
Overall Critical Analysis of PfL


Added on  2021-04-21

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Running head: Overall Critical Analysis of PfL 1Overall Critical Analysis of PfLStudent nameInstitutional Affiliation
Overall Critical Analysis of PfL_1

Overall Critical Analysis of PfL 2Overall Critical Analysis of PfL.Component 1: Introduction. The Computerization of PAYE is an advanced system of collecting taxes from civilservants. The system is complex yet the conventional method for tax collection from alltaxpayers immediately they earn their salaries. With the growing number of people ingovernment jobs and posts, the system pinpoints the tax process which directly affects thetaxpayers. About 24 million taxpayers have active records, and therefore the PAYE systemaccurately helps the taxpayers to access their data conveniently. With the appropriate technology,the system allows for easy data entry through the use of terminals over the desks of revenue staff.It also allows them to have decentralized operations where the PAYE system revenue to followssuit (Prencipe, 2014).The main issues of this case study; the Computerization of PAYE are broadly connectedto the resources, the risks, technology, the taxpayers and the institutions. The institutions refermainly to the vast computer system scale which was built for the proper functioning ofbureaucratic structures. It combines the government functions that revolve around thedepartmental boundaries. With time, electronic data exchange was involved between thecustomers and suppliers. Again, the other issue which touches on the resources for the PAYEsystem, tax administration used in filing returns of staff. There are selected administrativeremedies which rope in gathering a vast share of personal income tax (Baroon, 2013). Under this assignment, the Computerization of PAYE critically analyses the mainconcerns which are allotment of knowledge in research, the certain context in undisclosedsystems and how the PAYE system present an outlined procedure to solve problems and
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Overall Critical Analysis of PfL 3inconveniences in the present times (Kotlarsky, 2014). The allotment of knowledge, which canalso be referred to as knowledge distribution, is essential mostly to industrial predicaments. Thiswill provide an avenue to assess and detect the problems that bring back the developments in theindustries.The concepts underlying PAYE system are subjugated by the view that theComputerization of PAYE needs to be treated as an entity of analysis (Lousberg, 2016). Thisanchors the relative study on how internal processes influence the present and prospectivestrategies. The outcomes or results propose that researchers about managing projects requireexpanding the sequential scope, to analyze and develop how plans would evolve during thesechanging times and furthermore on the organizational structure (Lousberg, 2016). The mainsections and the areas that this project will be built on is raising issues on the case ofcomputerization of PAYE, give a critical analysis of the model and their explanation on thecomputerized system of PAYE (Blumenfeld 2015, p. 380). The project will also discuss indetails the problems encountered during development of the project and explain the applicationsof the selected theories in the first assignment.Component 2-Analysis on managing complex projects1.1 Application and explanation of the Cynefin Framework.The Cynefin Model deliberates a broad framework that touches on the main areas in theimplementation and management of knowledge. It articulates discussion on the topic of sense-making and analyzing decisions. This model when used in the computerization of PAYE, itenables us to get a clear picture of how organizations and edifying systems dissipate theirprocedures to avoid inconveniences (Snowden, 2014). Therefore, in the PAYE system case, the
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Overall Critical Analysis of PfL 4model can be explicitly applied to make a sound decision that relates to the implementation ofcomputerization of tax process (Burston 2015, p. 10). Delays and inconveniences in the taxprocess are eradicated, and a faster and easier way to collect taxes becomes inevitable.The four types of cognitive operational quadrants of the model are essential in activeinformation processing. Thus one ordered domain, applied to detect the causes and effects ofcomputerization of the tax process, the relationship in the linearity of the process. If there areflaws in the process, can be detected earlier and rectified. Second, the unordered domain; appliedto the complex relationship. It is significant to note that the process touches a critical part ofhumanity regarding their salary (Blumenfeld 2015, p. 370). Hence, the complexity should beanalyzed so that it does not infringe anybody. Because of its complexity, again there should beprovided a period so that any challenges encountered can be understood before implementation.To couple up the details of these quadrants, they all seek to achieve a process whosecauses and impacts are known, their relationship and complexity. It is mandatory that they areunderstood to avoid chaos, discover patterns that are manageable so that the process of taxcomputerization becomes adaptable. The Cynefin model is mainly applied in the automation ofthe tax process because it does analyze the cognitive model (Snowden, 2014). It criticallyexamines and explains knowledge-based components which are essential in the implementationof the PAYE systems. 1.2 Application and explanation of the Diamond Model.The Diamond model, which is geared to international competitiveness, is known to flawadversely in micro-economic businesses (Rugman 2014, p. 20). Accordingly, the Diamondmodel can be applied as an emphasis in discussion to improve the sectors; performance, growth,
Overall Critical Analysis of PfL_4

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