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Organizational Behavior: Understanding Culture, Motivation, and Team Dynamics


Added on  2024/06/04

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This comprehensive study delves into the intricacies of organizational behavior, exploring the impact of culture, politics, and power on individual and team performance. It examines process theories of motivation and motivational techniques that drive effective goal achievement within an organizational context. The study also analyzes the factors that contribute to the formation of effective teams, contrasting them with ineffective teams. Finally, it explores the application of organizational behavior philosophies within a real-world organizational context, using Tesco as a case study. This analysis provides valuable insights into the dynamics of organizational behavior and its influence on workplace success.

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Table of Contents
LO 1.................................................................................................................................................3
P1: Evaluation of organization culture, politics, and power impacts towards individual and team
LO 2.................................................................................................................................................5
P2: Assessment of process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective
achievement of goals in an organizational context:.........................................................................5
D1: Evaluation of relationship between culture, politics, power, and motivation that enables
team to succeed:...............................................................................................................................7
LO 3.................................................................................................................................................8
P3: Evaluation of understanding of what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective
LO 4...............................................................................................................................................10
P4: Assessment of application of philosophies of organizational behavior within an
organizational context:...................................................................................................................10
D2: Evaluation of team development theories in the context of organizational behavior inside the
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Organizational behavior can influence the working condition speed, practices, as well as
communication between working employees. The ethics of an organization indicates the working
condition of the employees. The term Organizational behavior can be described through
analyzing the way the organization work, the way in which the employees determine if they have
been treated fairly for their jobs and the outcomes of the various policies. Tesco, a multinational
groceries and retailer founded by Jack Cohen with its headquarters in U.K, is the 3rd highest
retailer in the world. In 2005 it announced 2 billion in profits, and then for sure by 2050, it will
be capturing the total global markets.
LO 1
P1: Evaluation of organization culture, politics, and power impacts towards individual and
team performance:
The recent economic and political development and changes within and outside of an
organization has influenced the working module within the organization. For understanding
reality of the external and internal environment or some organizations uses PESTLE analysis
(Kerzner, 2013). The PESTLE process is an important tool for determining the behavior of an
organization. PESTLE stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Ecological, Legislative
requirements and Industry analysis. The bank is an example of the organization working with
holding hand of their employees. One of the most known Banks in the UK market is the Tesco
Plc. Tesco Bank is entirely owned by Tesco Plc. It is situated in many different cities like
Edinburgh, Gbsgow, and Newcastle.
It has more than 3000 staffs working together as a large family for achieving the main aim of
providing meaningful financial services to the Tesco customers. They always look forward to
give great services and value to the emotion of each and every customer. They provide various
services for making the customer satisfied, mortgages, credit card, loans are the top services
which every customers willing to have. They even provide some special luxury services like club
card credit card which point to the message of thankfulness for mortgage repayment. They are
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available on online transactions which make customers even more satisfied. The genuineness and
ethnicity of the Bank is trusted by their customer due to the behavior and services. Tesco Plc is a
multinational groceries merchandise and general retailer (Burke, 2013).
Their headquarters are situated in various countries of which England, United States, and United
Kingdom are on the top of the list in accordance to the marketing perspective. They have about
3400 stores will be opened soon. There are average 30,000 colleagues who are equally satisfied
with payments and behavior of the organizations. The organization culture effects largely on the
success rate. The Tesco Plc always take care about the working condition within the organization
as they believe on giving good services to the staff which will results in giving great services to
the customers. If the product delivered to the stores is poor then it would affect the marketing
condition. The perception of the aspect of organizational culture affects the growth rate of the
The good governance is the functional management that the organizational management has to
do by making sure to the people associated with the management what they are supposed to do.
The problem of management governance leads to inconsistency. If there is no proper governance
within the management, it would have to face problems regarding effective handling the risk,
issues raised and scope changes. If the management ensures to work with proper governance,
that staff member engaged in any task would be clear about their jobs. If the management
structure is interested manager makes sure that the project management process is running in a
smooth way, the business organization will be more successful. If each and every person
associated with the management known what task they have to perform and if they work hard for
their job the management will be called to have a good governance procedure which would held
to go higher in the ladder of success and future returns (Larson and Gray, 2013).
Only good governance is the term which affects the working of organization and people in it, but
roles and responsibility is also a critical part. It is very important that each employee should
know what job they have to do and how the job is to be done.
In other words, each and every employee should be aware about the task allotted to them and the
amount of efforts needed to complete the task on time. There is a huge role of power and politics
in the business organization. The impact of power depends upon how the employees use the
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power in positive or in a negative way and influence others in the work. Positive power
encourages the organizational productivity. The positive power also includes motivating the
employees by allowing the employees to take small decisions, rewarding employees with some
gifts or bonus for their good working abilities, allowing the good performing employees to help
or supervise other employees for good results, this leads to increasing in the confidence and
motivation level between the employees. If the employee are working in good condition and they
are satisfied with the pay they get, there will be not trust issues in employees toward the business
organization (Meredith and Mantel Jr, 2011).
LO 2
P2: Assessment of process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable
effective achievement of goals in an organizational context:
Motivation is an internal force, which emerges the direction, intensity, and endurance in a
person; it encourages an individual to behave in a positive way. It consists of interacting
elements such as needs, which is the requirement to create whenever there is psychological
misbalance, drives, the different events organized for employee to give these new scope to work,
incentives, the rewards given to the employee for the task which keep them encouraging. As we
observe motivation is a cycles of 4 element working together to achieve goal. By increasing the
motivation of employee and people in the workplace can be very useful to improve the
performance for future productivity. There are several techniques which are associated together
for encouraging the employee.
A manager should set a goal for their employee so that they can complete the task in estimated
time and get some rewards in return. If there is positive environment in the workplace, the
employee become motivated and up beaten. Encouragement is what the most important thing
that a manager should do for creating a positive attitude in the employees. There should not be
any communication gap within the workplace. Employee should be given with some freedom to
work in their own way and take decisions for achieving the goal. The management should set a
goal for particular interval. So that the employees and the people associated are clear about their
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task. Create proper incentives for an individual person or group or a team to motivate each and
every person (Schwalbe, 2015).
Financial incentive means gifting with restaurant gift card, other gift cards, cash prize etc. are the
common incentives which can be useful for encouraging the employees work force. Recognizing
the whole team work and efforts done by each person can generate satisfaction in employee’s
mind. Employee’s achievements should be celebrated through employee of the month award.
This policy would encourage staff to work harder. Sharing of profits is one of the incentives that
motivate employee. Every person is interested in increasing their income. This kind of
approached can help the in collection goal setting and team work.
Tesco Plc works with their employees to set their goals to offering the best product. They
provide their employee with special gifts and cash payments. It also gives employees a sense of
pride in ownership and can improve performance and reduce turnover as well as raise morale.
They create a proper process to survey the amount of employee satisfaction. Conducting
anonymous polls to hive a particular independent party is to conduct the various surveys for
focusing the employee satisfaction. It will help to organization to catch potential morale before
the employees are out of control. At the time of higher workload every member of the
organization join hands to provide the best services possible to maintain the consumer trust and
project dead line (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016).
If there is good reputation in the market, the pressure of maintaining it is a tough job. In order to
reach the level of satisfaction within the market each and every person work together to fulfill
the demand sometimes even manager has to do the ground work to help the staff and manager
has to do the ground work to help the staff and manages the job. The main aim of Tesco Plc is to
provide services to their customers. There is a key part within the organization which faces on
working together to make sure that the customers are satisfied and taking them as the central aim
of work. Positive power encourages the organizational productivity. The positive power also
includes motivating the employees by allowing the employees to take small decisions, rewarding
employees with some gifts or bonus for their good working abilities, allowing the good
performing employees to help or supervise other employees for good results, this leads to
increasing in the confidence and motivation level between the employees.
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Encouraging the employee to pursue in additional industrial task for increasing knowledge can
help both, the organization as well as the employee. The employee can get extra pay for doing
extra work. Time to time training also increases the motivation level of the employee by training
in various categories which would make them updated and would have the knowledge about the
up grading technologies (Wysocki, 2011).
D1: Evaluation of relationship between culture, politics, power, and motivation that
enables team to succeed:
An effective team is most important for an organization to succeed. But it is not an easy job to
make a bunch of people work together as a team and so the manager of the organization has to
provide that motivation to the employers. Communication skills are most important for a team to
work effectively. Each and every member of the team has to feel their importance and must put
forward their ideas and beliefs however it's also very important to listen to others as well. Each
member of a team has their own powers and capabilities and it is in their hands to channelize
their power in the right direction. Now, everyone has their own set of goals in mind but when as
a team personal goals have to be kept aside for the team to flourish and the organization to
succeed (Flyvbjerg, 2013).
A manager of the organization has to look over the fact that the team spirit never vanishes.
Interaction with each other is must. So it's a great idea to have meetings in weeks or months just
to get the feedback as how the team is interacting with each other. Politics is something which
should be neglected by everyone as where there's honesty there's no room for politics. People
with different backgrounds gather together and so there can be some conflicting viewpoints but a
good team has to rise above that and they need to have that trust over each other. Trust creates
honesty. Honest people have their respect, not just for themselves but for others as well. There
can be times when something goes wrong and that are when a team work shows up. A team
never blames over each other rather they focus on the mistakes and tries to solve the problems.
Mutual respect and honesty are the key factors which each and every member of a team must
possess. Motivation comes from the desire to achieve something. So, an organization has to look
for the employers as well and they need to give incentives or high payments to them for their
satisfaction. A good leader can change the whole world with his ideas and creativity but without
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a proper team of hard-working people, it's quite impossible to spread that idea to the whole
world. Having an effective leader is equally important as having an effective team. A leader
focuses to set goals and achieve them in a fixed time by motivating and influencing the team.
Tesco is one such multinational company which aims to motivate its members by involving
employees in the decision making process (Shields and Rangarajan, 2013).
Tesco is very good for higher payments to their employees and it is one of the motivating factors.
Tesco also conducts meetings where employees need to participate and share their view points
on every aspect of their job. An organization like Tesco has to focus upon the customers’ needs
as well as treat the employees fairly. A good team should be flexible and should be ready to cope
up with any challenges in their way. Motivation is that force which drives people in a team to
feel committed, to feel the decisions they take for the company. Tesco has achieved a great
milestone not just because of some good leaders and CEOs but also good trams. Tesco seeks for
managers who have good decision making skills, who are confident and know their strengths as
well as weaknesses which would improve the performance of the organization.
Goals and targets must be set in such a way that it creates challenges for the employees but it
shouldn't be such unrealistic that it becomes impossible for them to achieve that. Ultimately that
would create a sense of dissatisfaction to the employees and the team spirit could lower down
(Meng, 2012).
LO 3
P3: Evaluation of understanding of what makes an effective team as opposed to an
ineffective team:
The most victorious business teams display believing and convinced properties that drive
coherence or the capability with communication along with increasing productivity. The
members of the team who are effective get together so perform and slog as particular unit to
fulfill the desire very soon. By recognizing the reason for any sort of reason in the team structure
will assist to solve the problem and get the team functioning very smoothly. It is frequently seen
that team members and the entire team is very ineffective because they suffer from a shortage or
deficiency of purpose. While they may have an altogether idea of what is to be done, there is no
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particular day to day goal or set of personal goal or aim. Correspondingly, when a team does not
exactly understand how to reach its target, it may be predestine to fail. Debating who will tackle
each aspect of the entire procedure and why is key. When the group members are not clear about
what they are working toward, they may become slack and neglectful about the quantity of work
each member should attain daily. Efficiency and work moral may suffer, resulting in a more over
lessen in the overall effectiveness and performance of the team.
In equal Membership: - The members of a defective team will not carry the equal rank or
position within the entire group. When definite members speak more or are more unbolted with
point of view, or when the declaration or statement of feelings or point of view is demoralized,
the neglected or ignored team members may develop some sentiments of antipathy toward the
entire group. When a specific problem arises within the group, it is very mandatory that the team
and the head should discuss the problem impartially and openly, and is should be solved with the
satisfaction of all the member of staff in the entire group. By constructing disagreement intention
and decision on the majority rule results in anger and bitterness, this can rise again later and will
harm the team. It is very mandatory that each and every team members should contribute equally
and no one is allowed to rise on the shoulder of the entire group.
Lack of Cohesion: - Ineffective teams are usually made up of persons who do not interact with
each other well, or those who does not belong or not have the required skills to perform the
diversity of work at hand. Some teams might have very large number members with the identical
and similar skills, while there are many other teams which have the problem just like the lack
insufficiency of proper training. The team supervisor should definitely bring some attention to
the particular and unique talents of each and every member and use them wisely and clearly
develop why tasks should be designated to each and every member throughout the entire process.
Daily aims and reviews restrict the members from taking out of the daily habit or situation.
Decision Making: - A team has a pecking order or ranking and a built in decision making system
that helps it to act very fast, quickly, successfully and productively in any sort of situation. The
members of the group are admired or appreciated for their various areas of proficiency and
skillfulness, and the leader of the group has very gradually developed the capability and the
potential to obtain the group members point of view to construct and develop the group's
response. This concern to decisions made within the group ranging from settling internal dispute
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and disagreement to a potential change in team leadership. A team is able to communicate
properly and successfully when there is an option of open communication between all the
members of the group. Problems and conflicts within a group should be handled by face to face
LO 4
P4: Assessment of application of philosophies of organizational behavior within an
organizational context:
Organizational behaviour is an organised and mathematical study of individuals, teams and
organizations in order to perceived envision and improve the distinctive performance and
operating of the management. Generally the analysis is used in an effort to organise more
experienced business organization. Organizational behaviour studies are applied for human
resource direction to increase the profit from individual team members. Organizational and
behaviour responsibility TESCO is a path to recognise and enrol about the practice of human
power in an institution. Organizational management is build-up of small level, medium level and
macro level. The phrase is being used to organise more expertise business management by
utilising the particular way for managing the trained workers to maximize the productivity from
the distinctive and group members (Kerzner, 2013).
The organization TESCO is a good in stratified transportation of power and accountability. On
the other hand the hierarchical structure management is well developed. In the TESCO
organization the mangers pursue Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire leadership technique.
They use these 3 leadership techniques in various coats within the operational framework of the
institution. Organizational framework is transposable so that they requires and prospect of the
workers can be understood and productive strategies can be applied to meet the personal
achievement of work force. In Autocratic leadership system the area of application is playing of
the opinions and schemes within the management. The benefit of autocratic leadership is
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consistency of the command and the reserved implementation of the settlement or tactics
(Kutsch, 2010) .
During the improvement of the schemes like set approval or exemption in democratic leadership.
It inspires the individuals and boosts demonstrating their talent. It gains the employees
connection with the institution. Whatever, Tesco in current time is ensuring the combined
approach of the scientific management and political management? Tesco formally is generating
through the flat organizational frame work through the severance of job conferring to the
competencies of the workers. However, to drive the sectors and the other movement they have
flourished an in house informal bureaucratic framework assists Tesco to move their working
action smoothly. Tesco has adapted some motivational techniques but it has some properties and
The company have decided to arrange some reward programs for the employees so that they
work more efficiently to earn more but the excessive force on the financial reward may develop
the incidents just like the false trading. It will affect the brand image for the particular
organization. For growing the organizational culture of the company Tesco is not a difficult and
critical job science it has cultural and various work force generating in various departments all
over the United Kingdom (DeCarlo, 2010). Organizational behaviour of Tesco was organised
over years of communication between the employees of company. Organisational behaviour
(OB) fixes how clients show himself before the company. Organisation always oversees the
attitude and the temperature of an employee in the organisation. Effective and well-mannered
nature are interesting factor for the management to promote them for a greater position so that
they can represent the organization more efficiently inside and outside the perimeter.
Personality of clients follows the attitude towards the job profile and office system. Before an
organisation can switch its environment, it must first find out the present environment, or the
way factors are now. In past few years Tesco didn’t have to fear much about contesting with the
smaller groups. Today, however, those thoughts are essential. With cycles such as Alde now
intruding more and more on share market, Tesco has been dismissed with no other option than to
come back. From the analysing, it is been scrutinised that organisational behaviour has powerful
impact on the system of working and directing the movements considering the intention. Report
had supplied the details instruction about the pros and cons of Tesco. Tesco also recognised the
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points that have meaningful collision on the behaviour of individual. Leadership plays a major
role in the strategy of business and usage of resources to set the confident behaviour of
management (Badiru, 2011) .
D2: Evaluation of team development theories in the context of organizational behavior
inside the workforce:
Motivation for Team Theory Development: - Inventive and creative teams help build businesses
and develop very successful companies and business organizations. Basically business a firm
concentrates on high production levels study teams and ability cooperation and communication
at the business with an eye on making changes to revamp and exceed the productivity to a high
scale. Apple founder and former Pixar head Steve Jobs, for example, included and assimilated
teamwork as a very important part of his cooperative and collaborative operations. Steve Jobs
thought the main cause to high-performing teams involved regular basis member of staff
interaction. Brain marching distinctive business schemes or finishing a large task demands the
help of a team. When a project is inaugurated, the usual process is to nominate a leader for the
group and then select a nuisance of people to help with project. He generally used teamwork
agendas in the establishment of his corporate headquarters to maximize the workers
communication. In spite of the fact that Steve Jobs developed and introduced the communication
and interaction through electronic media, he also encouraged and boosted personal and direct
face to face communication to boost very successful teams and work places.
Theory Foundations: - The initial educational and scholastic study of teamwork took place in the
1950s under the guidance of psychologists inspecting how humans relate to themselves and
others. This group looked at how work impacts team communications and the actions team
members take to techniques and expertness of the other members in resolving a problem at work.
Supplementary studies traverse and considered the changes in teams over time and how teams
use, combine and merge the technology in completing various works. Management have the
authority and the power to develop new codes of compartment, behavior and ethics that every
staff member of the consortium must comply with and put into action. The premature and
untimely formal studies of alliance took place after World War II and concentrated on finding
the exact and particular reasons for the failure of military teams.
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In this assignment we have investigated the fundamental motivation hypotheses that have been
increased to describe motivational behavior. Several cases view motivated culture as attempts to
gratify requirement. Based on this way, directors would assist from accepting what customers
need so that the performance of workers can be recognized and managed. The elective set of
accomplishment and targets encircle securing a good job, by preference with good earning and
optimistically with a high level of job amusement. None of these assignments are full on their
own, but every analysis gives us with a structure we can use to study, communication and
regulated worker behaviors in the workplace (Lorenzi and Riley, 2013).
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