
Organising for the Future of Work Case Study 2022


Added on  2022-10-12

6 Pages1938 Words11 Views
Leadership Management
Sohaila Mojaled
Jeremy Morrow
Organising for the Future of Work Case Study 2022_1

We agreed to choose the option of using and playing the online game PUBG mobile because
two teammates had prior knowledge and experience of the game. This encouraged the rest of
the team as newbies that they never played PUBG before to feel comfortable of playing the
game and understanding it would be much easier. We named our team is CHICKEN
DINNER , we called it like this because the winner in the PUBG game is named as WINNER
WINNER CHICKEN DINNER. Further, this is also explained in the resonation/ presentation
with the class and that is why our group is called CHICKEN DINNER (SHANG & ZHANG,
The case study for this paper is created for delivering the objective of our virtual team
performance and to achieve a performance or outcome for our project and how to learn to
work on a virtual team. While team means two or more people working together or
collaborating interactively to achieve common goals while each member has different tasks
and responsibilities to do and a role to play. Further, it has also been communicated and
coordinated is predominantly based on electronic communication media like we are using
Facebook messenger. While We discussed what was required of each member if they
continued to be in this team and how significant it was to be present in class, meetings and
with the workload prepared before. (Valenzuela, 2017).
In the sector like IT and telecommunication technologies, a growing number of
organizations prefer building virtual teams and remote groups and running outsourcing
projects using virtual team management. Internet technologies these days have allowed
businesses to hire remote team members, communicate with outsourced personnel in real-
time, and manage projects at any time from different locations. While virtual team means, a
group of people who participate in common projects by making collaborative efforts to
achieve shared goals and objectives. These people perform tasks and jobs in a virtual work
environment created and maintained through IT and software technologies.
We chose the topic of the virtual team to work upon on improving the virtual team
performance in PUBG online game. Our leader in this project is Latu , she put up the
different roles and responsibilities each would carry if chosen by a member , as she is
pushing everyone and helping us to do the tasks and work together to get the best grade in
this assessment. She overlooks all work every day making checks that work is being done by
all the teams. Moreover, I'm the Co-leader of the team. And the second charge in the project.
The role of the Co-Leader is to be present in case the leader could not attend the meeting and
Organising for the Future of Work Case Study 2022_2

I always motivate members to play games as often as possible (Lipovaya, et al 2018). That’s
when I can handle the situation in the best possible manner. In my opinion we are working in
this virtual team to understand the concept of the clear, organized, and experienced working
through the technology. I did my best in this assessment to get the best grade for me and my
group as well and further, to learn how to play this online game under the direction of the
virtual team. However, as we are a team, we should help each other and be cooperative, so
that the major goal is attained. We communicate on Facebook messenger because it is easier
for everyone and everyone have access to it. However, each member of this team put their
efforts to get an A+ in this assignment (SHANG & ZHANG, 2015).
Not everyone in the group is aware of how to play PUBG so this is also one of the
group weakness tasks for the group. There might be some critical incidents in the game that I
or my teammates can come across (Leavitt, Keegan & Clark, 2016). In my opinion the most
challenging point while playing the PUBG game was to hold the phone in both the hands and
move the virtual player forward in the main field. The controls were not feasible to operate,
and it was difficult to understand the game at first. The movement of the bullet was not right,
and this was one of the challenging tasks for me. Playing PUBG for a few weeks was a bit
challenging and trying to get into it, but having a good team to help you to get it (Eisenberg,
Gibbs & Erhardt, 2016).
Shelleiene, she is the game expert of the team and she is a pro player as she helped me
and other teammates in setting hands on the phone and letting me play PUBG, she always
help us to find tips and tricks suitable for the newbies as she is the expert in the game to
improve our game experience. There was one time when I never used to play PUBG, and
today its one of my favourite game. After practicing with my team on a regular basis my
performance has increased, and I have killed 4 people on the game on my 6th number game.
For me, it’s quite a success as I have learned how to be a good player and to be in a virtual
team as well (Martínez-Moreno, et al 2015).
As a team, we wanted to achieve the best performance and score the higher number of
the enemies. All the members in the team put their efforts and work hard towards our team
objectives and all the individual strength to feed each other’s. However, this is the best team I
have been, we were cooperative, receptive, and everyone help each other. For instance, we
always talk to each other to guide other members or newbies to where we are or the best
equipment to pick up in the game . Practice in PUBG doesn't always have to be in a real
Organising for the Future of Work Case Study 2022_3

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