
Overview of Network Security in Internet of Things (IoT)


Added on  2024-05-14

11 Pages2567 Words234 Views
Overview of Network Security
Overview of Network Security in Internet of Things (IoT)_1

Table of Contents
1. Literature review of Internet of Things (IoT):.............................................................................................2
i. Introduction to IoT........................................................................................................................................2
ii. Characteristics of IoT compared to the traditional network (please include the variety of devices
that are used in IoT).........................................................................................................................................2
iii. Discuss three areas of applications for IoT................................................................................................3
2. Analyse critically, three current or future security issues in IoT and its countermeasures.........................3
i. Explain and analyse critically three security issues in IoT...........................................................................3
ii. Explain the countermeasures/mitigation techniques and tools used for each of the security issues...........4
3. Presentation..................................................................................................................................................4
Overview of Network Security in Internet of Things (IoT)_2

1. Literature review of Internet of Things (IoT):
i. Introduction to IoT
Internet of things is the technology that has changed the world to a great extent and is extending its
area to convert almost all real entities into the virtual entities of high intelligence. The major motive
of the IoT is to maintain unity among the everything that surrounds us and taking information
states the state of the things through intelligence medium. The global system of internet is
responsible for providing the connectivity and it uses a medium of standard protocol suite so that
multiple users can access it. Instead to this, there are various types of networking system such as
public, private, governmental and so on that serves for different purposes and these networking
system are developed with the help of several wireless, electronic and optical type of technology. It
has been found through some resources that world population’s 32.7% people are using this internet
connectivity. There is also possibility of setting internet into the space in the coming years and this
will provide advantage in the future [1].
IoT is the type of thing or person which has large difference when compared to the actual real
entities. It is actually a combination of intelligent objects structured in specific way so that it has the
capacity to organise and share information automatically or either under the control of humans. It is
type global infrastructure which can be deployed anywhere and can provide the internet
connectivity anywhere. The connectivity of population using the internet is done by various means
of communication such as telephones, servers, computer system, social networking sites. When the
devices connected into the networking system transfers huge volume of data then the availability of
the internet connectivity provides path for communication through internet protocol standards and
received through some networking tools [2]. These tools understand the complexity and give
response very intelligently. However, it is actually a technical innovation which is responsible for
representing computing future in addition to communication channel. It involves advanced
innovation if several fields such as wireless, nanotechnology and so on.
ii. Characteristics of IoT compared to the traditional network (please include the
variety of devices that are used in IoT).
The basic characteristics of the IoT are described here as:
1. Interconnectivity: IoT helps in interconnection between various types of infrastructures so that it
will support global information sharing and communication
2. Things-related services: With the help of IoT, it becomes easy to things related services having
some associated constraints in the form of privacy and consistency between the associated physical
and virtual objects. Both these things after getting the services will change due to advancements ni
their functioning [3].
3. Heterogeneity: IoT consist of several devices and all the devices are heterogeneous because they are
related to different platforms and networks. They require different types of network to interact with
some other types of devices and networks.
4. : There exist several stages of a particular device such as connecting or disconnection and it changes
dynamically. The other factors such as their number of devices, location and speed of the devices
also vary with their application for use.
5. Enormous scale: The magnitude of devices connected to the network for the communication should
have high order when compared with the order of internet connected devices. The data transferred
from one end to another, it should be managed efficiently for better semantic of data.
6. Safety: This feature is important one as IoT is advanced technology and with it safety must be
applied so that no damage will occur to the connected devices. It must designed for each types of
hardware, endpoints, network and even also for data transfer so that security can be maintained for
the IoT liabilities.
Overview of Network Security in Internet of Things (IoT)_3

7. Connectivity: For connectivity, the major two factors must be considered and they are accessibility
and compatibility where accessibility is defined for the network availability and compatibility is
defined as the capability to use and retrieve the useful data [4]
iii. Discuss three areas of applications for IoT.
IoT for smart living: for the smart living, there is use of several appliances which are used to save
energy and restricts any issue. The IoT devices are also used for the transmission of data for long
distances. To helps in regular working of the people such as kitchen or washing work and they need
to monitored with the smart devices. Instead of all these things, IoT can be used for making the life
secure by using digital camera or either advanced alarm system.
IoT for smart cities: Smart devices can be used the development of building and other
infrastructures to provide safety by checking vibrations in them. Use of smart lights at the streets to
manage the working at the streets. Intelligent road and smart highways with security note help in
preventing unnecessary events at the roads and highways. Use of advanced parking system helps in
detecting the reserved space to manage the parking section. IoT also helps in management of the
waste across the city.
IoT for smart industry: There are different types of industry on the global level and some of them
deal with the need of high safety. So IoT devices fulfil such need of providing help bu detecting the
level of danger by the use of various sensors. Some industries also requires the evaluation of
malfunctioning of the machines and the infrastructure over there, and IOT also helps in such
evaluation and development of their documentation [4].
2. Analyse critically, three current or future security issues in IoT and its
i. Explain and analyse critically three security issues in IoT.
1. Unauthorized access
When there is no proper authentication, any information can be accessed by anyone and will result
into the loss of information. The threat agent can extract the data and modify it to provide damage
of the associated organization. In this issue, the agent attacks the IoT devices to get the access to the
data and the relevant services and can delete the data and is very fatal to the system. This issue is
major when considered for the large enterprises where lots of personal data is stored such as bank or
financial institution. The threat agent firstly checks the vulnerability at the IoT devices because any
fault in the IoT device can initiate the attack [5].
2. DoS attack
This attack is related to the privacy issue of the services provided by the IoT devices. During this
attack, all the system of an associated organisation fails to provide the services and system shuts
down. The breaching is regarding the hacking of the system to break the data privacy. The best
example is that the agents makes the victim fool by providing that the attacking is appearing
somewhere at other location and steal the information that he wants. This also involves the
unwanted traffic at the network channel introduced by the hacker so that it becomes easy to exhaust
the targeted system which results into failure of functioning of the services
3. Malicious injection
This attack involves the indulging of some unwanted software into the system with which hacker
can control all the system and the IoT devices. This can lead to the loss of data, control and privacy
of the system and even sometimes system also starts malfunctioning. The software injected contains
Overview of Network Security in Internet of Things (IoT)_4

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