
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A


Added on  2022-08-13

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Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_1

Answer to Question 1
Human resource management can be considered to be relevant part of the
business operations and in association with this, it becomes relatively crucial for the
enterprise to ensure that it is being able to manage the different operations of the firm
accordingly (DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst, 2016). In consideration of this, it becomes
effective to mention that, any firm which aims to ensure that the human resource is
happy and that their needs are being met with accordingly would be required to
undertake steps to identify the different issues which take place within the workplace
and in association with this, act on it. Hence, this section of the report is aimed at
identifying the different issues which are being faced by the Art`s food situation and the
condition of the employees. This shall then be followed by the analysis of the root cause
of the problem. This shall then be followed by the need analysis of the company which
the management has failed to detect and identify.
Assessment and analysis of current Art`s Food situation
The Art`s Food as an enterprise has several departments and one of those
departments can be mentioned to be the educational department. In relation to this, the
particular unit of the company is one of the highest earning units and in consideration to
this, it becomes very effective to mention that, the particular department is one of the
highest earning departments and in association with this, it becomes very effective for
the different businesses to understand that the different employees will be required to
be managed well. Hence, at present due to the Authoritarian Leadership style, the
workplace is run on a certain set of rules and regulations based on which the autonomy
of the different employees who are present is next to nothing.
All the employees currently are very dissatisfied with the current workplace
environment and there exists a certain level of discontent amongst the different workers
as present. In association with this, it becomes effectively essential to mention that, the
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_2

head of the enterprise is not bothered about the motivational aspect of the different
employees as present.
In consideration with this, the management is only considered by the profits of
the enterprise and is not considerate about the overall manner in which the employees’
function and feel about the firm. There are a large number of employees present in the
firm and the director who acts as a medium of communication between the
management and the workers is highly dissatisfied with the workplace (Chelladurai &
Kerwin, 2018). The management does not come into consideration or contact with the
different employees and even if they do, the communication is largely hostile.
Even when Roger had been warned about the workplace scenario, he mentioned
that, the motivation of the enterprise was not his concern and they should be largely
motivated from home. In association with this, it becomes effective to consider that, they
were not bothered about the overall happiness of the employees which was a wrong
Position of the staff members of the Educational area
In the case study, there has been a discussion on the 7 main staff members who
are essentially involved in the educational department. In association with this, it
becomes very important to understand the positioning of each of the members.
Raquel: Raquel is the director of the educational area and she is highly competent,
proactive and is present in the scenario for more than 10 years in the particular position.
In consideration with this, it is effective to mention that, she acts as the medium
between the different employees present but finds it difficult to operate under the
competitive business environment and the classic as well as the authoritarian work
environment. The management is quite hostile as well. Moreover, although the work
environment is very poor, the director has the overall capability to manage the
workplace environment very well and manage the different team members as present.
The different employees who are currently under Raquel can be mentioned to be the
coordinates, administrative assistant, customer service, clerk, technician and such
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_3

others. They rely on Raquel and manage the stressful environment to a great extent. At
present due to being paid less, Raquel has accepted another offer which has led to
great stress within the company and her team in general.
Joan: Joan can be understood to be another member of the team who is greatly
involved in the firm for the past six years. He is selfish and has a normal association
with the employees present. He is highly concerned about his own positioned and is
focused on understanding how the enterprise generally tends to perform. In association
with this, he is unfazed by the current surroundings.
Enrique: Enrique is a salesman who is in the third year of the company and has a very
good rapport with the different employees as present in the enterprise. The current
situation has caught him unguarded and he is under the belief that the current scenario
is quite unfair and needs to be improved to restore a positive and inductive workplace
Lorena: Lorena is the assistant of Raquel and is a relevant part of the team. She is
cheerful and carries out her operations adequately well. She is dynamic in nature and
her position in the firm is essentially very crucial. In association with this, she as an
employee in an enterprise feels very unsafe and does not feel that she is being valued
at all which is currently bringing down her motivational level.
Elisabeth: She is one of the seniors most employees involved in the routine actions.
She performs her job very well and has the ability to manage the customers well. She is
one of the most encouraging employees as present in the workplace. In relation to this,
it is critical to note that, she is an important part of the firm and has suffered the impact
of the poor workplace environment.
Julia: Julia has been employed at the workplace for 5 months and deals with the
parents of the children and undertakes other administrative tasks. As she is young and
new to the firm, she wants to ensure that she does not get involved in the various
controversies which tend to take place in the enterprise but clearly realizes that the work
environment is not safe at all and that the work environment is very discouraging in
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_4

Anabel: She has been employed in the field for more than 8 hours and has considerate
experience in the particular field. In association with this, she is liked by all and is a
Hence, in consideration of this, it can be mentioned that the different employees
are highly dissatisfied with their current workplace and in association with this; it might
have a negative impact on the workplace environment.
Causes of the issue and consequences for no intervention
The causes of the current scenario can be mentioned to be as follows:
1. Poor workplace environment: The work environment can be considered to be
largely poor in nature. In consideration of this, it can be considered effective to
mention that, this poor workplace environment leads to a sense of hostility in the
minds of the different employees and in association with this also leads to a
feeling that they are not being valued adequately (Cascio, 2015).
2. Low pay: The pay of the different employees can be considered to be very low
and they are not being paid as promised which has then led to a poo work
environment and culture.
3. Hostile leaders: The leaders as involved in the firm are authoritative and hostile.
They are not concerned with the workplace motivation and are just concerned
with the economic aspect which is not the right perspective.
4. Poor workplace culture: The workplace culture can be described to be quite poor
in nature (Cascio, 2015). There exists considerate discontentment amongst the
different employees and as a result of this, the work performance is affected, and
the culture is disheartening.
5. Lack of motivation: Thee motivation amongst the employees is very low and this
leads to considerate problems in the workplace. In line with this, it can be
mentioned that, it needs to be the ultimate goal of the enterprise to ensure that
the employees are highly motivated to perform well.
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_5

Consequences of no intervention:
Given below are the consequences of no intervention:
Low motivation amongst the employees: The motivational level of the employees
is affected to a great extent. In association with this, the employees are not being
able to perform to a great extent (Noe et al., 2015). In association with this, it is
integral to mention that, as the motivational level is low it leads to other
workplace related issues.
Poor work performance: The workplace performance can be considered to be
very poor. In association with this, as the employees are not satisfied with the
workplace performance, it can be considered essential to state that, the
performance of the employees is being affected (Brewster et al., 2016).
Attrition rate is high: The attrition rate of the enterprise is very high, and this leads
to additional costs, disorganized work and poor performance of the different
employees as a whole (Marchington et al., 2016).
Needs of the company required but not detected:
The needs of the company which are essential to include but are not being
included can be mentioned to be as follows:
Motivation needs: The different employees can be mentioned to be highly
disoriented and the employees are very much dissatisfied with the workplace
environment. In consideration with this, it can be essentially mentioned that as
the different employees are dissatisfied, it can be considered relevant for the firm
to ensure that they ae essentially being able to improve this Motivational level
and thereby ensure effective performance (Brewster & Hegewisch, 2017).
Need of autonomy: There exists considerate need of autonomy. In relation to
this, it can be essentially mentioned that, the workplace and the leaders are
highly autocratic in nature. In association with this, it is relevant to mentioned
that, if the employees are provided with adequate autonomy in the workplace, it
would become essential to mention that, if the employees are provided with
adequate autonomy they will be able to perform well in the long run.
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_6

Workplace culture: The workplace culture needs to be worked upon and
improved (Bratton & Gold, 2017). At present, the workplace of the company is
very destructive in nature and this makes it essentially relevant that the
workplace is worked upon adequately and considerate steps to improve the
same are undertaken.
Pay needs: The current pay of the different employees can be considered to be
quite low and it is in relation to this that, it can be effectively mentioned that, the
management needs to see to it that the pay needs of the employees are being
met with accordingly and that they are being able to perform well.
Therefore, from the given analysis, it can be effectively mentioned that at present
the company, Art`s Food is not being able to perform adequately well. In association
with this, it is effective to state that, the main aim of this given section was to highlight
the manner in which the firm tends to perform, the impact of this behavior on the
employees, the current workplace environment and other related factors which affect
workplace performance are greatly discussed.
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_7

Answer to Question 2
Teamwork forms an essential part of the enterprise and in association with this, it
can be considered effectively crucial for the different members who are present in the
firm to ensure that they are being able to maintain the different team dynamics in an
adequate manner (Woodcock, 2017). In association with this, when the team
performance in a firm improves to a great extent, the overall manner in which the
organization tends to perform also improves. In association with this, it can be
considered important for the management to ensure that the aspects relating to the
team can be improved and the different goals and objectives of the enterprise can be
improved accordingly. Hence, the main aim of the section of the study is to ensure that,
the team work and elated performance can be improved accordingly and in addition to
this, the role also lies to see to it that, the different stages of evolution of team, the team
roles and related typology can be assessed strategically.
Stages of evolution in work team
All teams as involved in the enterprise have considerate stages involved and in
association with this, it is effective to see to it that, the different teams as involved in the
enterprise are required to undergo different stages. In relation to this, it is effective to
state that in any enterprise, there exist five different stages which any enterprise
generally undergoes. These five stages can be mentioned to be as follows:
1. Formative stage: The formative stage can be mentioned to be the first stage of
the program whereby the different individuals just get to know one another and
learn how to function in a team. In association with this, the tasks are allocated in
the stage and the interpersonal knowledge is fostered. Hence, in association with
this, the purpose of the Enterprise is not defined clearly, and this leads to
structured and unstructured arguments about the purpose of a team. Moreover,
there exist various questions which are not answered as group members have
not met each other and they are doubtful regarding the offerings of the team, the
workplace satisfaction, the needs of the team, the stage at which the team
Organization Behaviour And Personal Management - Q&A_8

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