
Role of Organisational Culture in Employee Motivation and Communication: A Case Study of HSBC


Added on  2023-01-12

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Role of Organisational Culture in Employee Motivation and Communication: A Case Study of HSBC_1

Table of Content
MAIN BODY........................................................................................................................................3
Identifying the culture of respective organisation using various models and theories.......................3
Exploring the effectiveness of culture in context of communication in context of organisation with
the help of models and theories.........................................................................................................5
Evaluating the role of culture on employee motivation with the help of relevant theories and models
Evaluating the use of culture for improving and enhancing the success of organisations..................9
Role of Organisational Culture in Employee Motivation and Communication: A Case Study of HSBC_2

Organisational behaviour is a study of human behaviour and in context of a company is a a study of
the individuals for employees behaviour. Organisation behaviour aim is to revitalize organisational
theories and models developing a better conceptualization of an organisational life. It is important to
study and analyse the behaviour of the individuals and the whole organisation effective culture and
behaviour of the company according to the trends in the marketplace. The report is develop for HSBC
which is a British multinational investment bank and financial services holding company. HSBC was
founded in 1865 by Sir Thomas Sutherland and currently as the seventh largest bank in the world and
in the Europe. The headquarters of HSBC are in in Canada square, London, UK. The report covers
and based on organisational culture, motivation and communication (Alblas, Wijsman and van
Noort, 2019). Various models and theories are used to evaluate culture of HSBC its communication
channels and different motivational techniques used by the leaders to encourage staff. Moreover after
the evaluation of the organisational behaviour its impact on the individuals an organisation in form of
success is described.
Identifying the culture of respective organisation using various models and
Organisational culture
It is basically system of shared assumptions value believes and customs which help the
organisation to govern itself and the people behaviour in the company. These shared values
influence the people and their behaviour guiding them and dictating them how to act and
behave and perform the job roles in the organisation. The culture or the company also
includes different ideologies, attitude rules principles customs and norms of a company.
Every organisation follows a different culture which identify and determine its behaviour
along with the behaviour of the employees. Every organisation is different from one another
and a setup where different people or individuals come together to work for the common
objective of the entity. It is essential for the employees to work as a team and in coordination
to achieve targets by performing with their full potential and abilities. Organisational culture
Role of Organisational Culture in Employee Motivation and Communication: A Case Study of HSBC_3

is basically a tool to integrate the efforts and actions taken by employees in order to bring
best outcomes. In context of HSBC organisational culture is elaborated with the help of
handy model of culture. According to Charles Handy there are four different types of cultures
which an organisation can follow according to their structure and nature for effective and
potential performance of their employees and overall performance of company. These four
different types of organisational cultures are as follows:
1. Power culture refers to the organisations or companies where the power and
authority of decision-making remains in the hands of only few people which are
present at the top level management (Bakotić, 2016). The individual holding all the
powers are the one who take all the decision on behalf of the organisation and enjoy
special privileges at the workplace. These are the most important people of the
organisation delegating responsibilities to their subordinates and employees and give
them orders. Power culture is more of a directive approach their employee’s
perceptions and opinions not considered and they have no option but to strictly follow
the superiors instructions. The managers in such form of cultures play a role of a
mediator between the top level management and the workforce.
2. Task culture form of organisations which are developed and work according to a
specific task or project to accomplish all the objectives and targets related to that
particular project. In task culture organisation teams are formed to achieve targets and
solve critical problems (Fein and et. al., 2015). The organisation which is following
task culture brings together different individuals with common interest and
specialisations and form them into a team. Every member of the team has to perform
their given responsibilities and rules accordingly in order to attain the common
objective of the team and ultimately contributing towards the overall pre-determined
objective of the organisation.
3. Role culture reflex those organisation where every employee and personnel’s a
delegated their respective roles and responsibility according to their skills capabilities
and expertise. In role cultured organisation different jobs are assigned to different
people according to expertise for bringing the best out of them and making effective
use of human resource. in such a culture employees of the organisation holds
respective positions and accordingly make decisions for themselves as they have
decision making authority. The employee decide what best they can do you in the
given resources and willingly accept the challenges performing potentially. Also the
Role of Organisational Culture in Employee Motivation and Communication: A Case Study of HSBC_4

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