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Organizational Culture and Project Management


Added on  2023/06/09

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This article discusses the impact of organizational culture on project management and how a new project manager can facilitate a successful meeting with employees. It also explores the different types of organizational culture and their relevance in government organizations.

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The culture of an organization has been a difficult characteristic for defining as several aspects of
culture might entangled with it. Organizational culture have been central of the functionality of a
company. The culture of an organization has been holistic and soft which is difficult to change by itself.
However, it creates opportunity for the development of company in the market. There are four types of
organizational culture including Clan Culture, Adhocracy Culture, Market Culture and Hierarchy Culture
(Verhoest et al. 2016). In the case of government sector, various levels of leaders are included in these
type of organizations. Therefore, decision making system of these organizations depend on every level of
systems. Therefore, these government organizations have been using the hierarchy culture in their
organization. These culture maintain a hierarchical structure of different leaders at each step and follow a
proper rule. However, organizational culture tends to be unique for a particular organization in the
market. The hierarchy culture deals with efficiency based coordination in the organization (Harrison &
Baird 2015). The operations of the organization become smooth under this organizational culture. Several
rules and regulations of the company are kept together with the help of this organizational culture.
Meeting with a new team provides a new opportunity to manager for development of the team in
the company. The use of various opportunities in the operations might help in the development of the
company in the market. As a new project manager, I would personally meet every employee for gathering
their news related to the project. I would provide goals and objectives to employees in order to maintain
a proper approach to the company. I would initiate training classes in the organization for training new
employees based on the project details. The skill development of the employees I necessary for
completing this project with proper quality and within deadline (Hollenbeck, Noe & Gerhart 2018). I
would arrange a meeting of all employees and staffs in the office who are related to the project. There are
few steps that I need to follow for arranging a successful meeting in the company.
Deciding for the meeting employees and staffs is the first step of the process. However, not all
employees of the company are invited in the meeting. It is necessary to invite only project related people
attend this meeting. Therefore, a proper discussion about the project can be possible in the meeting
(Heritage, Walqui & Linquanti 2015). Facilitating a meeting depends upon the way by which
effectiveness of the meeting get increased. The use of proper settings in the meeting helps in proper
orientation of the meeting. Emphasizing on important points of the meeting and project is a great way for
facilitating the meeting. Arrangement of proper venue and chairs impacts a lot on facilitating the meeting
in a formal manner (Kaner 2014). I have to listen to conversation of employees related to the project
details for maximizing the efficiency of the meeting.
Document Page
Harrison, G. L., & Baird, K. M. (2015). The organizational culture of public sector organizations in
Australia. Australian Journal of Management, 40(4), 613-629.
Heritage, M., Walqui, A., & Linquanti, R. (2015). English language learners and the new standards:
Developing language, content knowledge, and analytical practices in the classroom. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard Education Press.
Hollenbeck, J. R., Noe, R. A., & Gerhart, B. A. (2018). Human resource management: Gaining a
competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill Education.
Kaner, S. (2014). Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making. John Wiley & Sons.
Verhoest, K., Van Thiel, S., Bouckaert, G., Lægreid, P., & Van Thiel, S. (Eds.). (2016). Government
agencies: Practices and lessons from 30 countries. Springer.
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