
(PDF) Formal and informal learning in the workplace


Added on  2021-05-26

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P6) Present client advice, explaining how formal and informal problems in the workplace can be resolved.In the workplace is important to make a decision on how you address a problem and in what manor you do it, whether it be a quite whisper in the ear or going down the lower but more substantial route of a formal response. In Peter’s case, he has been in the job for 10 years so is a valued employee. As he has been praised by his old manager for 9 years and the new one comes in and criticises him this seems to be unfair. Setting him targets that he can’t reach is demoralising. I would recommend Peter initially takes an informal approach to this as to just quietly say to bob about how he feels and how he is being treated in front of his fellow employees. Taking it down the informal route saves them both a lot of time and may be more beneficial in the long run as it saves going down the formal route. This takes more time money and resources. After a short while is Peteris not seeing any improvements to his work life and how he is being treated by Bob then he should consider following their workplace grievance procedure. Following this means following the acas code as a minimum which is the full procedure in line for any grievance case. The procedure followed will be taking into account when the case reaches an employment tribunal. They should make sure all the investigative as much as they can so they are prepared when it comes to taking it to a tribunal. A tribunal is a institution or a person who determines a conclusion in disputes between2 party’s. Without following the grievance procedure this could result in the tribunal refusing to takeaction and a lot of wasted time.While Mary works for a large company employing 4000 staff, however 450 of them have become redundant with short notice. Your employer should follow the redundancy process which means they should give a notice period where you can gather your things and tie up any loose ends in the workplace. This means when it comes to leaving it is much smoother. If Mary has been employed formore than 12 years she should have a 12 week notice and at least one week if you’ve been employed between one month and two years. All the people who lost their job should be paid the legal minimum which is half a week's pay for every year of service while you were under 22 years old, one week's pay for every year of service between 22 and 40 and one and a half week's pay for every year of service over 41. Your employer should follow the redundancy process which involves discussing the redundancy with at least 1 individual in a meeting not over the phone, if your employer does not follow the process correctlyyoumightbe able to make a claim to an employment tribunal for unfair dismissal.James is being late for work consistently this may be disrupting the flow of work within the workplace and leaving others set back on work as James won’t be completing his tasks on time. Considering his supervisor is constantly bugging him and reminding him to arrive early he should take account of this and take action. After missing a meeting he is now affecting the business and how it operates. His supervisor has attempted to have an informal chat with him to get to the bottom of why he is so late and his response was with little respect and shows laziness. This is why his job was terminated. If he continued it would only be right to terminate his contract or any existing job he has at the company as he is affecting their workflow and shows no sign of improving even after numerous chances. P5 Present client advice, explaining the ways employment can be terminated.All jobs come to an end at some point, sometimes it’s the employees choice and other times it is the employers . the termination of a contract may result in various claims, including a claim for unfair dismissal, breach of contract or discrimination. In Pauls case bob is the one who has a job at risk. He is unfairly treating his employees making them feel unwelcome and unhappy in their workplace. If
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Paul were to terminate the employment of Bob he would have to speak to a more superior employee to see what they thought. If they continued to see this poor behaviour then they could make a decision. When it is the employer’s decision to terminate the employment of an employee, itis essential that the employer give the employee at least the notice stated in the contract of employment or the legal notice period. The legal minimum notice required to dismiss is one week if the employee has been employed between one month and two years. This fits into Bobs circumstances so would be applied in this case. This way Bob would take it more seriously from a higher member of the company and things would change quicker.An employer can only dismiss without notice when something has happened that it considers to gross misconduct. Gross misconduct is usually an incident that is so serious that there is no way the employment can continue. Examples of gross misconduct could include theft violence and any form of harming employees in the workplace. Essentially anything that causes a threat to the company or other members of staff. For Mary she works for a large company who should have policies set in stone regarding redundancies and other policies surrounding employment law. Giving a very short notice and letting the employees over the phone is out of order and does not comply with the redundancy policies. Mary should be given a notice period for her leaving, this should be 12 weeks’ notice if she’s been employed from 12 years or more at least one week if she has been employed for one month to 2 years. An employer always has to discuss with employees before dismissing them on grounds to redundancy, they must tell you what’s going on and what is going to happen. James is constantly being informally reminded about his punctuality. To the point where it is gross misconduct as he has been warned many times and has started to missing meetings. He is affecting the way the business runs and he could be easily replaced. The procedure for being late for work should be followed to ensure James knows the risk this is why James was sacked on the spot. As James was showing I’d say indecent behaviour by showing up late this falls under the gross misconduct sector which makes it ok to sack an employee. M4 Discuss the likely consequences if a problem cannot be resolved in the workplace.Most of the problems within the workplace can be resolved informally if not then it is best to take a more formal approach and take it up with a tribunal. However this is not ideal as it takes up time andmoney If you have tried to sort the problem informally, you should seek advice before taking matters further. The Labour Relations Agency offers free, confidential and impartial advice on all employment issues. If you are a trade union member, you can contact your trade union representative for advice and support on employment issues. The impact of continuing with poor problem-solving skills can be devastating to your company. It is common for employees, as well employees and managers to have disagreements. Conflict can often be helpful. But when conflict escalates and is allowed to go on without a resolution it can become distracting and costly to an organization.The best option is to speak to your employer or raising a grievance, this means going to an employment tribunal, you can check if this is necessary online. Most tribunals are held in a large room rather than the more formal court rooms. After opening statements the tribunal invite
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