
Report on Organisational Culture of BBC


Added on  2020-06-05

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Report on Organisational Culture of BBC_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 1.......................................................................................................................................1a) Organisational culture of BBC and Handy's cultural typology 1986. ....................................1b) Analysis of power, culture, and politics which impacted the functioning of BBCorganisational environment.........................................................................................................2TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................3a) Theories of motivation............................................................................................................3b) Motivational techniques to improve the working efficiency of employees of BBC..............4c) Improvement in BBC which are attained by implementing the use of motivational theories......................................................................................................................................................5PART 2............................................................................................................................................6TASK 3.......................................................................................................................................6a) Teams in BBC and there importance......................................................................................6b) Determining the effectiveness of teams in BBC.....................................................................7TASK 4.......................................................................................................................................7a) Improving productivity and team performance in British broadcasting company.................7b) Barriers in performance of British Broadcasting company....................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Report on Organisational Culture of BBC_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour plays a vital role in determining plans, politics, employer,employee interaction, health and safety condition etc (Avery and Jing, 2011). It acts as tonic formaintaining stability in business which assist the firm in its growth and development. The reportwill evaluate organisational culture of BBC the leading broadcasting company of UnitedKingdom. It offers its radio, new and television services across the globe since ages. Further, itwill analyse the impact of power, culture, politics on British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).Moreover, it will evaluate the barriers which hinder the performance of broadcasting company.Hence, the report will outline the team working in company and its importance for establishcoordination and cooperation between business operations. PART 1TASK 1a) Organisational culture of BBC and Handy's cultural typology 1986. Handy organisational typology is the best method to determine the organisational cultureas it is focused on 4 measures which are as follows:The power culture which is focused on division of power and according to this the poweris divide among managers and supervisors and employees have no authority to take partin decision making process or to suggest anything as per their opinion. Further, in thisculture the workers only follow the road map framed by managers and supervisors. Thus,in this the situation and culture becomes biased because of favouritism towards specificworkers. The Task culture of Model is focused on division and grouping employees in one team ofmaximum 4 to 5 members in which the staff is divided according to the skills andcapabilities required to attaining specific goal and objectives (Bae, Song and Kim, 2012). The personal culture is focused on the employees of the company. In this themanagement in focused on employee's satisfaction. In accordance to this step of Modelemployees plays a major role in decision making process of the business. Moreover, itprovides various opportunities to workers to show their talent and ability which can assistorganisation in growth and development. Further, it is most used culture as it aims atpriority where the organisation priority to serve appropriate working environment toworkers whereas the employee's priority is to accomplish business goals and objectives. 1
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The role culture concept of Handy Model states that every individual in enterprise has itsown role and responsibility. Apart from this, the responsibilities and authority areprovided by management according to the working efficiency of employees. Power roleassist the managers in determining individuals work which is the best strategy used forestablishing coordination and cooperation among employees (Baur and Haase, 2015). British Broadcasting company implements the use of Power culture to reduce the communicationgap between staff members. It assists the entity in communicating all the responsibility,functions, duties, powers, work effectively among all employees. Apparently, the powers in BBCare managed by top management to reduce the chance of conflicts but sometimes it leads todecreasing efficiency of staff members, as according to them the individual do not play animportant role in organisational functioning. On the other hand, the culture of enterprise ismajorly b) Analysis of power, culture, and politics which impacted the functioning of BBCorganisational environmentPower, culture, and politics plays a major role in establishing effectiveness and efficiencyin functioning of employees in firm. The factors have very huge impact on the organisationalculture of broadcasting company. In this, the power of the organisation is in the hands of topmanagement who takes decision which impacts overall business environment and speciallyemployees. Besides, it is important for the enterprise to take effective decision in order to protectthe employees. Impacts of decisions in BBC are as follows:Culture in British Broadcasting company: The company do not allow employees tointeract with each other therefore all workers share formal relationship with each other and haveno participation in decision making process (Cilliers and Flotman, 2016). The organisationalculture is very rigid in which no staff members has power to take any decision even in case ofemergency. Therefore, this culture consumes lot of tome because all the decision are taken byTop management. In accordance to this culture the employees fear to interact with each other dueto which some of them hide their personal relation sand friendship from management. Thus, thecomplexity and scary environment decrease the working effective of staff members. Power in British Broadcasting company: In accordance culture which is impacted bypower because the managers who holds authority of making decision do not appreciateemployees on behalf of their performance instead almost all the decisions of BBC are biased. In2
Report on Organisational Culture of BBC_4

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