1 Issues in Trans-pacific partnership Trans-pacific partnership is known as a free-trade agreement among the U.S. and other 11 nations that is bordering Pacific Ocean (Smith, 2018). This decision faced criticism due to different issues which includes: It had benefitted working making more than $88,000 in a year and it promotes cheaper goods from low waged nation. This will be burden for the companies that are from the countries having higher cost of operations. Another issue with the TPP is the fact that it should have been profiting more to the higher paid owners of the intellectual property would have received higher numbers of income gains. Another major issue with this is the fact that they are facing competitive business pressures which will reduce the incentives in Asia for protecting the environment. At the same time trade agreements could supersede financial regulations (Amadeo, 2019). U.S. negotiators need to fight for making the deal more beneficial for the U.S. Patents needs to be given more priority where it should be made more beneficial for the owners of the patents. State-owned firms needs to comply with global trade standards that safeguard their employees and environment. U.S. investors need to get some hold on the tariff protection especially for the farming sector.
2 References Amadeo, K. 2019.Trans-Pacific Partnership Summary, Pros and Cons. Retrieved from: https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-the-trans-pacific-partnership-3305581 Smith, R. 2018. Here’s what you need to know about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.Retrieved from:https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/05/trans-pacific-partnership-what-to- know/