve objectives. This is also
related with developing a positive attitude amongst employees in the company.
Environment and Task attributes: This is a factor in which leaders in Sainsbury will be
having focus in solving of various problems and issues which are being affected by employees.
Leadership Behaviour: This is the stage of path goal in which leader is focussing on
employees in organisation and various factors. This the style of leadership in which leaders are
aware of employees in the organisation and various other factors (Rashid,, Gul,. and Khalid,
2018). The overall effect if this is that Sainsbury will be able to achieve their objectives in a
more effective way.
In context with Sainsbury managers are focussing on adoption if vital management style
which is democratic style of management which helps their employees in taking active part in
various process of decision making, this leads to improving the morale of employees. There is a
also reduction of conflicts ad enhance of positivity in the organisation. This is one of very vital

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factors which must be considered in Sainsbury is that there are reduction of disputes and
achievement of objectives.
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As per the above stated discussion, it has been concluded that in an organization
behaviour and attitude of individuals mainly influence the performance in both positive as well
as negative manner. Therefore, it is required by the management team to provide positive
working environment to the staff members so they produce positive and favourable outcomes. In
addition to this, there must be formation of effective teams so that it will assist in attaining goals
and objectives of the company. Furthermore, different theories and philosophies are adopted by
the managers and leaders of the company so that they can satisfy the needs and requirements of
the staff members.
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Books and Journals
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