
Organization and Sector Leadership PDF


Added on  2022-01-05

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Organization and Sector Leadership
Organization and Sector Leadership PDF_1

Organization and Sector Leadership PDF_2

Leadership is defined as the ability to control and lead other people towards a common goal.
There are various styles and theories of leadership which can be applied in various contexts.
Leadership plays a significant role in the banking sector in context to adopting effective
strategies and in guiding the employees of the organization to accomplish the goals. The banking
sector is a very turbulent sector which is frequently affected due to various regional, national and
global issues and therefore it remains the responsibility of the leaders of the banking sector
organizations to devise strategies accordingly which would help in addressing various
challenges. The nature and characteristics of the banking sector of different countries differ
greatly and therefore a universal strategy cannot be applicable for the banking sector of all
countries. This report focuses on the growth of the banking sector in Oman and the
organizational structure and leadership adopted by the Oman Arab Bank in order to become
more effective and competitive in nature.
Distinct cultures can have radically distinct leadership patterns. As opined by Rao (2013) even in
nations where economic and political changes are recently evolving in nature, strongly
established behavior and values in the cultures will discard immediate change of beliefs due to
pressures from reformists, governments or transnational corporates.
For instance UK managers are diplomatic, casual and helpful in nature who are open to
adjustments and seek to remain fair but at times they can be severe in nature. Sadly their
compliance with traditions, equips them with an limited wilfulness that lead to failure in
understanding different beliefs.
Whereas the American managers are decisive, combative, result and action focused, bold, sturdy
and positive in nature and always remain willing to adapt. They are good in team work and have
cooperating intention but they value their own flexibility firstly and their primary focus remains
in enhancing their individual career.
Organization and Sector Leadership PDF_3

Whereas in the Arab and the GCC countries, the authority of an organization is focused over
chief executives and family relationships are considered to be of utmost importance along with
ubiquitous nepotism.
Whereas in Indian companies, Nepotism is also evident largely in which the family members
holds important positions in a company and work in close co-ordination with each other. In
Indian markets it is seen that policy is dictated by trade groups who work in collaboration and
often develop a close relation with each other and they tend to support each other in difficult
Different leadership style possesses different characteristics which impacts the performance and
productivity of the employees in the organization. Each leadership style employs different
techniques and ways in order to lead the employees of an organization towards the ultimate goal
of the organization. As stated by Park (2016) for instance in autocratic leadership style, the
leader or managers of the organization take decision of their own and directs the employees to
work according to the decision and failure to do so results in punishment or termination of the
employees and therefore the employees are forced to remain productive and effective in nature
for their job security. Whereas in democratic leadership style, it is observed that the leaders of
the organization consult with their subordinates before taking a decision which helps in
increasing motivation of the employees which further helps in enhancing their productivity and
performance. In case of laissez faire leadership style it is seen that that the leaders allow the
subordinates to take their own decision which helps in increasing their accountability and
responsibility towards a decision which help in increasing their performance and productivity.
Different leadership style has distinct features and uniqueness and therefore certain type of
leadership style helps in determining who will follow and how. As stated by Li et al. (2015) it is
generally observed that an individual in an organization generally becomes a leader in an
organization with various followers or becomes a follower of a particular leader and it depends
on the leadership style which is being possessed by the individual. In case of transformative
leadership style it is observed that the employees of organization become followers on an
Organization and Sector Leadership PDF_4

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