
The Overall Structure of Social Care Provision


Added on  2020-06-04

1 Pages962 Words226 Views
The overall structure of social care provisionIn today's scenario, individuals are getting conscious abouthealth. For this, they want qualitative quality products andservices that are able to satisfying their needs and wants in aneffective manner. In UK, Health and Social Care (HSC) sector isgrowinghealth and social care sector is growing day by day as thenumber of health conscious people is also increasing rapidly.Employees who are involved in HSC should be polite and clamVoluntary sectors - At the same time, othergroups, such as those working in thevoluntary sector, started gaining interest inpublic health issues.Other regulatory bodies in Health and SocialCare –The Children's Trust runs a range of specialistcare, education and therapy services forchildren and young people from across theUK.,Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are known aslargely administrative bodies, which are liablefor commissioning primary, and secondaryhealth services from providers. A mental health trust provides health andsocial care services for people with mentalhealth disorders in England. Mental HealthTrusts may or may not provide inpatientpsychiatric hospital services themselves. Thereare 60 mental health trusts. They arecommissioned and funded by clinicalcommissioning groups.Strategic Health Authorities (SHA) were waspart of the structure of the National HealthServicein England between 2002 and 2013.Each SHA was responsible for enacting thedirectives and implementing fiscal policy asdictated by the Department of Healthat aregional level.UK government has implemented an effective organisationalstructure for all health and social care sectors that is must befollowed. It is beneficial for management to recognise employees'needs and wants and also improves the decision making process ofthe company. Furthermore, organisational structure of NHS is statedas under: - Public sector The public sector’s National Health Service (NHS)provides free healthcare to citizens living in the UK. The majority ofprofessionals working in the public sector will work for the NHSeither as primary care nurses with patients at the onset of a healthproblem or as secondary or emergency care nurses handling patientswith specialist issues. Private sectors - The private sector is, in simple terms, a businessand therefore, has a goal of making a profit. The private sector offersacute care services to patients as well as provides the majority oflong-term care available.CONCLUSIONAs per the above mentioned report, it has beenconcluded that health and social care sectorsare concerned on rendering high quality goodsand services to patients as per theirrequirements. Health and Social Care playsthe most effective role in providing highINTRODUCTIONWORKING IN SOCIAL CARE SECTOR(Structure of social care provision)
The Overall Structure of Social Care Provision_1

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