
P3 Discuss what makes a team effective and ineffective


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
P3 Discuss what makes a team effective and ineffective_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1P1 Evaluate how organisational power, culture & politics influence performance andbehaviour of team as well as individual......................................................................................1TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................3P2 Assess how process & content theory attain goals and objectives of an organisation..........3TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P3 Discuss what makes a team effective and ineffective............................................................5TASK 4 ...........................................................................................................................................7P4 Apply various philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour in context oforganisation.................................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9Book & Journals..............................................................................................................................9TASK 2............................................................................................................................................9TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERNCE.....................................................................................................................................9Books and Journal............................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour is a a study of individual behaviour in a organisation. It is present indifferent situations which is taking place in the company. Major objective behind this study is tostudy the relationship between staff and the organisation as a while. This assignment is based onTesco. Which is a British multinational brand of groceries and is a retailer of generalmerchandise. It is on third number when measured by gross revenue earned and is on ninthnumber measured by revenues. This report includes different theories, philosophies andconcepts, which have a influence on individual behaviour and also organisation as whole. Thererae various theories related to motivation which is encouragement for staff. There are variousmotivational theories which helps in encouraging staff at whole workplace(Skinner and Stewart,2017). TASK 1 P1 Evaluate how organisational culture, power and politics have an influence on performance &behaviour of team and individualCulture of Organisation can be defined as attitude, behaviour and values which contributetowards various tasks which can be performed in effective way. It is that factor which isconcerned with experiences, expectations, philosophies and also value of organisation. This isrelated to satisfaction of employee and positivity at workplace. Tesco is a company whichbelieves in having a culture which will help in achievement of their laid objectives. Handy's typologyIt can be defined as a model which is used for assisting the organisational culture in aeffective manner. Handy typology has four basic types of culture which assists the managementteam to attain there goals. Also, the time factor is also very important to be considered in thismodel. In context of Tesco such elements are discussed below:Task culture:This can be defined as the culture related to employees of company. Mainobjective of this culture is to get support from various staff members so that there is positiveenvironment created for their staff members in the company(Rashid, Gul and Khalid, 2018). Role culture:It is the culture where leaders and managers of company are mainlyresponsible for assigning duties, work, responsibilities and explaining overall job to theemployees in company. When employees will be motivated they will be able to work with more
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encouragement and there overall productivity will also increase. This will help in fulfilment ofmain objective of company which is to achieve their objectives in given time period. Person culture: This culture lays emphasis on considering employees as the mostsuperior and they are very important from point enhancing growth and development oforganisation. Culture is something which can help a company in execution of team spirit in thebusiness entity which will affect overall performance of employees and also organisationsprofitability in marketplace. Power culture:it can be defined as culture which is mostly related to the top authoritiesof the company only. There is a strong need for positivity in decisions of company. This cultureis very helpful in positive decision making of company, for employees of Tesco. From above discussion it can be concluded that management of Tesco must use roleculture in their organisation, this will help them in enhancement of individual and profitability oforganisation at same time. With help of increased level of motivation it will be very helpful fromemployees point of view they all will be able to understand their responsibilities and job rolewhich will lead to attainment of objectives in specified time period(Mueller, Renken and vanDen Heuvel, 2016).Politics:Politics can be regarded as conflict situation which sometime occur in organisationswhich is related to power. This has a effect on overall behaviour of employees. In Tesco, therecan be positive politics which will help the company in having practises which are very flexiblewhich means which can be modified according to requirements. Such practises are very helpfulin increasing satisfaction of employees. Negative politics can happen in form of partiality,discrimination, stereotypes etc. they have a effect on company functions. In tesco if there will bepositive politics then it means there are paid leaves, medical benefits given toemployees(Mackey and et.al, 2018). Power:It is very effective method in which top management of company has to take effectivedecisions in context to achievement of organisational objectives. In Tesco theer rae two types ofpower as mentioned below:Reward power:
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