
Organizational structure of Fudo Bakery


Added on  2022-07-20

26 Pages6655 Words35 Views
Table of Contents
Business..................................................................................................................... 1
Organization............................................................................................................... 1
Firm............................................................................................................................ 1
Differences between Business and Organization....................................................1
Different types of organization................................................................................... 2
Public Sector........................................................................................................... 2
Private Sector.......................................................................................................... 3
Voluntary Sector...................................................................................................... 3
Legal Structure........................................................................................................... 3
Sole Trader.............................................................................................................. 3
Partnership.............................................................................................................. 3
Corporation or Companies....................................................................................... 3
Limited liability Company..................................................................................... 3
Franchising.............................................................................................................. 3
Licensing................................................................................................................. 3
Profit and not for profit and non-government organizations (NGOs)..........................3
Differences between for profit and not for profit and non-government organizations
(NGOs)........................................................................................................................ 3
Size of organization.................................................................................................... 3
Scope of Organization................................................................................................ 3
Scope of organization of Fudo Bakery.....................................................................3
Organizational Profile of Fudo Bakery........................................................................3
Vision...................................................................................................................... 3
Mission.................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives of Fudo Bakery....................................................................................... 3
Organization structure of Fudo Bakery....................................................................3
Organizational Structure...................................................................................... 3
The interrelations between each department............................................................3
Stakeholder................................................................................................................ 3
Shareholder............................................................................................................. 3
References................................................................................................................. 3
Organizational structure of Fudo Bakery_1

“Business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a
profit, the goods and services that satisfy society`s needs”[CITATION Wil09 \p
9 \l 1033 ]. Business is defined as human activity detected toward producing or
acquiring wealth through buying or selling goods[ CITATION Han141 \l 1033 ].
Organization is the process of identifying and collecting the activities to be
carried out, determining and assigning responsibility and authority, and
creating relationships with the aims of enabling people to work more
effectively to achieve goals[ CITATION All58 \l 1033 ]. Organization is defined
as two or more people working together in a structured way to achieve goals
[CITATION Lew \l 2057 ].
A firm is a commercial enterprise, a company that buys and sells products
and/or services to consumers with the aim of making a profit. In the world of
commerce, the term is usually synonymous with ‘company’, or ‘business”.
Differences between Business and Organization
There are significant differences in economic conditions around the world.
There is a difference between organizational responsibilities and
organizational goals. Different sectors; There are some major differences
between industry and industry. The difference is mainly based on the legal
status or ownership of the business. The legal ownership of a business is sole
proprietorship. It could be a company or a corporation. Organizations can be
divided into different sections or activities. The same is true of government
and private restrictions. Restrictions make it convenient for the public. Public
services related to public services such as health and education. Private
restrictions include production. Services are budget related. Businesses
today do not call their business "profitable." Helping to solve social
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problems; Stimulate different social movements. Some businesses operate
internationally. They offer their products to the global market and create a
business strategy that adapts to the global market.
Different types of organization
Public Sector
Public sector is a part of the economy under the government control where
government agencies and states establish and manage various types of
organizations for the common good on behalf of their citizens[CITATION
Placeholder1 \l 1033 ].
The purposes of public sector organization are to provide services that are
essential for the well-being of society.
Table 1:Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Sector Organization
Advantages Disadvantages
Stable industry
Not affected by recession
Benefit the local community
Low exploitation
Low productivity
Lack of innovation
Political interference
Risk of producing inefficient
[ CITATION Get181 \l 1033 ]
Examples of Public Sectors organization
1. Myanma Economic Bank
2. Myanmar Railways
3. Myanmar Pearl Enterprise
Private Sector
The private sector is the part of an economy where the business is owned
and controlled by the private sector that is the part of the economy where
ownership and control of the organization are in the hands of private
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individuals or groups and where profit-seeking is a central- goal [ CITATION
Wor15 \l 2057 ].
The main purpose pf private sector organization is to generate profits from
their business operations.
Table 2:Advantages and Disadvantages of private sectors organization
Advantages Disadvantages
Uninterrupted existence
Easier to growth and diversity
More profit oriented than the
High Labor productivity
Harder to motivate and control
Disagreements over how to run the
Inflexibility due to long-term
Shares cannot be sold on stock
[ CITATION Get131 \l 1033 ]
Examples of private sector organization
1. Kanbawza Bank
2. Myanmar Apex Bank
3. Max Myanmar group
Voluntary Sector
An organization which the main purpose is to create social impact rather
than profit is known as voluntary sectors or third sector
organization[CITATION Rea18 \l 1033 ]. The aim of voluntary organizations is to
fullfil their mission, and somehow work for the public good.
Table 3:Advantages and Disadvantages of Voluntary Sectors organization
Advantages Disadvantages
Gain confidence
Emotional involvement
Personality conflicts
No guarantee of financial support
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Voluntary efforts keep costs low Less income
[ CITATION Woo131 \l 1033 ]
Examples of Voluntary sector organization
1. World Health Organization
2. Non-profit organization
Legal Structure
Sole trader
Corporation or companies
Joint Ventures
Sole Trader
A sole trader is a self-employed person who owns and runs their entire
business as an individual[ CITATION Kor21 \l 1033 ]. The sole trader is an easy
to operate and manage organization due to the owner being the only
employee so the business is highly flexible and can make decision by
themselves. Sometimes the proprietor faces disadvantages by having limited
resources due to the proprietor being only the person in the business. They
have unlimited liability and large responsibility. Restaurants, hairdressers,
plumbers and electricians are examples of sole proprietorship[ CITATION Wor \
l 2057 ].
The term partnership, is used to mean a business structure where in two or
more individuals, come together for undertaking a lawful business and have
agreed to share the profits and losses arising from it. The management and
operation of the business should be performed either by all the partners or
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any of them, acting for all the partners[CITATION Bus193 \l 2057 ]. The
partnership is the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a
business in common to profit, like the sole trader, this form of business
organization does not have its distinct legal personality and hence the
owners, the partnership has unlimited personal liability, is an unincorporated
form of business organization comprising two or more individuals working
together for mutual benefit, each partner liable in full for the whole debt and
each[ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ].
Corporation or Companies
They are a group of people who has the same has the same interest about a
particular business [ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ].
Limited liability Company
Limited company is a corporate association having a legal identity in its own
right, means that all properties, other assets owned by the company belong
to the company and not to its members(owners), so that normally non- profit
organizations such as professional, research or trade associations and are
much less common than companies limited by shares, a company which the
owners are not liable for company’s debts or liabilities. LLC are mixture of a
partnership and sole trader [ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ].
Private Limited Liability Company
Private limited companies are often small privately held business entities
whose liability is limited by shares. Because the business is small and
privately held, the business is limited to having a small number of
shareholders (for e.g., 50 shareholders in the UK) [ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ].
Moreover, the shares cannot be publicly traded which means that private
limited companies cannot list their shares on the stock exchange. In the UK,
there is no minimum capital requirement to set up private limited companies
apart from having at least one share issued at the time of incorporation.
Many SMEs operate under a private limited company status as it allows them
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