
Providing challenging and authentic outdoor environments for toddlers and Pre-Schoolers


Added on  2023-06-08

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Providing challenging and authentic outdoor environments for toddlers and Pre-Schoolers
Providing challenging and authentic outdoor environments for toddlers and Pre-Schoolers_1

It is so unfortunate that children cannot design their outdoor play environment and thus
they have to depend on the context which is set by their parents and guardians. If children had
the design skills, they would design playgrounds based on their preferences which are very much
different from what most adults can develop for them. Children given the opportunity will design
outdoor environments naturalized with plants, flowers, water, dirt and animals (Barratt, Barratt-
Hacking & Black, 2014). We are all shaped by our experiences in life. This experience enhances
our wisdom and environment in which we operate. Most of the adults we have today used
asphalt playgrounds which they used when they were kids as their model. When someone has to
design an outdoor playground environment for kids he/she has to search through the paradigms
of the playground environment which resembles their childhood environment. For today,
children have more playground equipment becoming safer as compared to what we had in the
past (Clark, 2017). Adults are known to admire their environment, and they can remember and
think about their childhood environment which they are brought up into. Children absorb the
thing they see in their outdoor playground environment, they not only recognize these things, but
they become a part of their soul. They incardinate themselves in the world about them and that
their eyes see and their ears hear. For the early year’s environment of a child to be enabling, it is
significant that parents and guardians should have a deep understanding of how children learn
and the value of their independence (Dietze & Kashin, 2016). This paper focuses on current
ideas, beliefs and approaches to providing challenging and authentic outdoor environment for
children.it also focuses on current research on risks to achieve effective physical skills and
wellbeing of children.
Providing challenging and authentic outdoor environments for toddlers and Pre-Schoolers_2

Ideas for providing challenging and authentic outdoor environment for children
According to several studies which have been conducted over a period indicates that
many kids are delighted calmer when they are outdoors. Children are not always happy when
they are forced to spend most of their time indoors they like been outside where they can run,
jump, yell and socialize with other children their age (Davis, 2014). It is advisable that parents
should allow their kids at least spend some time outdoors playing with other as they appreciate it
very much. For these reasons, a scientist has been able to come with ideas which I can give space
to kids in the outdoor playground environment which to them is very essential in early childhood
as it enables them to grow and learn (Weare, 2013). Parents and guardians are advised to
encourage their kids to play outside. Outdoor playground environment should keep on evolving
with the child age and interests to offer more opportunities for exploration, discovery and
learning. Parents should think of ideas like using recycled materials and corporate them in their
outdoor playground environment to give them a new life (Clark, 2017). The idea involves the use
of pallets and wooden spoons. Cooking materials such as market stalls are also preferred as they
make perfect outdoor playground resources as they help children get creative with recycled
materials. Use of this equipment makes children get the chance to see the essential roles and
advantages of up cycling and recycling waste products in their environment as well as giving
them an opportunity to explore and use their imaginations into using these materials in different
Water is another idea which designers can come up with including water in outdoor
playground environment for children. Parents who have water tanks in their homes are advised to
allow kids to access water and play with it (Ernst, 2014). However, they should keep close
supervision on them while using water so that they can learn how to conserve water and stop
Providing challenging and authentic outdoor environments for toddlers and Pre-Schoolers_3

wasting it. Children should be taught how to turn the water taps when they want to get some
water to play with and off after they get it, this is because if the water runs out, they are forced to
end their play session. Children should be provided with water tub which they should use while
watering gardens and vegetables to ensure that they learn how to make sure that all areas in the
garden get enough water. With the use of this idea, even toddlers are now able to use water cans
whenever they want to water their gardens. Outdoor playground with water gives them a chance
to explore further. Parents and guardians should provide children with the opportunity to be
responsible before expecting them to act responsibly (Clark, 2017). Water in the outdoor
environment is a fantastic tool for learning and discovery. It leads to a conversation such as
droughts, water conservation and questions like why plants need water to grow. Use of sands,
rocks and natural materials give an endless opportunity for kids to incorporate into play. Kids use
large rocks and logs for climbing and dramatic play (Tovey, 2014). Introducing plants in the
outdoor playground environment is another exciting idea which every designer should think of.
The plants can be in the garden or a pot. They play a significant role in making kids understand
the lifecycle of food and help them understand how plants grow and come to the table at meals
(Davis, 2014). It is a lesson for caring for the environment and plants. The last ideas are the use
of adventure and risks as they help children develop some problem-solving skills which enable
them to be able to overcome challenges and problems which encounter.
Beliefs to providing challenging and authentic outdoor environment for children
Many aspects of designer beliefs about providing challenging and authentic playground
are similar, and they are focused on the benefits of challenging outdoor playgrounds.
Practitioners and healthcare professionals in Australia share the understanding of principles of
early years framework which aims at ensuring that each child has the right of been healthy and
Providing challenging and authentic outdoor environments for toddlers and Pre-Schoolers_4

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