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Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power on Organizational Behavior


Added on  2023/01/11

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This study examines the influence of culture, politics, and power on organizational behavior. It discusses the importance of understanding cultural differences in a global organization like Tesco. It also explores motivation theories and the role of emotional intelligence and soft skills in effective teamwork. Additionally, it covers the concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior.

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Analysis of the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
How to motivate Individuals and Team to achieve goals............................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
How to cooperate effectively with others....................................................................................9
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
Concepts and philosophies of Organisation Behaviour...............................................................9
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Organisation behaviour refers to study of individual and group behaviour in context of an
organisation. This study examines various factors which affect behaviour of organisation. In
other words organisation behaviour can also be considered as collective behaviour of the people
in an organisation. This study will discuss about influence that power, politics and culture on the
behaviour of others and how Tesco can motivate individuals and teams in the organisation.
Motivation is one of the significant element that contribute in effective performance of the
Analysis of the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in organisation
Organisational Culture
Organisational culture is a set of shared belief, values and attitude that within an
organisation and this culture guide the behaviour of organisational members. The culture
includes values and rules which are not written but are required to be followed by organisational
members and management style is also a part of organisational culture.
One of the characteristics of organisational culture is that it guides the behaviour of
others in the organisation. Culture also has impact and influence on the performance of the
individuals in organisation (Adisa, Mordi and Osabutey, 2017). Tesco is a multinational
organisation and this is why it is important that it is aware of the cultural difference. This will
make its global culture more effective and also will help in establishment of one global culture.
This culture will include considerations about culture of different countries. Cultural difference
awareness in globalisation as this makes it easy and simple to communicate and interact with
individuals from different nations.
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Hofstede’s dimensions of culture theory, this is a framework for cross-cultural communication.
This model states that difference in culture is based on dimensions which are;
Power distance
Collectivism Vs Individualism
Uncertainty Avoidance Index
Femininity Vs Masculinity
Short-term Vs long term orientation
Restrain Vs Indulgence
These are dimensions which differentiate in the culture of two countries and knowledge of the
difference can help organisations in their approach of shaping the organisational culture in
another country.
Organisational Psychology is also an important part of organisational culture, psychology refers
to scientific study of human behaviour and application of psychological discipline in
organisational context (Adisa, Mordi and Osabutey, 2017). This is also important aspect that
affects the organisational culture and organisational culture is also influence psychology.
Organisational Politics
Organisational politics is informal and unofficial efforts to sell the ideas and influence
thoughts and actions of the organisation. Such actions are aimed at increasing power and achieve
targeted objectives in the organisation. organisational politics can influence individual as well as
the complete organisation (Taştan and Davoudi, 2017). There are four types of organisational
politics these are personal influence of individual in the organisation through which they can
influence decisions. Another type of organisational politics which is based on decisions and
interactions which include politics and influence decisions and behaviour. Authority and
organisational structure are two other types of organisational politics.
Organisational Power
Power is the ability to influence behaviour and decision and through which one can make
things happen and task complete in the way they want it to be completed. There are five sources
through which individual can derive power in organisation these sources are legitimate power

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(derived from position) (Thorpe and Wheaton, 2019). Reward power (to give reward and
incentives). Coercive power (scary means for power). Referent power (ability to influence others
because they respect and admire the person who holds power). Expert power (because of specific
knowledge and skills possessed by someone).
How to motivate Individuals and Team to achieve goals
Motivation Theories
Motivation is an important contributor in performance of the individuals in the
organisation and this performance enables individuals and team to achieve their goals. Individual
and team goals enable them to contribute for the organisational goals. Various theories have been
developed by the scholars in context of organisational motivation (Bouzenita and Boulanouar,
2016). They answer what organisation can do to keep its members motivated so that they can
contribute to organisational performance and goal achievement.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
These are two types of motivation in which Intrinsic Motivation means that motivation
stimuli come from within the employee. The employee themselves has desire to perform specific
task, because results of the task performance are according to belie system of the individual and
brings satisfaction and contribute in fulfilling desire of individual. Some of the factors which
contribute in intrinsic motivation of employee are;
Work- The work of the employee is one of the most important contributing factors behind
intrinsic motivation. Employee when is satisfied with their job and work they are doing and is
happy doing this it will motivate them intrinsically.
Job satisfaction, relationship with other employee is some other factors which contribute to
intrinsic motivation of the employee.
Extrinsic Motivation is other type of motivation in this motivating stimulus comes from
external factors (Ataliç, Can and Cantürk, 2016). Employees are motivated in the organisation as
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one of their practices. This motivation is also known as the desire of individual to control a task
is controlled by external and organisational factors. These factors are reward and recognition,
pay package received by the employee, organisational activities and bonus etc.
Theories of motivation are divided in two types which are known content theories and process
Content theories
Main theories in this category are Maslow’ Hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two factor
theory and Alderfer’s ERG theory.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
This motivation theory in content theories states that basically employees have five needs which
starts from physiological needs and as this gets fulfilled other needs become desire o individual
(Black and, 2019). This is the hierarchy of needs which starts with basic lower order needs
and increase their order. The needs which are included in the hierarchy are;
Figure 1Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Herzberg’s two factor theory
This theory includes two factors one of them is hygiene factor and other is motivation factors.
Hygiene factors in this include factors which are important so that employees remain satisfied at
the workplace and motivation factors contribute in motivating employees. These are;
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Figure 2Herzberg's two factor theory
Process Theories
Process theories examine and identify how individuals needs will affect thee behaviour in
order to achieve a goal. Vroom’s Expectancy theory and Adam’s Equity theory are process
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
This theory states that behaviour result from conscious choices among alternatives whose
purpose is to maximise pleasure and minimise difficulties (Holbrook and Chappell, 2019).
Vroom has used three variables in his theory these are expectancy, instrumentality and Valence.
Expectancy means that increased efforts will lead to improved performance.
Instrumentality means improved and increased performance will lead to valued outcome.
Valence means value given by individual to the expected increased outcome.
Figure 3Vroom's Expectancy Theory

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Adam’s Equity Theory
This theory of motivation states that when people are treated fairly and advantageously
they are more likely to be motivated and at the same time unfair treatment can lead to
demotivation and dissatisfaction. This theory says that people like to maintain equity in input and
output. Input that they put in their job and output what they get in exchange and employees
compare their input and output with those of others.
These theories of motivation suggest that to motivate its teams and individuals working
in the organisation and to deal with reduction in motivation of employees because of new CEO
Tesco can use these theories.
Behavioural Psychology
Emotional Intelligence and importance of soft skills for managers and teams
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage own emotions and those of
others. This is also known as the ability to understand other people and what motivate them and
how to cooperatively work with them. This is very important skills for managers and this is also
important to have when individuals are working in team as this can make it feasible for them to
work in teams. This is known as sift skills and importance of soft skills for managers and teams
This is important as modern workplaces are interpersonal and this requires that managers
and teams possess soft skill this will enable them to effectively interact with others.
Improves team work
Increased retention
Improves employee satisfaction are some of the reasons which requires managers and
teams to possess soft skills.
Task Vs Relationship Leadership
There are two types of leader and their leadership style one in which leader only focuses
achievement of objectives and this is why only concern of leader remains completion of task.
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Relationship orientated leader and leadership is one in which leader is concerned about members
and their needs and desires. Such leaders give more importance to members and their growth is
equally important for leaders.
From research it has been found that relationship leadership is more successful than task
How to cooperate effectively with others
Covered in PPT
Concepts and philosophies of Organisation Behaviour
Covered in PPT
On the basis of above analysis it can be concluded that organisational culture, power and
politics both play important role in influencing and developing behaviours of those who are
working in organisation. Later this report included motivation and its theories and on the basis of
discussion it can be said that these are very important factors which affect and influence
behaviours of employees and ensuing that perform best.
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Books and Journals
Adisa, T.A., Mordi, C. and Osabutey, E.L., 2017. Exploring the implications of the influence of
organisational culture on work-life balance practices. Personnel Review.
Ataliç, H., Can, A. and Cantürk, N., 2016. Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory applied to high
school teachers in Turkey. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. 1(4). pp.90-
Black, S and, 2019. Process Theories of Motivation. Organizational Behavior.
Bouzenita, A.I. and Boulanouar, A.W., 2016. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: An Islamic
critique. Intellectual Discourse. 24(1).
Holbrook Jr, R.L. and Chappell, D., 2019. Sweet Rewards: An Exercise to Demonstrate Process
Theories of Motivation. Management Teaching Review. 4(1). pp.49-62.
Taştan, S.B. and Davoudi, S.M.M., 2017. The relationship between organisational climate and
organisational innovativeness: testing the moderating effect of individual values of
power and achievement. International Journal of Business Innovation and
Research. 12(4). pp.465-483.
Thorpe, H. and Wheaton, B., 2019. The Olympic Games, Agenda 2020 and action sports: the
promise, politics and performance of organisational change. International Journal of
Sport Policy and Politics. 11(3). pp.465-483.
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