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Original Creations: Developing New Products and Improving Business Sales


Added on  2023/06/05

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This report discusses how Original Creations can develop new products and assess their market potential. It covers the roles of different departments in improving business sales and identifies reasons and key issues faced by the organization. The report provides recommendations to improve performance, including using social media marketing, strategic management, starting own production house, and developing effective planning and strategy.

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Foundation of business

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Executive summary:........................................................................................................................3
How this Original Creations can better develop new products and better assess and forecast
their market potential...................................................................................................................4
Departments of Original Creations and their roles in developing new products and improving
business sales...............................................................................................................................5
Key issues....................................................................................................................................7
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Executive summary:
Business management is defined as the process that is related to organising and coordinating
business activities to attain determined goals and objectives in best possible manner. Original
creations are the organisation that is taken into considerations. The key purpose of the study is to
critically understand the different issues being faced by the Original creations in regard to the
high product returns. From this report, it is found that In-house production is the best solution
that help business to reduce cost as well as chances of failure. This report covers various reasons,
issues and recommendations to Original creations for improving performance.
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Business management is considered as the method that is linked to managing as well as
organising the activities and the actions of the business in the suitable way possible by the
management of the business. In addition to this associate and executives of the commercial
business focus in working on several different duties as well as rules in order to accomplish the
short term and also the long term targets and objectives of the business which will assist the
organization in earning more and more profitability and income as it will lead to long term
growth and success of the business in the industry (Barbetta, 2022). In the existing environment
of the business which is highly competitive this is significant for the commercial enterprise in
accordance to maintain every of its work and practices in more of the structured way so that
management can work more effectively with higher productivity and performance level.
Moreover to this the following report is based on the organization original creation which focus
in trading as well as dealing in several different product and services in the market area that are
blood pressure monitor, hair clips, several different types of scrubs and various other types of the
good. The respective business has several of different producers in the United Kingdom as well
as in the international market area. In addition to this the respective report will involve about
several different difficulties which are basically handled by the business that are linked to
making of more suitable goods as well as forecasting the preferences and demands of those
goods in the market area. Also several different particular reasons of the business together with
this several major recommendation are also given to the business in order to make several
modification and alteration in the management of the business which can lead to developing the
new service or product as well as anticipating the Newmarket area in which the business can
expand their operations.
How this Original Creations can better develop new products and better assess and forecast their
market potential
Original creation is not at all functioning in developing as well as marketing of IT
services and products in its market area due to because the commercial business focus in
outsourcing its practices and activities that are linked to manufacturing and production of its
major star goods to several different businesses globally (Clevenger, and, 2022). In the

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method of modifying the existing product or developing a new good as well as also predicting
the potentiality of the industry management of the respective organization basically need to focus
on several different techniques and strategies which are written below in brief:
Market survey: Market survey refers to one of the most crucial technique as well as
strategy which supports the commercial businesses in order to attain several different
information as well as material that is linked to the existing trend of the market, demand,
requirements as well as preferences of the consumer base and various more. In addition
to this in relation to the respective organization original creation every of these data focus
in providing support to the respective organization in accordance to make several
different changes in accordance to preferences and demands of the market and also target
the market area which is more potential as well as efficient for the business (Engel,
Schulze Buschhoff, and Ebel, 2022). Management also utilise the date of the market in
its decision making process as well as planning of the development of the good of or new
Market research: This is known to be one of the most efficient strategy and technique in
accordance to gain more relevant as well as reliable data on a specific period of time
which provides support and assistance to the respective organization original creation in
accordance to create and develop a new service and good which are in respect to the
demands as well as preferences of the clients in the market area (Harris, and Rajgopal,
2022). This is also essential for the management in order to conduct in depth and major
research regarding the market potentiality and consumer base of the business as it also
offers and supports the business in order to manufacture and produce several effective as
well as efficient goods which is beneficial for the business as it satisfy and fulfil the
requirements in preferences of the consumer base. Research of the market also offers
appropriate data on the foundation of the business which can basically target potential
and effectual market area that focuses in rising the share of market of the business as well
as clients and income as well.
Departments of Original Creations and their roles in developing new products and improving
business sales
There are many divisions and departments of the business that are performing in the business in
accordance to achieve the predetermined targets as well as objectives with more effectiveness as
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well as more efficiency. In respect to the management of the original creation organization focus
in tightening it’s several division which are associated to making a new service or the good and
several of the division of the management of the respective organization as well as its objectives
and duties are described in brief:
Manufacturing department: The division of the commercial business is basically
connected with producing the new service or modifying the existing good in the structure
and effective way. In addition to this workforce of the business of this department has the
very crucial part in making a new good with more efficiency as well as effectiveness that
was beneficial for the profit margins of the business. Associates and executive of the
respective organization majorly paying more emphasis on its crucial measures in order to
make sure that efficient prediction of the goods and satisfaction of all the requirements in
desires of the clients (Joshi, and, 2022). Management of original creation focus on
creating different division for manufacture the goods which is associated to working on
particular task of production.
Quality management department: The main obligation and role of this division is to
assure that management is focusing in providing top quality products and services to their
consumer base before offering them to the clients in the market area. In addition to this in
context to the original creation business focus on positioning several measures and
benchmark with supports the organization in accordance to manufacture and produce top
quality goods which is different from the rivals in the market and it has better quality if it
is compared to the products and services of rivals in the market area. As this will support
the organization in increasing their brand value and reputation in the market area which
will ultimately lead to more consumer base and profitability in the market area
(Korsakienė, and Raišienė, 2022). In the procedure of making a new service and product
department of quality management is required to pay more focus on the quality of the
good witch basically attracts more and more clients and also retain the existing customers
with the business for long period of time.
Human resource management: Division of human resource refers to one of the most
important department of the business which basically maintains and manages every
activity and practices that are associated to the betterment and related to the welfare of
the workers that are functioning in the business. In addition to this human resource
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department is basically obliged for managing the workforce of the business and providing
them with suitable training and direction and also encouraging them with more
appreciation and rewards from they are working as it will lead to their higher motivation
and morale which will assist the business in accomplishing the long term objectives and
goals with more effectiveness and efficiency because workers are working in the
organization with more productivity and performance managers of the respective
organization are basically accountable for managing and maintaining the effectual
employees which also encourage is the worker in order to make them contribute
ineffectual accomplishment of the task as well.
This is also crucial for the commercial business in order to retain as well as engage more on
complete evaluation by conducting the internal as well as external environment elements and
also their effect on the productivity as well as performance of the respective organization (Lorek,
and Lorek, 2022). Several of the reason are described below in brief:
Ineffective market research: Management of original creation do not focus more in
conducting the market research effectively and in a substructure which effect the understanding
of the business regarding the preferences and demands of the customer in the market area. In the
existing environment of the business which is highly competitive, this is crucial for the
management in accordance to conduct market research which is more effective and structured as
well as systematic as it supports the organization in accordance to evaluate the requirement of
the customer and also offer them the goods which are in according to the preferences and their
requirements. This will assist the business in increasing their brand value and reputation in the
market area as well as it will lead to more consumer based and higher profitability with more
effectiveness and efficiency.
Inexperienced staff members: Origination requires to hire and recruit staff which is more
experienced because currently they are lacking in experienced of asit influence and effects
operations of the business in accordance to manufacture new goods and services negatively. In
addition to this it is basically one of the most common reason that majorly effect on the working
performance of the business negatively so organization need to hire talented and skilful staff in
order to overcome this (Nijhof, and, 2022).

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Lack of creativity: Management of respective organization need to be more creative asit
will assist the management in developing new goods or modifying the existing product in
accordance to the preferences of their clients in the market area. Moreover to this it is also
essential for the respective business in accordance to offer suitable and effective programs of
training to there staff which overall assist in adapting and enhancing their capabilities as well as
different set of skills and making them more capable to give more creative as well as innovative
ideas in relation to the development of the good or modifying the existing product.
Key issues
There are several difficulties that are handled by the management of the respective organization
in respect to enhancement in the returns of the good witch effect the entire productivity as well
as level of performance of the business negatively and several of the problems are described and
mentioned below in brief:
Low sales volume: Lack of adequate sales is known to be one of the major problem and
difficulty which is basically handled by the management of the respective business
original creation which majorly effect on the whole survival of the organization in the
existing business environment which is majorly competitive (PIÓRKOWSKA, and
PIWONI-KRZESZOWSKA, 2022). Moreover to this sales which is declining down
minimize the earning and margins of the prophet of the business as it will lead to the low
effectiveness and negative growth of the business.
Poor communication: Ineffectual communication is considered as one of the major
problem which is managed and faced by the business and in the process of creativity and
innovating anu good or modifying the for adults of the business workers and staff of the
business does not interact and communicate suitably among each other. This is the major
reason behind the problems and conflict in a group which declines and minimises the
level of productivity as well as performance of the business and employees.
Failure in executing planning in considerable manner: Management of respective
business impose several different policies and implement strategies in order to make and
develop new merchandise but these implementation of strategies are not successfully
function and can lead to wish the time of the worker and business so management need to
focus on if actually and efficiently implementing the strategies and planning in a suitable
way (Rivera, and, 2022).
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Use social media marketing: This is recommended to the business original creation in
accordance to utilise several different digital media platforms specifically social media
marketing method which will assist the business in attracting large number of clients as
well as increasing the goodwill of the business in the different market share with more
effectiveness and efficiency. Moreover to this it supports the management of the
respective organization in order to increase the bra recognition which will lead to
enhancement in the sales as well as margin of profit that will give the business an edge
over the rivals of the business in the market area in industry.
Strategic management: Management of business need to focus on plan and execute the
framework of strategic management in the functions of the organization that will help the
business in implementing the techniques and strategies in a suitable and effectual way
(Sagnika, and, 2022). The study of strategic management supports the original
creation in accordance to overcome several problems and difficulties that are linked with
functions of the organization and help the business in sustaining and accomplishing its
long term goals and objectives.
Start own production house: Business requires to focus in opening its own
manufacturing department or production house unit focus on start developing Their own
product and sell it in the market area which will assist the business in increasing the
margins of profit and also business can conveniently monitor the quality of the product.
As the respective organization is not functioning In accordance to manufacture its own
goods instead they are outsourcing its practices of production to different enterprises in
the global market.
Develop effective planning and strategy: This is also crucial for the business in
accordance to develop effectual an appropriate techniques and implement it which will
support the management in accordance to maintain the circumstances inappropriate way
and also assist in achieving the long term goals of the business. Moreover to this by
implementing as well as developing effectual planning and strategies management can
operate the process of manufacturing with more competency (Vlados, and
Chatzinikolaou, 2022).
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Adopt effective business structure: Commercial business requires to focus on
maintaining effectual interaction and also focus in motivating the staff in order to make
them function more productively by letting them involved in the process of decision
making of the business and asking for their innovative and creative idea in order to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the business (Walker, and, 2022). This
will assist the organization in increasing the moral of their workers which will ultimately
lead to their enhancement in productivity and performance that will ultimately is
beneficial for the respective organization in order to attain success and sustainability in
the market area.
From the above report it has been concluded that business management is considered to
be one of the most essential techniques which provide assistance to the respective organization in
accordance to focus on maintaining and managing its working and practices which will
ultimately help the business in achieving their long terms goals and objectives in an effective and
efficient way. As respective organization is focused in making a new product which is very
crucial for the business in order to scale their operations of the business and in order to do that
management need to make sure that they are offering there consumers with high quality goods
and services.

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