
Organizational Behaviour Theories


Added on  2023-04-08

10 Pages2472 Words123 Views
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Organizational Behaviour Theories_1

As discussed by Alcover et al. (2017), organizational behaviour or OB is considered
to be a study of ways that are implemented by people or organizations in order to study their
behaviour. The principles that are applied in this case are helpful in improving the efficiency
of organizations and the employees as well. The study based on organizational behaviour also
includes the areas based on research that are dedicated to increasing the levels of job
satisfaction, improvement of job performance, encouraging the levels of leadership and many
more. Organizational behaviour based studies have its roots in late 1920s and my researchers
have developed different theories that are related to the ways by which behaviour of people
can be understood (Apter 2015).
The essay will be based on the study of two major organizational behaviour based
theories that will be able to provide a detailed picture of the ways by which the theories were
developed by the two authors and the limitations that have been faced in the process. The two
theories that have been considered for this analysis are, Schacter and Singer's (1962) Two
Factor theory and LeDoux’s Model of High-Order Conscious Emotion. The theories will be
able to provide a detailed analysis based on the ways by which the emotions and thoughts of
the employees have an impact on their work process and the reactions that are provided as
Discussion of theories
Theory One - Schacter and Singer's (1962) Two Factor theory
According to Coppin and Sander (2016), the two factor theory of emotion mainly
suggests that emotions are related to two major factors that include, physical arousal and
cognitive label. The two factor theory was developed by two researchers, Stanley Schachter
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and Jerome E. Singer. Two factor of emotion is based on the proper combination of two
major states that are cognition and state of arousal that is related to the ways by which a
person can the best of a particular situation. The theory argues that when people are aroused
that starting searching for cues related to the reasons for their feelings (Corneille and Stahl
Aims of the author
As discussed by Dror (2017), the main aim of the development of two factor theory is
based on the ways by which the emotions related to a particular behaviour of people can be
tested. The three major propositions that were developed for completion of this experiment
include, if someone experiences a state based on arousal that lacks any explanation, they try
to describe the emotions in terms of cognitions. If someone experiences state of arousal that
is related to appropriate explanation they try to describe the emotions based on alternative
cognitions. If someone is placed in a situation that is related to his or her past emotions, they
tend to react in an emotional manner and experience emotions that are related to
physiological arousal (Fausto 2017).
Methods used by the author
According to Kurtessis et al. (2017), the experiment was conducted by the authors
based on 184 male students of a college who were taking classes based on the subject of
introductory psychology at the Minnesota University. The participants were then taken into a
private room and they were also told that the major aim related to the experiment was based
on analysis of the effects that vitamin injections can have on the visual skills of people. The
injection was named Suproxin. Around 184 of the total 195 participants had agreed to take
part in the experiment. The participants were then given an injection of adrenalin or placebo.
The effects that were based on the application of adrenalin are based on the increase of heart
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