
Organisational Behaviour Assignment - TESCO


Added on  2020-10-05

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPsychology
Organisational Behaviour Assignment - TESCO_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2TASK 1............................................................................................................................................2P1 Organisation culture, politics and power influence performance of team and individual......2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P2 Content and process theories of motivation enable achievement of company’s goals..........6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8P3 Factors which make an team effective...................................................................................8TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11P4 Philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour.......................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
Organisational Behaviour Assignment - TESCO_2

INTRODUCTIONConcept of organisation behaviour is related with study of those elements which have an impacton individual, structure and teams behaviour at workplace. Human behaviour is known asunpredictable element and study of different elements helps manager in formulate strategiesthrough which actions and decisions of employees can be manage. Mainly organisationbehaviour is related with understand the behaviour of workers who perform different roles andcontribute in success of company (Ali, 2010). It is very essential that there should be propercommunication at workplace as this ensure effective execution of all business activities and atthe same time help company in achieve customer satisfaction. TESCO, a multinationalmerchandise and grocery retailer based in United Kingdom is consider in this report for study.Company has various stores across Europe and Asia and is a market leader in grocery in UK.Influence of politics, power and culture of organisation on performance of teams and individualsworking in organisation is given in this report. Further different theories of motivation that canbe use by managers of TESCO to encourage employees to perform well at workplace is alsoincluded in this. In addition to this various elements which makes an team effective with varioustheories of organisation is all mentioned in this report. TASK 1P1 Organisation culture, politics and power influence performance of team and individualOrganisation behaviour is a concept which help in understand the human behaviour atworkplace. It help in identify and examine all element that affect the performance of employeesat workplace. Culture, power and politics are the three major elements that largely affectperformance of employees in an organisation (Ashkanasy, Becker and Waldman, 2014). It isvery important for managers of TESCO to study these factors so proper strategies can beformulated to improve worker’s productivity. All these elements can be better understood by thefollowing description: Culture: Organisation culture refers to the values shared by managers and employees oforganisation. It cover shared assumptions, values, beliefs and norms. This reflect howmanagement of company reflect to the outside factors. Organisation culture have a great impacton individual and teams working in enterprise as this make the workers aware about what need tobe done and in which manner. Types of culture and its influence on employee’s behaviour
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Handy’s culture:Power culture: Company with power culture is the place in which power is held in handof few individuals. People with power decides what need to be done and all members have tofollow set rules and regulations. Under this type of culture, individuals are judged by what theyachieve rather than how they perform (Demir, 2011). It is very important for managers ofTESCO to ensure that power should be distribute fairly among all individuals in order toencourage employee’s performance in positive way. Further’ this help in create and maintainpositive environment at workplace which improve overall performance of organisation. Task culture: In this type of organisation culture, teams are formed to perform specificprojects or to address issues at workplace. Task is important thing that’s why teams are formedto complete the tasks. Culture of this type at workplace influence employees to work well asteams are form to achieve set business objectives.Role culture: This is another type of culture which is based on rules. In this, everyemployee remain aware about their roles and responsibilities. Power of an individual is define bythe his position in company. Disadvantage of this type of culture is that decision making processbecome very slow and this slow down the performance of all individuals and teams working incompany.Person culture: In person culture, individuals see themselves as unique to the enterprise.One can say, in this type of culture, organisation is a collection of various individuals who worktogether for same enterprise (DiPaola and Tschannen-Moran, 2014). This organisation cultureimprove performance of company and individuals working in company.Hofstede’s dimensions of cultureHofstede determined six dimensions that could be use to distinguish one culture fromother and all these points that can be understood by the following points:Power distance index: This dimension of culture reflect the degree of inequality amongthe individuals without and with power. High power distance reflect the centralisedorganisation with large and hierarchical gaps in respect, authority and compensation.Opposite of this low distance index indicate the flatter organisation in which bothemployees and superiors are considered equal.
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