
P1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the organization behaviour


Added on  2020-11-23

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P1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the organization behaviour_1

Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................................2INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1 ..........................................................................................................................................3P1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the organization behaviour...........................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8P2 Implementation of various theories to motivate employees............................................8TASK 3........................................................................................................................................12P3 Building Effective Team in an organisation...................................................................12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................15P4. Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisationalcontext and a given business situation..................................................................................15CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................18............................................................................................................................................................
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INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour is the study of human nature in organisational interface. OBresearchers analyse the behaviour of individuals, teams and leaders in their organisational roles.The main objective of organisational behaviour is to enhance the conceptualisation oforganisational environment ( Ashenden and Sasse, 2013). The organisational behaviour isaffected by various changes occurred in allied disciplines like sociology, economics, psychology,experience of practitioners and engineering. According to a famous OB researcher, Fred Luthansorganisational behaviour is concerned with the control, prediction and understanding of humannature and behaviour in organisations. This concept examines the individual's behaviour atworkplace and estimates its impact on employee performance, job structure, motivation,communication, leadership. OB provides systematic way of how to react in an organisation. Inthe given research Waitrose is considered to analyse the organisational behaviour. Waitrose isBritish supermarket chain that was found in 1904 by Wallace Waite, Arthur Rose and DavidTaylor. The headquarters of Waitrose are situated in Bracknell, United Kingdom. It is the sixthlargest grocery retailer in UK. In the following study evaluation of culture, politics and power onindividual as well as team behaviour is examined. There are different process and contenttheories of motivation that enables effective achievement of goals and objectives in organisationthey are discussed. Also this study includes the understanding of effective and ineffective teamin achieving the organisational goals and objectives. At the end of this study, various conceptsand philosophies of organisational behaviour within different business situations is explained(Boddy, 2015).TASK 1 P1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the organization behaviourOrganisational power is defined as the ability of influencing behaviours and changing theresult of events and making people work according to your needs. Culture is defined asknowledge or characteristics of the organisation groups and it reflects the way in which a firmoperates. Politics in organisation refers to the various activities that leads to demotivation of fewemployees and negative environment at workplace. Organisation behaviour helps in examiningthe behaviour and nature of individuals working in the organisation. It is the application of skillsand knowledge which helps people to react effectively in the organisation (CarlosPinho
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PaulaRodrigues and Dibb, 2014). Waitrose is a grocery retail chain of supermarket which isfamous all over the world because of its quality products and loyal services. Organisationalbehaviour is a process which gives way for smooth functioning of the organisation. The mainobjective of this is to motivate employees and increase their efficiency and performance. Thereare several factors which influence the behaviour of individuals as well as team while working inthe organisation like politics, culture and power. In Waitrose, the concept of Handy culturemodel is used at workplace for efficient functioning of the organisation. This model was givenby Charles Handy and according to him there are four types of culture including Power, Task,Role and Person (Eloquin, 2016). These factors are discussed below-Handy's model of organisational culturePower culture- The organisation which follows the power culture at their workplacegenerally have a strong culture. In this type of organisation, power is with few individuals whomake organisational decisions. There are less rules and regulations in power culture. Employeesare evaluated on the basis of what they achieve. This helps the managers in quick and effectivedecision making. For e.g. in power culture if there is any case where organisation undergoes amerger with some other company, this decision will be taken by leader alone. (Elsmore, 2017). Role culture- These organisations are based upon regulations. Every individual knowstheir roles and responsibilities in the company. The power is estimated by the position of aperson in the organisational structure. The decision making in the power culture is slow and theorganisation has to take risk (Coccia and Cadario, 2014). Organisations which posses roleculture are highly bureaucratic. Suppose there is a case in an organisation where a newadvertisement has to be made for increasing customer base so this decision will be taken by toplevel mangers of organisation. (Geppert, 2017). Task Culture : Task Culture helps in giving flexible working structure to theorganisation. In this kind of culture different jobs are assigned to the team members and theyhave to complete their task in an effective manner. While using task culture in Waitrose jobs aredone in effective way within specified time frame. Managers of Waitrose assigns jobs and tasksto people of different departments of the organisation. (Goh, Ritchie and Wang, 2017). Person Culture : In this type of organisation culture, The individuals working in thecompany treat themselves as the owner of that organisation. The mangers can take decisions forthe company and they are free to implement rules and regulations according to them. This type
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of culture is risky for the company as people work according to their convenience and indecision making process they do not consider opinions of other employees. Waitrose will havemore conflicts and fights as there is not a single authority which is taking decision (Hall,Malinen, Vosslamber and Wordsworth, eds., 2016). Waitrose uses task culture of Handy's Typology in order to attain the specific objectivesand goals. Different jobs and tasks are assigned to people according to their skills andknowledge. Because of this individuals are able to perform better and take good decisions foroperating functions in the company (Coccia, 2014). The Impact of Organisation CultureIt is essential for an organisation to provide a positive culture to its employees in order toincrease their performance. By doing this the overall efficiency of the organisation also increases(Kallio, Kallio and Blomberg, 2015). In Waitrose there are both positive and negative impacts ofculture in their organisation. These are explained below-Positive impactOrganisational culture includes treating the employees equally and motivating them toattain goals and objectives in specified time (De Vasconcelos, Gouveia and Kimble, 2016). Taskculture is followed in Waitrose and according to this culture people are given task according totheir skills and abilities. Due to this the functions will be operated effectively and employeeswill accomplish their task and objectives in specified time. If the company has effective taskculture then productivity and efficiency of the organisation will be enhanced (Kang and Lee, ,2017). Negative ImpactIf there is presence of a poor culture in the organisation then employees and teammembers get demotivated and they cannot perform well in achieving tasks and objectives. Thus,it is essential for the company to have positive culture in the workplace for achieving the goalsand objectives in specified time. Waitrose managers and leaders take special care in developingstrategies and plans to implement affective culture for maximising productivity of the company(Katou, 2015). The impact of organisational politicsOrganisational politics is termed as the unnecessary or nuisance activities that nonperforming employees do in organisation to get attention from the managers and leaders. There
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is existence of politics in every company or workplace. Employees who are lazy and do not wantto work gets into politics in order to take benefits from their seniors. This can be stated by usingan example- In Waitrose there was an employee who got promoted because he used to giveinformation of other employees to the manager. On the other hand there was another employeewho was skilled and has knowledge about new technologies, he was not promoted. After 2-3months the team was not able to achieve its target at time (JulyHarper, Randall and Rouncefield,2012). This shows that decisions taken under influence of politics are not beneficial for theperformance of the company. No employee is benefited by involving into foolish activities(Laforet, 2016). If there is an existence of organisational politics in the workplace of Waitroseemployees will get affected in various ways discussed below-Employees get demotivated: In an organisation where politics takes place, nonperforming employees are given opportunities by managers and this leads to demotivation ofemployees working in the company. If such activities takes place in the organisation then it willdecline the performance of hard working employees. People who perform should be givenrewards and appreciated in order to maximise the organisational profits (Laurie Mullins, 2016). Decrease in productivity: Employees who are involved in organisational politics are notable to focus on their work. They are busy with other unnecessary activities like bullying, legpulling of other employees, teasing, irritating others, etc. This results in decline of performanceof these employees. The overall productivity of the organisation is negatively impacted by suchactivities (Hashim and Wok, 2014). Politics decreases the performance of individual, team andultimately the performance of organisation (Limwichitr, Broady-Preston and Ellis., 2015).Ambience is spoiled: Organisational politics leads to negative environment at workplaceof any company. Employees who are involved in nuisance activities are concerned with loweringdown other employee's image. Such non performers are involved in abusing others and makingfun of other colleagues. This disturbs the environment of workplace. There is lack of positiveenvironment in the organisation because of employees involved in politics. The managers andleaders of Waitrose ensure to provide a good environment to its employees. By doing so, thecompany can reduce the number of demotivated employees and therefore performance of theorganisation increases (Lozano, Ceulemans and Seatter, 2015).Organisational politics has positive and negative impacts on the organisation. Theses arediscussed below-
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