
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations


Added on  2022-07-20

22 Pages5906 Words99 Views
LO1: Explain the different types, size and scope of organizations
P1: Explain different types and purposes of organizations; public, private and
voluntary sectors and legal structure
P 1.1: Explain different types of organizations: Differences between for-profit
and not-for-profit and non-government organizations (NGOs)
Senior & Swailes (2010, p.4) defined organization as “organization can be
seen as people interacting in some kind of structured or organized way to
achieve some defined purpose or goals”. Organization is “a social
arrangement for achieving controlled performance in pursuit of collective
goals”[CITATION And07 \p 6 \l 1033 ].According to Worthington & Britton
(2015), organizations are groups of people who are with the same purposes
and working together to reach the desired goal. Veluri (2010) explained that
an organization is a framework of people who have the relationships for the
realization of goals. Organization is a formal structure that is created by
management to build relationships between people and to reach the
common goal[ CITATION Lau07 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, an organization is a
group of people working under constructed systems to reach the common
aims and goals.
Defined In this way, organization has three generic sectors and they are
private, public and voluntary sectors[ CITATION Ian15 \l 1033 ]. Worthington &
Britton (2015) explained that public sector organization is an organization in
the state sector of the economy does profits those loans and the part of the
economy under the control of the government and its agencies, where the
state establishes that runs off the organization [ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ],
organization set up by government is called Public Sector. They aim for
public services which are funded by taxes. Organizations are not part of
public sectors[ CITATION Kap19 \l 2057 ]. Private Sector are usually
organizations run privately or a group of individuals to maximize their profits
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations_1

and market shares income. A private company does not trade off their
market share unlike public business because they want to limit or restrict
their ownership. So, the main objectives of private sector business are profit
maximization for their business, increase market shares in their respective
industry, to grow faster, increase sale revenues and customer satisfaction.
Private sectors are organization not owned or operated by government. But
sometimes private sectors and public sectors cooperate to provide the
society together with a program or company. This type of partnership is
called public-private partnership [ CITATION Kap19 \l 2057 ]. The private sector
is the part of an economy where the business is owned and controlled by the
private sector that is the part of the economy where ownership and control
of the organization are in the hands of private individuals or groups and
where profit-seeking is a central- goal [ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ], are usually
organizations run privately or a group of individuals to maximize their profits
and market shares income. The voluntary sector is the part of the economy
where the economic activity that is carried out by not-for-profit and non-
governmental organizations such as charities, voluntary bodies is comprising
those organizations, including charities, voluntary bodies and community
businesses that are not-for-profits enterprises and non-
governmental[ CITATION Wor15 \l 2057 ], they are a group of people who has
the same has the same interest about a particular business [ CITATION Wor \l
2057 ].
Organizations are not the same as they have different types of purposes.
According to these purposes, there are three main types, namely, for-profit
organizations, not-for-profit organizations and non-government organizations
(NGOs). For-profit organizations aim mainly to generate profits. Not-For-Profit
organizations targets only for people with their problems other than
generating profits and also NGOs are the organizations that are not
concerned with the government but these organizations offer services to
help people.
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations_2

According to Mullins (2010), for-profit organizations are groups of people
which are related to business and organized to earn profits. Not-for-profit
organization is a compound of people organized for community of citizens
other than generating profits[ CITATION Cor19 \l 1033 ]. The income for the
organization is not distributed to its members such as directors, officers etc.
These organizations are organized under state laws of the country[CITATION
Cor19 \l 1033 ].Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) are the not-for-profit
private organizations which are organized on local, national or international
stage to support the citizens and these organizations are not controlled by
the government[CITATION Kal97 \l 1033 ].
The differences between these three types of organizations are being
explained in Table 1.
Table 1: Comparison between for-profit organization, not-for-profit
organization & Non-Government organizations (NGOs)
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations_3

Source: Prepared based on Norwich University (2016); Worthington & Britton
In conclusion, according to the table, there are different types of
organizations and these different types of organizations have different
elements such as purposes, products and services, financial sources,
audiences, employees and ownerships.
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations_4

P 1.2: Explain the range of legal structures associated with different forms of
business: sole traders, partnerships and private limited companies.
Organizations exist in many types according to their different features such
as type of purposes, ownership etc. Among these organizations, business is a
type of for-profit organization i.e. business organizations aim to get profits.
“Business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a
profit, the goods and services that satisfy society`s needs”[CITATION Wil09 \
p 9 \l 1033 ]. Maheshwari (2003, p. 1) elucidated business as “an activity, in
which different persons exchange something of value whether goods or
services for natural gain or profit”. Vēṇugōpāl (2006, p. 2) defined that
“business refers to all the activities concerns with production,
manufacturing, lending, selling, leasing to get profit”. Hence business is a
kind of organization where people are working systematically to get the
desire goals and profits.
According to the above definitions, it is clear that business is a type of for-
profit organization. And so there can also many other organizations due to
their differences. The first one is about the Legal Form. Legal Forms are
different according to how the organizations are constructed. Legal Form can
be explained in terms of limited and unlimited liability.
Limited liability is a kind of fundamental principle which means in a
company, if some problems happened and these caused the company to go
bankrupt, these shareholders will lose the value of shares but the case will
end with these values and it will not continue for the shareholders` other
personal assets[CITATION Cor19 \l 1033 ]. Due to above definition, limited
liability is a type f legal form which is safe for shareholders and owners of a
company as this type of legal structure will not harm to the owners`
respective possessions.
According to Worthington & Britton (2015), unlimited liability means that if
the business is established by only one person or it is established with
partners, both individual owner and partner have full responsibility for what
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations_5

happen within the business. For example, if the business loss in law suit or
has some depts, the owner has to solve this and if the financial is not
enough, the owner has to sell his or her personal assets. Depending on the
above meaning, it can say as unlimited liability is a kind of dangerous legal
form as the owner of the business that owns this type of legal form can have
many threats and so creative ideas will not come out as expect.
According to these legal forms, organizations are differentiated to three
types such as sole trader, partnership and limited company (private and
public). Among these, sole trader and partnership type of organizations have
the legal form of unlimited liability and limited companies have the legal
form of limited liability. A sole proprietorship is a simple business that is run
only by the owner so it has no legal distinction between the owner and the
business. It is not a legal entity. The sole trader is an easy to set up
organization due to the owner being the only employee so the business is
highly flexible and can make decision by themselves. When a business is
only operating and run by single person the owner receives the all the profits
from the business. Sometimes the proprietor faces disadvantages by having
limited resources due to the proprietor being only the person in the business.
They can face lack of new or innovated ideas and have unlimited liability.
The business may pause or face difficulties due to the ownership.
Restaurants, hairdressers, plumbers and electricians are examples of sole
proprietorship[ CITATION Wor \l 2057 ].
The term partnership, is used to mean a business structure where in two
or more individuals, come together for undertaking a lawful
business and have agreed to share the profits and losses arising from it.
The management and operation of the business should be performed
either by all the partners or any of them, acting for all the
partners[CITATION Bus193 \l 2057 ], the partnership is the relation which
subsists between persons carrying on a business in common to profit, like
the sole trader, this form of business organization does not have its distinct
Types, Sizes, and Scope of Organizations_6

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